My parents told me that Nanay was getting thinner and weaker everyday. I wanted to check on her so I came to visit her. When I entered our house, I saw Nanay. She was lying on her bed. I called out “Nay! Hello!” but she was unresponsive, it’s as if she heard nothing. I sat beside her on her bed. I tried to call her attention again by saying Nay and Nanay repeatedly. Still, no response. I panicked because her eyes were open but she’s not moving a bit! So I shook her while exclaiming “Nay. Nanay, andito ko.” Finally, she heard me and said “Oh.” That was a very short response with not much emotion. Before, whenever I visit her, she would be very happy. She would get teary-eyed because of joy upon seeing me. She would also hug and kiss me. But this time, she didn’t. It’s as if she doesn’t know me. I was saddened. My eyes clouded. I knew that my tears were about to fall, so I ran to the bathroom for her not to see my crying. After calming myself, I returned to her. I asked her, “Nay, kilala mo ba ako?” Luckily, she replied, “Oo naman.” Then I asked, “Sino ako?”, she then replied, “Si Neory.” I was relieved to know that she still know me.

Ninang came up. She told me that Nanay became like that maybe about a week and a half ago. She told me that I should make my voice louder whenever I’ll be talking to her. I showed her the invitation for my party. She wasn’t joyous to see it. I was expecting that she would smile and say “Ang ganda mo naman dito!” I guess Ninang saw my disappointment when Nanay didn’t respond, so she got the invitation, showed it to Nanay and told her in a louder voice, “Nay oh, invitation ni Neory. Sino ‘to?” She was pointing on my picture on the invitation. Nanay replied, “Si Neory.” Then Ninang asked, “Napintas?” (In tagalog, “Maganda?”) Nanay answered “Oo.” but without much awe in her tone. I was happy to hear that she agreed that I was beautiful in the picture, and at the same time, I was sad because she is already like that. Then, I showed the gold blouse that she’ll be wearing on my debut party. I said, “Nay, ito na yung isusuot mo sa party ko oh.” She didn’t respond but I kept babbling even if she’s was just staring at me. “Ang ganda no? Kasya ba ‘to sa’yo Nay? Baka malaki, ang payat mo na kasi.” While talking, tears clouded my eyes, but I did my best to keep them from falling. Then I made her wear the blouse. She was lying in bed so I wasn’t able to button the blouse (The buttons are placed on the back of blouse). So it appeared that the blouse was just placed on top of her. Then unexpectedly, Nanay said “Ano ba yan? Para namang patay.” Ninang was by my side that time, and we both laughed. I answered, “Hindi naman. Ang ganda nga eh.”

Seeing her like that hurt me so bad. I tried my best not to cry in front of her, but I just can’t help it. So, I cried. Ninang was there. She told me with tears in her eyes, “Eh ganyan talaga. Si Nanay, matanda na. Mahina na.” Nanay was staring at me while I was crying but there were no emotions in her eyes. I didn’t know what’s happening to her but I knew that she was aware of my crying. I tried to regain my composure, and I talked to her about different stuffs. I asked her about anything that I can think of. She would answer me but only with a short response. Sometimes, she would just nod in agreement or shake her head when she disagrees. Sometimes, I would repeat the question twice or thrice before I get an answer. I think that she hears my question, and that she answers that question in her head, but she was not able to deliver it by speaking because of her weakness. I also asked her, “Nanay, pupunta ka sa debut ko ah?” She answered “Oo.” Then I asked, “Kelan ba? Alam mo ba kung kalian birthday ko?” She answered, “August 8.” I was glad to know that she still remembered the date of my birthday. I told her that it will be on a Saturday, August 7, at Cabuyao, Laguna. I also reiterated to her for many times that she’ll be one of my 18 Treasures and that she’ll be giving a message, including her wishes, for me. She had always answered "yes" everytime I asked her if she will come to my party. I was happy but at the same time worried. Worried that she may not come.

After some time, I bid my goodbye. I kissed her on her cheeks and told her, “Magpalakas ka ah? Ba-bye!” Then she looked at me and raised her hand for a bit and said, “Ba-bye.”

Last June 20, I came to visit her. This was an excerpt from my blog entry on that day.

“Nanay looked fine when we got there, but she was in diapers already. She can’t walk that much anymore. She always stays in her bed. She seldom gets up and out of it. Again, it saddened me. I was wishing that she shouldn’t have slipped, fell down, and bruised her lower limbs. The accident disabled her for a quit a time now. She should have been stronger if that didn’t happen. I tried to hide my sadness and talked to her. We talked about anything, like my upcoming debut, my asthma, my studies, and Glen’s studies. I also played cards with her. Those were great moments with her. I am thankful that I had the time to spend with her.”

She was still responsive and energetic that day. I didn’t know that in just a matter of few days, she would turn into something like this. For me, she was like a robot with broken parts. I want to do everything that I can do to ‘repair’ her, and bring her life back, but I just can do nothing but cry and pray. If only I knew that that was the last time I was going to hear her laughter, I should have not went home. I should have stayed with her and spent more time with her. If only I could bring back time. I can’t prevent my tears from falling. I don’t want to think about death but it is surfacing. I know that her time is near, and that soon, she will be in heaven with Tatay. I know that soon, I’ll have to face the truth that she’ll no longer be here by my side. She will no longer be here to take care of me when I am sick, to play cards with me, to talk to me about crazy stuffs, and to love me as if I am the most special grandchild in the world. Nanay is not rich. She rarely gave me expensive gifts, but she always try her best to give me “something” every occasion. I really appreciate those little gifts from her because I know that even if she doesn’t have a lot of money, she still manages to think about giving me a token to make me happy.
I already gave out the invitations for my party. Most invitations were sent thru facebook. I had thirty pieces of invitations printed out for those people who don't have their facebook accounts, and for our neighbors, as well as other relatives. I am supposed to have one hundred guests only, but when I tried to count all the people that I want to invite, it exceeded the limit. So, I had to make a cut. I wasn't able to invite all my MCL friends. My step-sister Abie asked me once, "Stepsis, ilang guest meron ka?" Then, I answered, "100 lang." Then she replied, "Ay, bakit parang ang konti lang? eh ang dami mong friends." Then we both laughed. Haha. She's right. In MCL alone, maybe I have a hundred of friends. Well, not close friends, but just friends. That is why I'm having a hard time crossing out names on my guest list because deep inside, I want to invite them, but financial constraints make me not to do so. As of now, I'm still in the verge of endless thinking. (Sigh)

Oh, I just want to share. I invited Otto-san. While I was on my way to our shuttle service, I saw him. I stopped, smiled, and told him, "May ibibigay ako sa'yo." While reaching for the invitation on my bag, I started shaking and then my heart started pounding. I tried my best to hide my shaking when I was handing the invitation to him. Upon seeing the invitation, he exclaimed, “Wow!” and I can’t recall the words he uttered after that. I don’t know why I was like that. I was nervous. (Maybe because of the iced coffee during lunch. Haha.) I was mesmerized. He’s still charming. No one can change that. After handing it to him, I was still shaking and my heart was still pounding. When I reached our service, I was in a better state. I wasn’t shaking anymore, but I can still hear my heart beat. Then, I found myself smiling for the next twenty minutes. I just hope that he'll come.
I ride a shuttle service on my way home. I was very lucky because the driver live here in Belair 3, so he drops me off by our house already. The good thing is, I only have to pay 30 pesos. I save fifteen pesos and at the same time, I save my lungs from dust and pollution.

But just this afternoon, there were new students who rode our shuttle. They were very very much noisy. I hated them! Really! If only I'm that mean, I would tell them to shut their freaking mouths up. They were talking about a fat guy who like their girl friend. I didn't want to listen to their nonsense talking, but I had no choice. They were also laughing out loud. I thought my eardrum had been hammered into pieces. It was really deafening in our shuttle. I was really irritated because I can do nothing but listen to their thoughtless talk. Listening to them felt like my brain was slowly deteriorating. Their talking was really of no sense. They should have kept it to themselves. I don't care if the fat guy loves the girl, or what the girl the would do with that guy, or whatever in the world they want to do in their lives. I just hope that I will never ever have to see their faces and hear their voices again.
We should always keep right. Right? We enter on the doors that are on our right and we also exit on the doors on our right. One weird day, I don’t what happened to the neurons of the people who switched the labels “entrance”” and “exit” on the doors of our cafeteria. Maybe they were shaken, bumped, or struck by something hard. It just pissed me because the guard scolded us because we were entering on the right door, which is supposedly the entrance, labelled “exit”. We entered on the “exit” door because there were many people exiting on the “entrance” door! Ugh! How could we enter there when people are going the other way?

It’s been like that for two or more days. Fortunately, some intelligent people corrected the door labels. I don’t know if the ones who switched the two labels first are the same persons who switched the labels back to normal.
I'm really into movies. Well, I'm into romantic comedies. I'm not always updated with new movies. In fact, I rarely go to the moviehouse to watch one. Just last wednesday, Eclipse was shown and there were a lot of people who wathced it, excluding me. I haven't seen New Moon yet so I better not watch Eclipse yet. Yeah, I'm super late. That was almost a year ago. Also, (You'll be surprised to know) I wasn't able to watch any Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Toy Story, Transformers, Iron Man, and Star Wars movies. I just don't like the themes, or maybe the story. I don't know. Haha! I was able to see some parts of them, but I didn't watch the whole movies. =p
It’s been almost three weeks since the classes have started, but until now, I’m still not used to my schedule. MWF 2:30 to 5:30. Tth 8:30 to 5:30. S 10:00 to 5:30. I always fail to manage my time efficiently. I know that there are many things to do. It is already given in a student’s life, but I’m not like this last term, and even during the last two terms. Yesterday, I wasn’t able to answer the quiz, because I wasn’t really listening when my professor was discussing. I just feel weak when classes are going on. I lack sleep. Yes, but I guess the problem is really with my schedule. I sleep around 10 to 11, but I always wake up early, around 6 or 7 in the morning. My main problem is the lack of energy throughout the day. In the afternoon, ofcourse, my energy is already low but my classes are just starting! Sheesh! But Thank God I was still able to catch up. I hope that this wouldn’t be for long. I pray that soon, I’ll be able to adapt to new schedule and my new life(‘coz for sure our schedule we’ll be much like this for the rest of my three-year stay in MCL).