“You are what you eat.” I am sure you have heard this phrase before. Nowadays, we are exposed to many unhealthy foods, especially the processed ones. Eating unhealthy foods can lead you to a very unhealthy life. If you’re saying that you want to eat healthy but there are no healthy foods available, then you are wrong. There are many healthy foods available around you. You just don’t appreciate their true value and importance. Among the healthy foods I know, I chose eight foods with outstanding benefits. I will call these foods, the superfoods. These superfoods do wonders for your health. It can help you lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. These will help you live a healthy life. Incorporating these superfoods in your diet will help you maintain your weight and will make you healthier.

#1 Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Chocolate doesn’t just satisfy your sweet tooth; it also does satisfy your body with its needed antioxidants, particularly flavonoids which fight heart disease and cancer. A small serving daily can improve your cholesterol ratio and prevent cancer particularly colon cancer. Raw chocolate is one of the most powerful sources of magnesium. Magnesium helps you to be alert. Raw chocolate also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid, which helps to naturally produce serotonin in your body. This is great news for those who need an emotional boost. So if you’re depressed and you want to lighten up your feeling, grab a chocolate and indulge yourself; but remember to not eat too much.

#2 Berries

Blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are also full of antioxidants. Berries contain off-the-chart amounts of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Phytochemicals, substances that plants create to protect against bacteria, viruses and other environmental threats, and flavonoids, that may help in preventing some diseases, are also abundant in berries. Berries can lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. They are also anti-inflammatory. Blueberries and raspberries also contain lutein, which is important for healthy vision. Keep in mind that the darker the berries are, the more anti-oxidants they have. Berry benefits don't stop at chronic disease prevention. Berries are low-calorie and high-fiber choice. You can also find nutrients like folic acid and vitamin C is also abundant in berries. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that a serving of strawberries has even more vitamin C than an orange!

#3 Tea

Tea, because of its polyphenols, helps prevent blood clotting and helps in lowering ones cholesterol level. When it comes to the antioxidant power, black tea is the same as green tea, but green tea has ECGC. ECGC is a powerful antioxidant that we really do think is quite special. A recent Japanese study on green tea found that men who drank green tea regularly had lower cholesterol than those who didn't. Researchers in Spain and the United Kingdom have also shown that ECGC can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Tea's polyphenols may reduce the risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers, if one consumes 4 to 6 cups daily. A study showed that just 2 cups of tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 46 percent in women. One Japanese study found that green tea lowers death rate from heart disease. Now you know why you may want to replace sodas with tea.

#4 Honey

Unprocessed raw honey contains enzymes, phytonutrients, resins and propolis--bee glue. This unique combination of properties makes it versatile not only as a food, but as an anti-bacterial agent. As a food, raw honey can raise antioxidant levels in the body. It contains nutraceuticals, which are effective in removing free radicals from our body. As a result, our immunity is improved. Honey also restores muscle glycogen after a workout and help lower cholesterol and the risk of certain cancers. Honey, when consumed with warm water, helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Similarly honey and lemon juice and honey and cinnamon help in reducing weight. Recent research has shown that honey is an excellent ergogenic aid and helps in boosting the performance of athletes. Honey facilitates in maintaining blood sugar levels, muscle recuperation and glycogen restoration after a workout. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and hence it can be used as a natural antiseptic.

#5 Leafy Greens

Dark green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, perhaps the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. They are a rich source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other effects. Dark green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega 3 fats. Perhaps the star of these nutrients is Vitamin K. Recent research has provided evidence that this vitamin have more benefits than we once thought. Vitamin K regulates blood clotting, helps protect bones from osteoporosis, help prevent and possibly even reduce atherosclerosis by reducing calcium in arterial plaques and it may help prevent diabetes. Greens have very little carbohydrate in them, and the carbs that are there are packed in layers of fiber, which make them very slow to digest. That is why, in general, greens have very little impact on blood glucose. In some systems greens are even treated as a "freebie" carb-wise (meaning the carbohydrate doesn't have to be counted at all). So, eat your greens!

#6 Omega 3-Rich Fish

The Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fishes like wild salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and mackerel, are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower tryglicerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure. Omega 3s help arthritis, and may possibly help with memory loss and Alzheimer's. There is some evidence to show that it reduces depression as well. Omega-3s are most prevalent in fatty, cold-water fish. Aim for two-to-three servings a week. These superfoods have the added benefit of being high in monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol.

#7 Sea Vegetables or seaweeds

Sea vegetables are grown in an environment replete with minerals that our body needs for optimal health. This makes sea vegetables are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. According to Seibin and Teruko Arasaki, “All of the minerals required by human beings, including calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, and zinc are present in sufficient amounts.” Edible plants from the sea also contain important vitamins including vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and folic acid. Sea vegetables have been shown to cleanse the body of toxic pollutants. Seaweed feeds the shafts and the ducts of the scalp to help improve the health of the hair. Other health benefits include regulating the hormones, enriching the bloodstream, assisting in metabolism, promoting a youthful skin color, and helping to warm the body to promote mental youthfulness.

#8 Beans

Beans are small in size, but they do have high concentration of healthy stuff. The protein in beans is about 15 grams per cup - more or less depending on the variety - except soybeans, which pack an impressive 29 grams per cup! In particular, a 2001 study found that eating legumes (beans) four times a week, as opposed to only once, was associated with a 22% lower risk of coronary heart disease. Beans are also rich in antioxidants, which helps in lowering the risk for some types of cancers. Beans have soluble fiber and low glycemic index that slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. That is why eating beans is considered a great choice for people with diabetes. Dieters can enjoy that benefit too, since the low glycemic index keeps hunger at bay after eating, and the fiber creates a sense of fullness. The fiber-content of beans also helps in your digestion and keeps your bowel functions working well.


*I made this expository essay in Eng012.
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