My name came from the names of my mom and dad. Actually, dad and mom. "Neo" is my dad's name. The "ry" part came from my mom's nickname, Glory. Her real name is Gloria though. I haven't actually thought of how difficult to articulate (and not to mention spell) my name until now. Whenever I was asked by bar tenders or cashiers or anyone what my name is, they always get it wrong. The worst was in a fast food. I was sure I clearly said "Neory". Do you know what she wrote? JOY. Wow. I tried my best to recall the time she asked my name and I am certain that I uttered two syllables. How come it became "Joy"? Oh well.

The latest was in QA department. Whenever I introduce myself, the most common comment I get is something like "ang hirap naman bigkasin ng pangalan mo." One exceptional comment was Sir Mau's. He said something like "ha? ang hirap naman. Betty nlng." followed by laughs. I don't get offended when they mispronounce my name or exchange it for another name. I just laugh it off because it really entertains me hearing them call me Nyoyi, Neony, and other variations. My friends sometimes call me Neor, Neo (Nyo), and Ne-yo. But personally, I prefer Neory. It's a beautiful name for me. Ahaha! Well, you can't blame me for saying that. It is my name. It is mine forever.