I got to school by 8:40 in the morning. I didn't want to commute so I went early with my parents. I was the one who drove the car to school, and as always, I committed mistakes especially in rounding a curve. Upon arriving, I went directly to the library to finish our post-lab and pre-lab for Analytical Chemistry Lab and our third problem set in Math115. I stayed in the library for four hours. I did nothing but write for that entire time! Whew! That was really tiring! We took a break and ate our lunch. Then we went back to the library again to finish our problem set.

In my Analytical Chem. class, I felt really sleepy. Then, I fell asleep! (Sorry Ms. Ivy!) I really didn’t mean to sleep in class. I was just really tired. (I slept around 10:30pm, woke up around 6:45am, and did a lot work since then.) When I got my nerves back, I checked the notes of Clang and found out that many slides have been discussed already and I haven't seen those slides! So that means that I must have slept for a little longer time. (Maybe around 5 minutes or more.) My goodness! Good thing the lesson was a bit easy. Oh my my! I don’t want that to happen again. In Math115, I felt that I am running out of energy so I didn’t move a lot. We did a seatwork. While working, the class was very noisy. Talking here, chit-chat there. I stayed quiet because my energy then was very low. Then, out of nowhere, Edu said, “Neowy ang ingay mo!” Knowing that I wasn’t uttering a single word, my seatmates were stunned. They were quiet for a few seconds and then they altogether teased, “Yieeeee!” I heard Clang said “Si Edu oh nagpapapansin na naman kay Neory! Neory, pansinin mo naman kasi!” Then someone said “Kalbo” and then “Kokey” Then, they teased Edu “Kokey in Love” Hahahaha! I didn’t have much energy but I was still able to laugh out loud when I heard that “Kokey in Love” Haha! I really found it funny. When almost everyone was finished doing our seatwork, Edu came to me and took a look on my work. Then I told him, “Ikaw naman Edu nagpapapansin ka pa. Sabihin mo lang naman sa’kin, papansinin naman kita eh.” Hahaha! I used to tease Edu since first year first term. I just really love teasing him. I love seeing his weird reactions. =p
Last June 20 was Father's day. As I mentioned, our family celebrated it on June 19, including my biological father. Haha. I called my Dad my biological father because in school, I have four other fathers. Hahaha! I call those four people Itay (Marvin and Tristan) or Father (Dew and Acobs). I call Marvin and Tristan "Itay" because they are too high! (Okay. That's so over the top.) I mean, they are so tall that they resemble a father-like figure already. While for Acobs, I call him father because he was my father in a weird family tree that we constructed in school. (Together with my mother nature, inay, step-brother, and step-sister.) For Dewey, I called him father because he greeted me a happy mother's day! Haha! Yeah, that was a joke so I kindly repaid that joke of his. I had told him that on Father's Day, I will greet him. And I did! I texted my greeting for him. Hahaha! So, that's the story of my fathers.
I currently have so many things to do, including our pre-lab on Analytical Chemistry Lab. I remember my post on facebook which says, "Too much LAB will kill you." It was the title of the song that Jovit sang on Pilipinas Got Talent Grand Finals. The real lyrics was "Too much LOVE will kill you" Since, we are having Analytical Chemistry Lab class for twice a week, we also need to submit our pre-labs together with the post-lab for two times a week also. Whew! That's ChE. I have to live with it.
We did our second experiment in analytical chem. It was all about calibration of volumetric glassware. The experiment was tiring because you constantly need to put this amount of water, weigh it, and record the measurement, and then put that amount of water, weigh it, and record the measurement. Again, we needed to weigh the glassware on the analytical balance. Much time is required in falling in line because we only have two analytical balances. I understand why we only have two. It’s because an analytical balance is really expensive. One of our balances costs P60,000 while the other one costs a whopping P100,000. Whew!

While falling in line, I knew some of my classmates. I talked to them, and got to know them for a little bit. Bella was always behind me in line. She was the one taking down the measurements for their pair. While I was weighing my sample, she wrote down the measurement on their notebook, and she was like, “Ano ba yan? Bakit pati yung iyo sinusulat ko? Haha! Naisip ko lang siguro na baka malimutan mo.” Then we both laughed!

Going to the chem. lab and to the chem. room with notebook and flask is a hassle. That’s why when we weigh our samples, we would just memorize the measurement, go back to the lab, and write it down. But Nico is different. He wrote the measurements on his arms! My goodness! Hahaha! I was really laughing at him when I saw him doing that. I, together with my partner, did the calibration of the burette, because individual results are needed. I was the one who did the calibration of the 25-ml pipette and 10-ml pipette, because my partner needed to finish our pre-lab. She wasn’t able to finish it because it was really long. She hadn’t had much time of sleep. Luckily, before the period ended, we both finished what we needed to finish. We ate our lunch on time! Yahoo!

Then, our organic chem. class was fun. I am learning a lot in that class. It also makes me more excited to know more about other organic chemicals, their formula, and their uses. Our Environmental Class was quite boring. We just talked about ecosystems and other elementary environmental science.
I had 8 hours of sleep, but when I woke up this morning, I felt that I lack sleep. I got up and ate breakfast, copied notes from Chm130 lecture, biked for 15 minutes, and took a bathe. I left the house by 10:25am. I took a ride with Jas to school. I arrived there by 11:15am.

When I met Meg and Jonan at the library, Meg told me that she had to walk from Balibago to Golden because of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic was due to the truck incident. A truck went out of control and wrecked some establishments along the national road. Luckily, I didn’t have to commute that time.

We finished our problem sets and ate our lunch. I was very sleepy during my anal. Chem. class. Then, we had a quiz, open-notes, on Math115. I was able to answer the questions and I’m praying that they are all correct. Number 3 question was a big buzz. It's limit was infinity over infinity. Some of my doubtful classmates answered infinity, but it should have been one, because any number divided by itself is one. Haha.

We were dismissed and I was bidding goodbye to my awesome friends. Abie said, "Sasabay ka na naman kay Jas?", then I answered yes. Then she told me that they talked about my befriending strategies. They told me that I befriend all the Malayanistas in Belair so that I could take a ride with them. Haha! I just laughed about it! My main purpose of befriending is them is really friendship. Taking a ride with them is just a bonus. That is not too bad, that’s what friends are for. Haha! Take note, I pay them in turn. Well, except for Maika, Merry, and King. Hehe. They are generous. =)
Nico kept teasing me about Eugene. He always says that I like Eugene, or Eugene likes me. I didn't make a lot out of it because I know that Nico is just like that. He is really makulet, so I just let him tease me.

Then, yesterday on our chem lab class, I found out that he kept teasing Eugene to me during their Physics Lab class last term! I was dumbfounded. One of my new classmates attested to that. She said, “Oo, kilalang-kilala ka nga sa klase naming eh!” I was like, “Oh.. My.. Gosh..” I really didn’t know about it! I was shocked to know about it! I knew that Nico was the number one person who spread about it! I told Nico that he is so chismoso! Haha! I can’t believe he was able to do that. My chem. Lab classmates, who were Nico’s classmate on physics lab, told me that everyone in their class knew about it, including their professor! Oh no! I’m not into Eugene. He was never my crush even if he’s handsome, in some ways. I don’t know when, where, and why had it started. I just remember Noel teasing Eugene with, “Eugene si Neory oh.” It was a long time ago. I mean, months have passed already. I thought it was over but I was wrong. They really like teasing me a lot. Well, maybe they find pleasure from it. Hmm. For me it’s okay. I know that everyone was just laughing about it and they are not taking it seriously. I like someone else, or I’ll like someone else. Haha! Showbiz?
June 22, 2010

Our first experiment was quite easy. The only problem is that there were only two analytical balances, and our class has thirteen pairs. We were the first one to use the balance. We planned to finish all the weighing process for once, but our instructor told us that we should alternate with the other groups. While waiting for our turn, I went back to the lab and did the pre-lab data blanks and tables for experiment two. I noticed that it was taking too long, so I checked on Meg. She was the one who stayed on R413. When I got there, I've learned that the pairs that went after us finished all the weighing parts in one time! I was riled! We didn't finish all the weighing process to give way to them and then what? I was pissed off so I expressed my disgust and disappointment to the people near me. Haha! My tone was a bit sarcastic because I’m not angry, I was just displeased because of what they did. They were able to finish the experiment first even if they were not the first in line. We should have been the first pair to finish but we gave way for them. I was able to express all my ill feelings so before we were dismissed, I felt fine. Oh, I was also able to finish the pre-lab. I passed it on time.
I commuted to school. I left the house by 12:45. Too bad, the driver of the jeepney that I rode was too "sugapa". I waited for around 20 minutes before we went! Tss! I was really pissed off! I came to school late. My plan was to be in school by 2pm or earlier so that I could finish my assignment in Math115 and Chm130, but because of that freaking driver, I arrived late! I commuted for an hour and a half! Imagine how long was that! Grr! I wasn't able to finish my problem set in Math115 before Chm130 class started. So, I felt irritable. Bad Trip.

On our Math115 class, one of my classmates irritated me more. Ugh. He's so arrogant. It's like he feels that he knows a lot. Err. He was really bragging that he know this and that even if I'm not asking if he is!

When I got home, I started doing our pre-lab in Chm130. It was too long. I don't like the schematic diagram part. It was basically a replicate of the manual. When I was about to print the experiment 2 manual, my laptop hung. The manual can't be printed and I was really pissed off! Too much bad luck was with me today. To think that it is the start of the week.
Father’s Day. We celebrated it yesterday because today, Dad needs to help in painting our grocery house in Cavite. I went with him, together with my mom. I want to visit Nanay, and at the same time, check on her state.

When we reached our grocery house, Dad brought out the paint in the car and placed it inside the house. Then, I drove the car until we reached our house in Mandarin. (Dad was the one driving for Belair.) It was my first time to drive in Mandarin. I felt that the road was so narrow. I was used to the wide roads in Belair. It was also my first time to drive while people are walking beside our car. I feel that I may bump them. Fortunately, I didn’t.

Nanay looked fine when we got there, but she was in diapers already. She can’t walk that much anymore. She always stays in her bed. She seldom gets up and out of it. Again, it saddened me. I was wishing that she shouldn’t have slipped, fell down, and bruised her lower limbs. The accident disabled her for a quit a time now. She should have been stronger if that didn’t happen. I tried to hide my sadness and talked to her. We talked about anything, like my upcoming debut, my asthma, my studies, and Glen’s studies. I also played cards with her. Those were great moments with her. I am thankful that I had the time to spend with her.

Tito Norman gave me a ride to Binan. From there, I went to SM and sold my 20 Australian dollars that Ninang Bernette, my long lost Ninang, gave me. I got for P765. Then, I went to Max’s Complex for Lara’s debut party. I guess I was the third one to arrive. The traffic was quite heavy so, most of the visitors came late. Meg came fourth and then we waited. Lara arrived in a pink dress. She was really beautiful. She resembles the young Imelda Marcos. Mabel and Dom came around 6:30. Meg needed to go by 6:45pm because of a family dinner for the father’s day.

There, I met Mariel Ortiz. She was a former MCL student, but she transferred to Letran. She was “makulet” and “madaldal”. She was really fun to be with. During the party, I, together with Mabel and Jam, was asked to participate in a getting-to-know-Lara game. We lost but Lara gave us the prize. Choco-chip brownies! Yum! The party was fun. When it was over, we ate cupcakes. Then, we left the restaurant, there’s a lady by the door saying, “Thank you!” Unexpectedly, Dom replied with all pride, “Welcome!” We all laughed because, as Clarissa said, “feel na feel ni Dom mag-thank you, kala mo siya yung nag-debut!” Haha! I went and arrived home safely. Thank God.
(Yeah. Late blogging.)

For the whole day, I was looking for my phone. I tried searching for it in the bedrooms, the living room, kitchen, everywhere! But still, I didn't find it. Later in the afternoon, I searched again in the master's bedroom. Then, surprisingly, I found it clasped on one side of the bed with the headboard.

I checked the messages. My mom texted me to greet my dad a happy father's day. I thought to myself that June 20 is father's day.

I went to eat milk and cereals. Then, after some time, Glen told me that he'll be eating so I accompanied. He wasn't able to finish his food, so I was the one who did.

Then, around 8pm, my parents came and they told us to dress up and that we will go to Mcdo for an earlier celebration of father's day. I ate spaghetti and apple pie. The apple pie of Mcdo wasn't a great buy. It wasn't that delicious and apple-filled. Its filling is mostly saucy apple. While eating, we're talking. Then, my mom told me that Nanay's doctor advised her to have a dialysis, but they are afraid that Nanay’s body won’t be able to keep up for it. As I shared last time, Nanay is getting weaker. Upon hearing the news, I was saddened.

When we reached home, I cried and prayed. I know I was a bit overacting but I really don’t want her to go yet. It feels like the dialysis signals the end for her but I prayed that it is not. I didn’t know what to do that time so I just prayed and prayed. I prayed that she’ll be stronger, and I prayed that she’ll be staying here for four more years (until I graduate and land a job). I told God that I may be a bit selfish for praying for that, but that’s I want. Then, I thought again, and prayed that her last moments here on earth will be happy. I prayed for more times to be spent with her. I lifted up to Him Nanay’s time. I don’t want to be selfish. If her body can’t go on anymore, I’ll accept it no matter how much it would hurt.

The thought of it makes me cry. But I still don’t want her to go. I don’t know. I really don’t know what to pray for. God please help Nanay recover. Please.
*I wrote this note for my friends who attended my 17th birthday party.

Salamat. Arigato. Kumawo. Gracias. Xie Xie. Merci.

Haha.. Hindi ako maka-get over eh.. Haha.. sobrang saya kasi talaga kahapon.. hindi ko naman maitext lahat ng gusto kong sabihin.. kasi baka magalit sa’kin yung globe sa sobrang haba ng mga sasabihin ko.. ahaha! Hmm.. ang saya talaga kahapon.. kahapon na lang kasi uli ako nakaramdam ng ganong saya.. hmm.. cguro kasi matagal na rin akong hindi naghahanda at nag-iinvite.. ahahaha..

hmm.. salamat uli kasi pumunta kayo.. you spent time with me.. you celebrated with me.. you sang a Happy birthday song for me, you chose to spend a part of your life with me, and you made me feel special.. kasi kahit may mga kailangan kayong gawin (nstp, calculus, etc.), kahit may klase yung iba (nag-absent pa yung iba para lang makapunta, sorry talaga sir A! Haha!), kahit nahihiya yung iba kasi daw baka wala silang kakilala sa mga inimbitahan kong iba, at kahit medyo malayo at mahirap matunton yung bahay naming, pumunta pa rin kayo.. haha.. ang saya talaga.. swear.. i feel so blessed.. i feel so happy na may mga kaibigan akong tulad niyo.. Masaya ako na nakilala ko kayo at naging parte kayo ng buhay ko.. (emo? Hindi.. seryoso yan no..) tapos may gifts pa! Ahahah! May unan, may bear, may sandamukal na chocolates (pang-anim na tao eh! Haha!), may rosary, may starbucks tumbler, may card, at higit sa lahat laptop sleeve! Ahahha! Hindi ko talaga inexpect na may magreregalo ng mga ganon.. sobrang nasurprise ako.. haha! Hmm.. nakakatuwa nung nag-iingay tayo, nung parang may riot, nung nagkkwehtuhan, nung may nagsasayaw, nung may kumakanta at nagpapataasan ng score, nung naglaro tayo kahit walang kwenta yung laro, basta lahat masaya.. ahahaha! basta maraming maraming salamat! Hindi ko malilimutan yung birthday ko na yun!!
*The day after the tragic incidents because of typhoon Ondoy.

The sun shone on me when I woke up. I looked outside my window. The rain had already stopped. Everything was already calm. I thought everything was already fine. I jumped up off my bed and headed to the bathroom to do my usual morning ritual. Then, I greeted my sister a happy birthday. Today is her 16th birthday. Downstairs, our helpers were busy preparing food for my sister’s little birthday celebration. Around 930am, Together with my mom and my two sisters, we went to Paseo de Sta. Rosa to buy some school supplies at NBS and a cake for Gien at Red Ribbon. On our way, I observed the surroundings. It seemed that everything was back to normal. Unlike last night, there were no pond-like formations on the roads anymore. When we got home, we ate and celebrated altogether. It was lunch time then. After that, my whole family left, except for me and my brother. They went to the airport to fetch someone, a Chinese client of my Dad’s corporation if I’m not mistaken. I did academic stuffs when they were gone. It was much more quiet and peaceful when only a few people were here in our house. That gave me more focus to do what should be done. It was 7pm already when I realized that I haven’t watched TV since I woke up. (The cable wasn’t to my TV. That’s why I can’t watch anything.) So, I decided to go to my sister’s room and watch some news for me to be somewhat informed of what had happened to the victims of Bagyong Onyo. I watched TV Patrol Linggo, and there I saw the flooded places including Manila, Rizal, and Quezon. It was a total disaster. People were in total distress. They lost their homes, some were destroyed. They do not have food. There were still people that were left unrescued. Many people died, mostly drowned, some were buried under the landslides. Many people were missing. While watching everything, I cried. I pitied the people on the news and at the same time, I was very grateful that we did not have to go through the same circumstances. We were so lucky to be living peacefully here in Laguna Belair. There were no floods in here, and we have food and water. Our houses were not destroyed and everyone was safe. TV Patrol also reported that there were many donations that are coming to help our fellow kababayans. It was around 25 million when I watched the news, but it was still increasing. Then I remembered the issue about Pres. GMA spending 800 million pesos in her foreign trips that were supposedly to be used as emergency funds. Imagine how much money she stole and enjoyed all by herself. I actually can’t believe it. I mean, the funds should have been used now. Now that many Filipinos need help, and financial assistance. They need food, clothes, medicines, and shelter. That 800 million pesos could have been very helpful, if only it was not wasted by a very selfish dwarf. Sorry for the word, but I am angry. I am angry because of the selfish politicians that continue to “lead” the Philippines. I would pray. I would continue to pray for the betterment of Philippines. Oh, we did not have our NSTP today. Classes were suspended until Tuesday. I hope by that time, everything will be fine.
I wrote when typhoon Ondoy came.

When I woke up this morning, it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing really hard, so hard, I can say that it was howling. I peeped at my window and saw plants and trees drenched in water. It was very gloomy outside. The rain did not stop. It poured harder around 9am. The rain continued for so long. I got up my bed and did my morning ritual (brushing my teeth, washing my face, eating breakfast). Then I did my assignments, updated my facebook, and read some of my books. I’ve already done a lot of things but it was still raining. Around 4pm, I started preparing for my friend’s debut party. I wore this blackish maroon, sort of violet, dress. As I was dressing up, I heard Jennica Garcia’s trembling voice on TV. She was crying. Their house was flooded and they needed some help. They were already on the second floor of their house, but the water was still rising. She also said that she can’t see their car already. Hearing Jennica’s story made me nervous. It was still raining that time. I thought to myself, “Should we still go to the party? It might be dangerous.” But still, we went. The rain was still pouring. Everything’s wet. Some parts of the road have these pond-like water formations. (Whatever you call it) I am referring to the ones that splash whenever a car passes on it. When we got to the toll gate, my mom asked the clerk what part of slex is flooded. The clerk said that Southwoods exit was flooded so we cannot pass. She told us to take carmona exit instead and just traverse the service road to get to Muntinlupa. Then we reached SLEX, there were only a few cars travelling. My sister said, “Hala! Wala ng tao.” It made me laugh. Haha. Then, when we got to Carmona, we saw many stranded cars. The clerk said that the roads going to Manila were closed. They weren’t letting anyone pass because of the chest-deep flood somewhere at SLEX. I even saw a truck, the one used by construction suppliers, with people on it. Some were wearing kapote and some were protecting themselves from the rain by their umbrellas. But I think, they were all wet already. We passed by Paseo de Carmona, and then as we go along, we noticed that the road ahead us is flooded. My mom continued driving, telling us not to worry because the water is just shallow. We were riding a Ford Lynx. (imagine how low is that) As we went along, we heard gushes of water on the sides of the car. We even felt the waves. It felt like the waves were lifting our car a bit. Then, the water begun rising. The waves became more intense. We panicked! So our mom also panicked. Haha. We were afraid because our car is an automatic one. If we get stuck, it can’t be pushed. We parked our car in front of an establishment. I haven’t read the name, ‘coz it wasn’t my concern, haha. All I really cared about that time is to go home safely. We waited for the water to subside. For an hour, we just stayed there. Waiting. Good thing I brought with me Dom’s book, The Pretenders. I read it, and I’ve read a lot without noticing! I finished until page 18. That may not seem to be unusual for some, but for me, it was a record! Haha! It usually takes me a lot of time when reading books. Well, the story was quite interesting. It made me ask many questions to myself, maybe that’s the reason why I keep on reading, to find the answers.

I’ve seen people walking through the flood, people who were stranded, people who were waiting for the rain to stop. The traffic of messages is quite heavy. Messages sent were delayed on their ways. Networks were busy. While on our way home, I was trying to contact my dad, so that he would not worry about us. When I was talking to him, there were interrupting sounds, sounds that seems to come from aliens, I don’t know. There is this one thing that made me laugh. I asked Daddy, “Asan ka na po ba ngayon?” Then he answered, “Nasan ako? Eh di ba, kanina nasa bahay ako?” (Hahahahaah! Well, I hope you got it.) Then finally, we got home. It was still raining, but not as hard as earlier. Then, while doing my stuffs, I could hear the news from my sister’s tv. It was all about, of course, the storm and the damage it had caused. There were still many people left unrescued on the tops of their houses, including Christine Reyes. In other areas, there were people who died. I am not so updated about the happenings because I do not have my television. I mean, technically. I actually have my T.V. inside my room, but the cable wasn’t attached to it so I can’t watch anything. Haha. It’s useless. Anyway, going back to the fact that this storm have caused a lot of distress, and have taken lives of our fellow Filipinos, it makes me feel sad. I feel like Mother Nature is really angry. Just look back at what had happened this year. It was hot during January and February, and rain poured during the summer season. June, July, and August came. There were storms, but not so intense. And only in this year, that I did not have rain on my birthday. Now, at the month of September, came storms. Storms like this (Bagyong Ondoy) that is really distressful. I’m wondering what happened to my friend’s debut party. These incidents made me realize more the things that I have. How blessed I am. Our house wasn’t flooded. We still have this beautiful shelter, good as new. It wasn’t damaged by the storm. I didn’t have to go through the same unfortunate things that happened to some of our kababayans. Two of my classmates needed to go through a series of floods in order for them to reach home. JC spent 2 hours to go home while it took Arnon almost 8hours to reach home. Gosh! I was very thankful the same thing did not happen to me. Then, I found out that Lou and Hap were still at MCL! And they are going to sleep there! They were stranded and they had no choice but to stay. They’ll be going home tomorrow. Lou said that there were relief goods from Sir mesina. They had rice and soaps, also pillows. I told them that it was a one of a kind experience. Haha! When I was talking to him, it seems like they were enjoying their stay there. Haha! I just hope that they would be fine, and everyone would be fine.
Masayang pamumuhay kanyang nagisnan,
Kasama ang kanyang ina sa kabukiran.
Mukha nila’y laging may ngiting laman,
Sila’y maligaya kapos man sa yaman.

Araw at gabi ina’y nagtatrabaho,
Upang inipong salapi ay maging husto.
Pangarap ng ina’y siya;y makapagtapos,
At sa kahirapan ay hindi magapos.

Ngunit sa di inaasahang pagkakataon,
Kamataya’y dumating na parang alon.
Kanyang ina ang siyang natunton,
O sadyang kay bilis ng panahon.

Hindi malaman ang kanyang gagawin.
Ang mawalay sa inay di kayang tanggapin.
Sakit ang dulot ng tinik sa damdamin,
Sa araw-araw ito’y mabigat na dalahin.

Mga panahong silang mag-inay magkasama,
Parang kidlat na bumabalik sa kanyang alaala.
Ninais niyang umaga’y di na magisnan,
At ubusin na ang buhanging laman ng orasan.

Isang umaga, sa kanyang paggising,
Sumikat muli ang araw at nagningning.
Ang mundong dati’y puno ng kalungkutan,
Naging maaliwala, naglaho ang kadiliman.

Natanto niyang siya’y nagkamali pala,
Upang iluklok ang sarili sa pighati at dusa.
Isa lamang ito sa mga unos ng buhay,
Ang Ama’t ina sa langit ang magiging gabay.

*I can't recall when, where, and why did I wrote this one. Obviously it is for a filipino course. =p
So here’s everything I knew from a friend of mine. I quoted some of his words.

“Revelation is the creepiest part of the bible.” Obama is here to “make a one world government.” He is “the antichrist, the beast” that is written in revelations. “The devil himself will try to be a peacemaker in order for him to accomplish his goal, to establish a one world government. He will force everyone, rich or poor” to put his mark on our body. His mark is his number, 666. Whoever rejects it will be killed. The other beast mentioned is the pope. He is “kaagapay” (companion) of Obama. “Kaagapay meaning kasama nya un para sambahin si Obama.” The pope is a very influential person. The pope also has the number 666 mark. In his headgear, there is something written in there. “vicarius filli dei” meaning "vicar of the son of God” Vicarius filli dei = 666. v=5, i=1, c=100, summing up to 666. In 2012, there will be a horrible incident. It’s not the end of the world though but there will be a chain of terrifying incidents in which many people would die. There is something that is coming near the earth, but NASA wasn’t telling us about this, because they don’t want us to panic. The elites already know about this and they already have their own underground project. There is a possibility that only the elites would survive. They would hide in their “underground” place. “Einstein already warned us about this. Pole shifting that will cause heavy disasters, disasters that had never happened before.” Then what should we do? “We should repent, ask God's forgiveness, keep the Faith, and ask Jesus to be our saviour.” So if we’ll die, our souls will be saved. But we should always be ready. Keep in mind that when the time comes that there is already the New World Order and we’re forced to have ourselves marked, we should not give up our faith. Remember that it’s just our flesh. “May kamatayan ang laman pero ang kaluluwa wala.” This means that if you’re in hell, you’ll experience the eternal burning of your soul. You will suffer eternally.

When he told me about this, I don’t know what to feel. I don’t know if I should believe the accusations or not. Maybe it’s true and maybe not. But if this is true, I will never ever give my faith up. There is no way that I’ll let them mark my body with the number 666. I’d rather die.
*I wrote this when I was in third year high, so pardon me for some grammatical errors.

I. A. Title: The Tragedy of Macbeth

B. Director: Roman Polanski

C. Screenplay Writers: Roman Polanski and Kenneth Tynan

D. Principal Characters
King Duncan (Nicholas Selby) – The King of Scotland who was murdered by Macbeth.
Macbeth (Jon Finch) – A courageous general of King Duncan and the one who killed King Duncan.
Lady Macbeth (Francesca Annis) – The wife of Macbeth and the one who persuaded Macbeth to kill the King.
Banquo (Martin Shaw) – A general of King Duncan’s army and Macbeth’s closest friend.
Macduff (Terence Bayler) – He suspected Macbeth for the killing of the King. He is the one who killed Macbeth.
Malcolm (Stephen Chase) – Duncan’s eldest son. He fled to England after the death of the King.
Donalbain (Paul Shelley) – Duncan’s youngest son. He fled to Ireland after his Father’s death.
Ross (John Stride) – A messenger of King Duncan.
The Three Witches (Maisie MacFarquhar, Elsie Taylor, Noelle Rimmington) – The ones who prophesized the success and fall of Macbeth.

E. Settings:
Time: 16th Century
Place: Scotland


Three Witches are digging a hole and soon buried a severed hand. They are discussing about their meeting with Macbeth. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis and Banquo, Macbeth’s closest friend are both generals of King Duncan. After defeating the army of Norway and Ireland led by Macdonwald, the Three Witches appeared to them. They prophesized that Macbeth would be the “Thane of Glamis”, the “Thane of Cawdor” and he shall “be king hereafter”. While they were wondering about the prophecies, Ross arrived with a message from the king. Ross informed Macbeth that is now the Thane of Cawdor. The prophecy came true and Macbeth’s desire for power began.

Macbeth told his wife about the prophecies. King Duncan was staying at Macbeth’s Castle at Inverness and Lady Macbeth planned about the murdering of the King. She persuaded Macbeth to do the murdering. Then Macbeth killed King Duncan. Lady Macbeth put bloody daggers beside King Duncan’s servants to frame them up. In the next morning Macduff arrived and Macbeth leads them to King Duncan’s chamber. Macbeth ordered the servants to be killed. Macduff already suspected Macbeth for the killing. Malcolm fled to England and Donalbain to Ireland. And because the sons of the King were gone, Macbeth claimed the throne because of his relation to the King.

Even he is now the king, Macbeth still worried about the prophecy of the Witches about Banquo. He then ordered Banquo and Fleance, his son, to be killed. Banquo was killed but Fleance escaped. At the banquet, Banquo’s and King Duncan’s ghosts appeared to Macbeth. In terror, Macbeth said things that lessen up his guiltlessness.

Because of the happenings, Macbeth went to the witches. The spirits told him to beware Macduff, but also none of woman born shall harm Macbeth and he will not be vanquished until Great Birnam wood to high shall come against him. In fear of Macduff, he ordered the killing of everyone in Macduff’s castle. Lady Macbeth sleepwalks washing imaginary bloodstains in her hands because of her guilt. Meanwhile in England, Macduff and Malcolm planned an invasion of Scotland. Macduff
lead their army in the woods to Macbeth’s castle. The battle started and Macduff confronted Macbeth. Macbeth told Macduff that he is not fearing him because he cannot be killed by any man born of a woman. But Macduff told him that he was born by Caesarean section. Then a fight started and Macbeth was beheaded by Malcolm. Malcolm became the king and he restored the peace in his kingdom.


Performance of the Characters

Portraying a play written by William Shakespeare is not that easy. You have to consider all the aspects of the play to be able for you to bring up the real essence and beauty of it. For me, all the characters acted well. Jon Finch and Francesca Annis did their role very well, especially Jon. Jon’s role in acting as Macbeth is uneasy but he did it. He acted like a real general envying and aspiring for power. Francesca also did very well. Her acting as Macbeth’s wife was very effective. She effectively played as a loving wife but also a woman that is thirsty for power and luxury. Nicholas Selby as King Duncan was also great. His posture and his way of speaking made me feel and see that he is the king. I also liked Stephen Chase playing the role of Malcolm. Especially when he fought with Macbeth and beheaded him. All the soldiers and servants that fought were also great. Their fight scenes look real. Not like those scenes I have watched that looked like a scripted and a practiced fight.

Relevance of the Settings


Language and Tone

The language of the film is English. Honestly, I cannot understand what they are saying. I just keep an eye on the scenes for me to follow the flow of the story. Their accent in speaking is very different from the ones who live in America. Well, even I already know that the way of speaking in England and Scotland is different from the Americans, I was still puzzled and a little bit shocked. I just can’t believe that I cannot understand them. They speak very fast and they are
slang. Sometimes they speak too soft, that I can barely hear them.


Their costumes were great. Their clothing was very appropriate to be used in the play “Macbeth”. The different style and designs of their costumes signify the different roles of the actors. King Duncan’s costume was so beautiful and because of it, viewers easily knew that he was the King of Scotland. The clothes of Generals and officials were different from the soldiers and servants. As I was saying, their costumes helped the viewers in distinguishing the characters and their roles. Their costumes also helped in bringing the viewers into a different world in a different period of time, in the 16th century.
I just want to share our script back in our Hum014 course. I forgot the title of the poem where we based the story. =p

(Play MMK music) Neory: Good morning. There are times in our lives when we feel that we’re deprived of our freedom even if we’re not in prison. One of our kapamilyas bravely shared her story to us. Let me read to you her letter.//Dear Ate Neory, I’ve been married for five years now. I thought my married life was fine, but a realization came to being when we visited the zoo one day, and there we saw a marmoset.

Kirby: Hey you! Can’t you walk faster?
Clarissa: (hurries up to keep up with his husband) Okay, okay.
Kirby: Look! A marmoset! Isn’t he cute?
Clarissa: No, he’s not.
Kirby grabs Clarissa’s hand and puts it around the bars)
Clarissa: Hey! What are you doing?
Kirby: Stay still. Hahahaha!
(Clarissa is troubled and puzzled, looking at the marmoset. Plays the sound of marmoset)
Kirby: Now he thinks you’re another marmoset in a cage! Haha!
(Clarissa will be pissed and will remove her hands from the bars.)
(Kirby’s phone will ring.)
Kirby: Hello?
Mien: Baby, where are you? I’ve been waiting too long for you.
(Kirby tries to hide his conservation with Mien)
Kirby: Oh sir, ofcourse I will. I will be there in a few minutes.
Mien: Are you with your wife again? Oh come on baby, just leave her and be with me. (seductive)
(Kirby tries to go away from Clarissa’s sight.)
Kirby: Okay baby, I’ll be there. (Goes back to Clarissa) I’ll be going. My boss needs me. (scurries away)
(Sweet couple enters with background music “Endless love”)
(Couple shows their sweetness. Clarissa is just watching from a distance, seeing the couple and the marmoset alternately. I will narrate.)
Neory: I envied the sweetness of the couple, their love for each other and their real relationship. (Stop music)
I left the zoo, and accidentally, I saw my husband. I saw him with another girl. (Kirby and Mien were happy together. Clarissa’s watching from a distance, full of sorrow) (play background music “Tell me”)
Then I remembered the bars and the mammal inside it. Just like the marmoset, I am not free. I am imprisoned in this miserable married life of mine, in this living cage.
Then I went home and waited for my husband to arrive. (Clarissa will go home and wait.)
Clarissa: Where have you been?
(Kirby tries to kiss Clarissa but she will push him away.)
Kirby: What’s wrong with you?
Clarissa: I’m asking where you have been!
Kirby: Ofcourse I came from work! I’m working to make a living!
Clarissa: Are you really working for a living or are you working on another woman?
Kirby: So you’re accusing me? (Pause, will get mad, will grab Clarissa in both arms) How dare you accuse me?
Clarissa: I am NOT accusing you, because you already betrayed me! I saw it! You cheated on me! (Kirby slaps Clarissa) (Clarissa is still standing.)
Kirby: (Pause for a while) So what if I am having an affair? I am still the man of this house!
Clarissa: But! (Kirby slaps her again and this time, Clarissa will fall onto the floor.)
Kirby: Look. (Holds Clarissa’s face with anger)You are just my wife. You don’t have the right to complain. Now clean up this mess! (walks out and goes to Mien)
(Kirby and Mien will be together. Mien is “comforting” Kirby in a seductive manner.)
(Clarissa is on center stage, still on the floor, sad. Marmoset will come in and look at Clarissa with sympathy) (Play sound of marmoset and MMK)

Neory: The pain I felt was not just physical. It was more intense inside. The pain is slowly killing me, but I can’t do anything. I’ll end this here. Sincerely yours, Clarissa.
In this earthly world of ours, no one is truly free. We are prisoners of life’s expectations and limitations. We are free, yes, but only to the extent of the circumstances we are given. That is all for today. Good morning.
Last night, I made name printouts for my brother. I cut and pasted each on the books and notebooks of Gino. I also watched PBB. It was Ryan’s birthday. He was still funny and cute! He called Enchong Dee as Enchong Knee. Haha! Then, he dated Tippy. He was very torpe. He didn’t what to say and to do. Weird right?

I slept around midnight. Then I woke up by 8am. I did nothing much because I wasn’t feeling well. After breakfast, I slept again. I woke up by 11am. I rewrote my first drill in analytical chemistry. I’m still not feeling so I didn’t answer the remaining questions. I prepared for school, and then I went. When I was walking on Wallace road, the shuttle passed by the main road but it didn’t stop for me! Sheesh! So I had to walk to the gate of Belair 3. Then when I reached the tricycle terminal, I waited for 10 minutes for other passengers to arrive. I reached school around 2:10pm. I went to CLIR and finished my drill. For the analytical chem. class, we just discussed some lessons. We have an assignment. We were asked to write what field we would like to specialize in the future. I am thinking between Environmental Science and Clinical Science. Well, I really want to be assigned in the marketing department.

For my Math115 class, we discussed Power series method. It’s a long method. The solutions were long and we were copying it. While my professor was writing the solutions of a problem, Marvin exclaimed, “Anong ginagawa niya?” Then laughters burst out of the class! Side comments like, “Kanina pa tayo nagsosolve, hindi mo alam?” and “Yung totoo, nagmamath ka ba talaga? Nagmamath kasi tayo dito.” were heard. After that, class dismissal. I took a ride with Jas and his brother. There were two other boys but unfortunately, I can’t recall their names. (Yeah, I have poor memory when it comes to names of people.) They were talking about funny stuffs and then the boy beside me talked very fast. Then the other boy exclaimed, “Ang bilis mo naman magsalita! Para kang si Gloc 9!” Then they laughed! I tried not to laugh, but I wasn’t able to contain my laughter so it burst out! I laughed because he really talked very fast! In fact, I wasn’t able to understand what he was telling. Haha!

Then we reached Belair, and then home. I ate dinner (fried chicken and rice) and watched Momay. I surfed the net then Gino came and told me, “Te Neory, bukas na yung aircon. Pupunta ka na sa kwarto?” I answered yes and set my laptop to sleep mode. We played around. I tickled Gino, and then he farted! Eeww! Haha! Then, I’ll be sleeping soon. No classes tomorrow! Yahoo!

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Lakers won! I wasn't really a fan but the NBA Finals was the latest buzz in town. Everyone was talking about it so I took side. I chose Lakers because majority of my friends are with them. I didn't want to be booed by the Lakers fans if I side Celtics. I also don't know anyone from Celtics, so I am with Lakers! Go Kobe!
I felt better when I woke up in the morning, but I still have some difficulty in breathing. I drove to school with my mom and bought my Organic Chemistry book. I gave it to my mom so that I don't have to carry it on my way home anymore. My analytical chem lab class started, and the lessons were soOoOo long! It was basically all about statistics. At the end of the lessons, we had a drill, a lOoOong drill. Haha! We weren't able to finish on time so we'll pass it tomorrow. Then, we prepared our pre-lab. We were dismisses around 12:45, and we worked on our pre-lab until 1:45, and we still haven't eaten our lunch then! Goodness gracious! After we passed the pre-lab, we immediately went to the cafeteria to satisfy our grave hunger. Haha! Stepbrother (Dom) and Stepsister (Hap) were there. While we were eating, we were talking about anything. As usual, we were noisy. Good thing there was no guard that shushed us. Around 2:30, classes resumed. It was Organic Chemistry class and our professor is Ms. Abi. She’s so pretty and slim. Her style is also admirable. She always smiles. When the Laguna Day topic was brought about, which is on June 19 (Saturday), Gian asked Ms. Abi, “Ma’am lab po namin kayo ‘di ba?” Then, Ms. Abi replied with a smile and in a gentle tone, “Ewan ko sa’yo.” Gian was actually referring to the Chem Laboratory class, but we took the other meaning of it and we all laughed! After that, I attended Environmental Engineering class. Our professor has a good background. He had worked on many fields. I think he’s a really good Chemical engineer. In there, we have a classmate that resembles like Richmond plus Jerlito. Haha! He’s quite weird. He was asked to read our syllabus but it was not clear so he had to walk from one side of the room to another for him to be able to read the text. After that, I went home with Maika. I was really lucky she goes home by 5:30. When, I got home, I ate dinner, and took a shower. When I was fixing some things, my nose bled. Sheesh! Well, that nosebleed signals that my sickness will soon be over, and I also hope that it will soon be over.
Yesterday, I wasn’t able to blog because of asthma.

(all of this happened yesterday)

I have a hard time breathing in the morning. After eating breakfast, and bathing, I went back to sleep. I woke up around 12 noon, and then I prepared to go to school. I looked like a nerd with my hair tied back, sunglasses, and baby towel (apila) on my back. I left the house around 1pm. I did all my best to keep myself cool and not to overheat. Haha! I wet my handkerchief with water. I occasionally wipe my body with it to ease the heat. Fortunately, I reached the school safely but chest tightened. I felt tthat airways became narrower so I found it hard to breath. I went to the clinic for nabulization. After the treatment, I felt better.

Classes started and we were dismissed around 5:15pm. Jonan, Meg, Clang, Hap, and I went to the cafeteria to eat something. We waited for our ECE Awesome friends. I waited for Ian because I didn't want to commute. Then, I dropped by the bookstore to buy record book, wire gauze, and test tube brush. I also bought two ventolin nebules for my asthma. I came home around 7:45pm. I ate dinner and nebulized twice before I went to sleep.
I woke up around 1am and I saw an insect flying in my room. I knew that it was bigger than the fireflies. I was sleepy that time so I didn't bother to know what kind of insect was that. Then around 2am in the morning, I woke up again because of an unusual little scratching in my head. When I reached for my head to check what's on it, I touched a btle! I was shocked! I didn't know what to do. I was afraid it might bite me even if I don't know if they bite people. Haha! I calmed myself and thought for a while. I reached for a piece of cloth and covered my hand and got the beetle. I tried to get it off my head but its feet were tangled on my hair. Ugh. I tried for the second time, and luckily, I was able to get it. I wrapped it on the cloth, so that it won’t fly and bother me anymore. When I woke up in the morning, I checked the cloth. There were black secretions from the beetle. I didn’t know if it was alive but I put it outside our house. Sorry dear beetle.
First day of class. I drove to school, with Gien and my mom, in the morning. We got there safely by 7am. Haha. As I was walking thru the corridors, I notice that there are a lot of people. I felt like our school became smaller, but I know that the truth is our population is just getting bigger.

My class is scheduled at 830am so I went to the library to kill time. I saw Meg, Daryll, and Valerie there. I read some books and I also chatted with Meg. Our library had been rearranged. There were newly added tables and chairs. The lighting and shelving was also improved.

For my first class, which is Organic Chem Lab (Chm130L), I had 23 classmates. All of us are taking up Chemical Engineering. We have Ms. Ivy Manalo as our instructor. She has always been my instructor on my chem lab classes, from Chm021, Chm022, Chm023, and now Chm130L. She is knowledgeable, nice and understanding. For the next two hours, she talked about the rules, requirements, and our syllabus. She dismissed us by 10:45am.

We went to the cafeteria to have our lunch. It was overcrowded, and because of shock, I uttered with a sarcastic tone, “Nako! Ang dami namang tao! Parang hindi na naman tayo kasya dyan!” The security guard might have heard me because he went to a table wherein the students are not eating, in short, “tambay sa caf”, then the students just waited for some minutes and then they went out of the cafeteria. Luckily, we found some seats, and then, we ate our lunch.

We went to SM to buy some requirements for chem lab. Sadly, there were no stocks of wire gauze and test tube brush in the National Bookstore. We went to Ace Hardware to buy safety goggles, latex gloves, and mask. I really wanted to protect myself from chemicals. The hardware was really big so we had to ask where the goggles are. I asked a staff, “Kuya, saan po yung goggles?” then he pointed out to the direction where it was located. When we were on our way, Kuya said in a very low voice, “Yung goggles yun na pang-construction ah? Hindi yung pang-swimming.” I thought to myself, “Kuya, alam naman namin na Ace Hardware ‘to. Hindi naman kami maghahanap ng goggles na pang-swimming dito. Goodness.”

After that we went to SM Supermarket to buy sponge and soap dish. Then, we went to Goldilocks and Red Ribbon to see some cake designs. Then, we went home. It was so hot, as usual. When I reached Belair, I waited for 20 minutes for the shuttle. I hate them when they do that, they keep the passengers waiting. Tss. I wasn’t feeling well that time, so when I got home, I surfed the net for a while and then I slept.

When I woke up, my head was aching. I went down and I was asked to cover the books of Gino. I wanted to refuse but I didn’t had a choice. I was with my dad. We were teaching Gino how to cover his books. Gino got the cutting of the plastic cover wrong, so Daddy scolded him, and then he cried! Haha! He then went to the maid’s room to continue his crying. Uhh. What a great actor. Haha. Okay, I’m mean. Then, we ate our dinner. My head was still aching that time so I took Biogesic. I am sick since Sunday but I only took medicine today. I don’t usually take medicines, but if I know my body can’t handle my sickness anymore, I will. Weird right?
I am sick. I am currently feeling bad. My head aches because of viral upper respiratory tract infection (in short, common cold. Haha!) I also have sore throat, which makes my case worse. Ugh. I hate being sick.

Because I was sick, I didn't do anything that would have tired me. I slept around 12 noon to 2pm. After that, I ate noodles. I neeeded something hot to somehow ease my sore throat. I don't know, but everytime my throat is sore, I'll have something hot like soup, coffee, milk, or tea. After that, I just surfed the net. Glen was also playing games on the internet. Until around 5pm, he fell from his chair! He had fallen asleep while playing. I was shocked to see him on the floor, but he wasn't hurt. He didn't cry. Maybe he was cushined by his guardian angel. (Well, I believe in guardian angels.) I picked Glen up and transferred him to our bed. Then he slept, while I watch TV. I watched Momay. I am thrilled by the story.

Tomorrow will be our first day of classes. I only have one class, Organic Chem Lab, but it will be from 8:30am to 1pm. I hope that I'll be fine by tomorrow.
I cleaned some parts of the house including my room and the master's bedroom. I swept the floor and my found myself sneezing and sweating heavily all throughout the cleaning process. During the day, I had a runny nose. The heat and dust are the culprits. Tss. I biked around 11:30am, and burned 200 calories. Then, I ate my lunch. After that, we went to Festival mall. I was with my Gien, Gino, and my mom. I shopped for some clothes. Gino was with me the whole time I was shopping. He was the one holding the clothes I got. He was holding the clothes while playing PSP. Haha! I told him that he was like my little butler. After shopping, we went to Ysabel’s Garden for the scheduled food tasting by Queensland Catering. We had free food tasting for four people. Their food really tasted good. I have the menu for my party. I also had the contract signed. I noted to Ms. Genevieve everything that I want for my party. After that, we went to Mandarin to pick up my Dad. He was having a good time with his friends. They were drinking, and when we got there, my dad was already drunk. He really acts weird when he’s drunk, and he did act weird. While waiting for my dad, I talked to Nanay and Ninang. I asked them about the latest happenings in their lives. Nanay told me that Tatay visited her last June 4. She told me that Tatay appeared on the side of her bed, but she didn’t his face. Tatay was not facing her. June 4 is Tatay’s birthday, and Nanay didn’t remember it. That is why he appeared. I told Nanay that Tatay was sulking because she has forgotten his birthday. Nanay told me that she was guilty and that she will never forget again. Haha. I also updated Nanay about my upcoming party. I reiterated that she should come and that she will give me a short message on my birthday. I told her that she should walk without support on my birthday. Currently, she is using a sort of a crutch. I don’t know what it is called, but it has four legs, and 2 wheels. It functions like crutches. I also told her that she should make herself stronger because she’ll be attending my birthday on August 2010, my graduation on 2013, and my wedding (who knows when?). I don’t want her to go. I know that she’s 74 years old, and she’s getting weaker. That’s why I always tell her those things for her to have visions or things to look forward to. It may sound selfish, but I want her to witness my graduation. I want her to be with on my first month of salary so that I can treat her. I want to have a trip with her, anywhere she wants. I still want to do many things with her, and for her. She took care of me when I was little and I also want to care of her now that she is old.
I did nothing special today. I just stayed at home the whole day. In the morning, I cleaned my cabinet and other stuffs here in the house. Then, I exercised and burned 500 calories. After lunch, I burned the pictures saved in my laptop into 4 CDs. I slept again in the afternoon. After waking up around 5:15pm, I ate bread with fried egg and I drank hot coffee. It was a cold afternoon. The sky was cloudy, and the rain poured a little bit later. Then, around 6pm, I checked my calendar. It says, "watch Sports Science 5:30pm". That note has been there forever. Haha! The show was really great. It was about the underlying principles of science that is put practice in sports. Sadly, I have watched it only for once. I kept on reminding myself to watch it every Friday in Studio 23, but I haven't watched it again. After that, I watched Momay. I really like the little girl, Momay, in the story. I also love the song. "♪♫♪Hindi ko kayang iwanan ka... Hinding-hindi ako lalayo sa’yo... Puso’t buhay ko’y nakalaan sa’yo...Nandito lang ako, buksan mo lang ang puso mo...♪♫♪" I have it downloaded illegally. Haha! Downloading sonds illegally is not so much of an issue here in the Philippines. There are still no laws regarding it.
I did nothing special today. In fact, I was only lazying around the whole day. I slept around 10:30am to 12:30pm. Then I ate my lunch, and after a while, I exercised and burned 340 calories. I watches Rosalka and Impostor. Then, I slept again. around 6:30pm and I woke up 8:40pm. I was hungry. I went down to find something to eat, and sadly, I found nothing. Haha! They all ate the food! I just resorted to warm milk and some biscuits. Then, I watched Rubi and the Big Goal Concert. The songs of Bret were kind of sleepy. The dance numbers were great. Jenny wasn't that good in dancing but she looks cute while dancing, and so as Bret. He's really not a dancer. Comparing the two, Jenny dances better. So my message to Bret is, "Just sing. I love you when you're singing." Haha! The housemates were great. They were able to raise around P580,000 for the players of the Homeless World Cup on September 2010.
I woke up by 8am, but I got up in bed by 8:40am. Today is my stepbrother's birthday. Domeng is my stepbrother. But don't take it for real. Haha! He is just my stepbrother in a weird family tree that we created in school.

I was invited to come to Domeng's birthday. I told him that I, together with Jedy and Clang, would come by 10am. Around 8:30am, I texted Jedy and Clang that we would meet at Mini Stop. Jedy replied, but Clang didn't. So, I had a gut feel that she would be late. I was suppose to leave the house by 9:30am but my mom told me to just wait for her so that I can take a ride with her. We left the house by 9:55am. Then, I got to Mini Stop by 10:25. As expected, Clang was late. What's new? She has always been late. Haha!

Then, we went to Dom's house. We chatted for an hour and a half about anything. Karen, Mabel, and Meg came around 12 noon. Lou and Bulay followed, and together we chatted and ate. After lunch, we watched TV. It was really fun and crazy hanging out with my awesome friends. We were talking while the TV was on, so we had to make our voices louder. The result? A noisy living room! Haha! We watched Pinoy Henyo, Willie of Fortune, and Smile Honey. We actually didn't watch that much because as I said, we were talking all the time. Haha. Karen and Clang were the only ones obsessed with Smile Honey. They are avid followers of that koreanovela. After watching, we went to Mini Stop to eat ice cream, but Mabel didn't come with us. The ice cream tasted really good, and the good thing is, it is only worth P15.

After eating, I went home. Too bad that the shuttle here in Laguna Belair still hadn't changed. They are still slow and inefficient, and they are also having a pricey fare.
Yesterday, I spent 2 hours to complete my medical exam and drug test. Today, I spent the whole day to get my non-professional license. My mom and I came to LTO early in the morning, around 7am. When we got there, we found out that LTO will open by 8am. So, we needed to wait. While waiting, we ate the food we ordered from Jollibee. My mom had tapa, while I had burger steak, both with hot chocolate as drinks. My mom told me that she will go the market, and I'll stay there and wait for the LTO office to open. So, I did wait. While waiting, I've noticed that many people were smoking. Wherever I looked at, there was a smoker. I mean, there were smokers. While I was patiently waiting on my seat, a man came and smoked in front of me. I was disgusted, so I coughed out loud. Just two coughs and I had him gone. Haha! After a long wait, the gates opened, and one girl shouted “Sugod mga kapatid!” Haha! It wasn’t really a loud shout, but I know many people heard it. I just smiled when I heard it, and then I proceeded to window 1. I submitted the needed documents, and I was asked to go to window 8. I was number 4. It was 8:15 then and no one is still on window 8. When the personnel arrived, the checking of documents was done quickly, and I was asked to proceed to window 3 for picture taking and signature signing. Haha. As always, I waited. The waiting time for every window is really long. I don’t know why. They are supposed to be faster now that the transactions are all computerized. Ugh. I don’t know with them. Well, after window 3, I was asked to wait to be called by window 9 so that I can pay. After waiting, I was called and I paid P167.63. The P100 was for the application fee, and the P67.63 was for computer fee. Then, I went again to window 1. The guard told me that I was in the fourth batch of the lecture and exam part, and that I should go back before 1pm. My schedule was 1 to 2:30pm, and by that time, it was only 9am! Goodness! So, I decided to go to SM to kill time.

When I arrived at SM Sta. Rosa, it was only 9:30am and the mall was still close. So, again, I waited. It opened at exactly 10am. It was my first time to see the opening of SM. Before the doors were opened, there was a prayer. I find it nice. I don’t know if Henry Sy really wanted it that way, and I don’t know if he’s the religious type. I’ll soon find out. I went first to National Bookstore to check out some gold-ish paper. I mean, not-so-gold paper, quite gold or something that is near gold. Then, I found a Buff colored paper. There were a lot of colors to choose from, so it took me around 20 minutes to finally decide what to get. After that, I went around the mall to check out stuffs. Then I ate my lunch at Red Ribbon. I ordered Bangus ala Pobre with Dulce de Leche Cake. It was not a nice dining experience. It took them 20 minutes to cook my food. I also don’t find the crew welcoming and accommodating. I asked a waiter to give me water, and then he just looked at me with a little nod. I don’t know if it was a nod. But, no water came. So I had to go to the counter to ask for water AGAIN. I feel irritated every time I remember that moment. Tss. If only not to the luscious cakes of Red Ribbon, I will not go back there ever. Well, it was only in SM Sta. Rosa where I find the crew grumpy and irritating. Ugh. After that, I bought frozen yogurt from Frozen Bites. It was a bit sour, much like of a real yogurt. So I guess it’s real. Haha! After that, I went to LTO.

After some time of waiting, the guard called the number 72, which was my number, and then I went upstairs for the lecture and exam. The lecture was not more of a lecture. It was a film showing. It was 1:30 in the afternoon, and I was watching, I felt sleepy. I tried my best to fight it because the officer said that the things on the film will be asked on the exam. After the film showing, the officers were still our examination. Again, it was a long wait. Then, the exam started. The questions weren’t that hard but the choices are so vague. I can’t explain it that much but it’s like two answers fit one question, so I found it hard choosing the right one. Gladly, I passed. I scored 31 and the passing score was 30. Then, the test drive was next. After again, a long wait, I was asked to pay P250 only a for a little test drive. The examiner asked me to just round a little curve, and that it. That is already worth P250. Expensive huh? After that, I waited at window 9. As always, it was a long wait, around 40 minutes. I paid P417.63. The P350 was for the license fee, and the remaining P67.63 was, again, for computer fee. (There were too many computer fees but they still fail to make transaction faster) Then, the final step, the release of my license was next. I waited for about 30 minutes to finally claim it. I love the look of my license. My picture was also nice. The only thing that I don’t like was my weight, 76 kilos. Eew.

My mom picked me up and then we drove home, and ate barbeque from Lolo’s barbeque stall along the main road of Laguna Belair 1.
I drove my sister, together with my mom, to school for her medical exam and orientation. As I was rounding a curve, I went too fast and I didn't notice that I was already out of the lane. Haha! Quite dangerous, right? So, my mom scolded me for 2 minutes or more. Hahahaha. I wasn't really listening to her sermon because I was concentrating on my driving. When we got to school, Gien got off and my mom drove to LTO - Alabang (I'm not sure if it's really called that way).

When we arrived, we knew that "LTO-Alabang" was only for license renewal. I'm gonna renew my license because I still don't have one. So, we had to transfer to LTO - Las Pinas. We got lost. Quite. On our way, I saw the big LTO sign and I pointed it to my mom. But she said, that she got her license near the municipal hall of Las Pinas. So, we went there only to find out that the LTO that I saw is the one that we're finding. Goodness gracious.

I underwent the so-called medical examination that cost me 100 pesos. What the only doctor did was to measure my height and weight. Well, he also asked some questions that I didn't understand so much, because he was just murmuring it to himself. Haha! I just kept nodding, and he just kept on checking things on the paper that he's holding. I am 160 centimeters in height and 76 kilos in weight. I was shocked that I weigh 76 kilos, because here, in our own weighing scale, I only weigh 70 kilos. That was a lot of gain huh? I hope it wasn't accurate.

Then, I underwent a drug-testing. The center is called Sunflower Drug Testing Center, and the whole office is color yellow. Wow. Ninoy? Cory? Noynoy? Hahahah! I find its name weird, because it is suppose to sound like some medical terms or something that is related to health. Thinking about it, sunflower is a part of nature, and nature is being studied by sciences. Science is related to health, so maybe that's why. Hahaha. Weird explanation, right? But still, I find it too childish to name a drug testing center, sunflower.

The center requires 60 ml of urine to be tested. I thought that it was too much, because when we were examined in MCL, they only required around 15 ml of urine. Well, I didn't have a choice but to fill the bottle. On my first attempt to fill it, I wasn't successful. I only filled 1/3 of the bottle. I also found it hard to "shoot" my urine into the bottle. So, the whole process was gross. Eew. Then, I drank some 500 ml of water. For my second attempt, just a little bit was added. So, I drank another 500 ml of water. While drinking, I thought, "Where on earth would the water I drank went? I should have filled it already! I drank 1 liter of water and still, nothing came out?" After stating my frustrations to myself, I did my third attempt. Luckily, I completely filled the bottle! Whew! Then, they had my picture and fingerprints taken. I don’t know the name of the device that was used to get my fingerprints. It was like a mini-scanner, and ofcourse, it scans your fingerprints. After some time of waiting, I got the result, and it is negative. I haven’t tried taking shabu or marijuana, and I’m not gonna try it. Never.

The quota was reached, so there was a cut-off. That means I need to come back tomorrow in that branch or in any branch of LTO to get my license. Too bad.

After that, we went to Queensland’s office on Citadella Executive Village. There office was air-conditioned, and the ambiance was really good. The feel was like you’re in a 10th floor office of a tall building. We asked about their catering services. We were talking to Ms. Genevieve. I told her that my motif will be black and gold. She said it was fine, and I really happy to know that. I thought white cloths or linens, but they have black. Now, my problem is solved. The menu and set-upthat I chose would cost us around P36,000 for 100 guests.

Then, we went to festival mall to eat our lunch. We arrived there around 1pm, and we ate at KFC. I tried their new BBQ Rods. It tasted good. I really love the barbeque flavour, may it be on fries, corn, potato chips, and other food. Then, we went to LTO-Binan only to be told that we should go back early tomorrow. So, we went to pick Gien up, and together, we went to Donya Juana Resort to reserve my party day, August 7. Then, we went to Cabuyao to ask some questions to Kuya Alex of Limits Audio Mobile and Lights. Technically, he looks good. He has an angelic face even if he has some facial hair, specifically, beard. The only thing that I don’t like is that, I am taller than him. Well, back to the sounds and lights for my party, his package consists of party lights, sound system, bubble machine, and smoke machine. The package costs P3,500, and that is pretty much cheaper than the rest that I know. So, I think, we’ll avail their services. I also asked Kuya Alex to provide me a cheaper projector, because the first one that he offered costs P2,500.

After that, we went to Paseo de Sta. Rosa to have our merienda. First, we went to Ryuma, but the guard told us, “Ma’am klus pa. 5pm po, terte menets pa po.” And when I checked on my watch, it is 4:57 pm (Malayan Time). I thought, 3 minutes times ten is thirty. Maybe that’s it. Haha! So, we went to find another place to eat. We walked about 300 meters from our car to reach paseo 2. After seeing all the stores, we ended up eating on Red Ribbon. I had Beef Salisbury Steak. Yum! It was so delicious. You can taste real beef with every bite.

Finally, we went home, and we found out that our blue mountain bike was nowhere to be found. It was stolen. We concluded that way. May be, it was stolen late last night because Gien and Nea told us that they still saw it yesterday night, until around 9pm. I feel so sorry for those who stole our bike. That bike costs P40,00, and the dignity of those who got it is also worth P40,000. It is too sad to think that they can steal for a little amount of money. Well, forty thousand is a lot, but it is far cheaper than one’s personal worth. I told my sisters that karma would soon struck those people, and it will bang them triple times. I’ll just leave them to God.
In the morning, I packed marshmallows and fish crackers. It was kinda fun, even if I was doing it alone. Haha! I did it because I was actually finding things to do for me not to surf the internet or watch tv and tire my eyes. I'm having a new school year's resolution. I will not watch tv for more than 1 hour a day, and surf the internet for not more than 2 hours a day. That was just internet surfing, and it excludes the use of my laptop for academic purposes (e.g. assignments, projects, manuals). I'm doing this for my eyes. I don't the grade of my eyes to climb up. I'm planning to have it lasered when I'm 21, if God permits it, I will pursue it.

For lunch, I prepared fried chicken. I followed a batter recipe on the internet. The batter I did was quite bland. When I was frying, the cooking oil became black. Haha! Weird right? It became black because of the batter and flour that was left and cooked for a long time. So, I stopped using the batter. I just fried the remaining four chicken parts with just the flour as a coating.

On the afternoon, I cooked pancakes. We put some condensed milk on top of it and ate it. Yummy! Later on the afternoon, I accompanied Glen. He went biking on the clubhouse and I went watching after him. I got to see the kids, Karen, Carlo, Fay, Tj, Quico, Allen, Leobhen. They were all skating, biking, and playing aorund. I wish I can also skate. I mean, rollerblades.

Tomorrow is the scheduled date for me to get a license. I hope I will get my license tomorrow. Wish me luck! =)
Today is Baby Kaye's 1st birthday party. Her real birthday was yesterday, June 4. Tatay, Penelope, and Kaye have the same date of birth. What a great coincidence huh?

The party was really fun. The program started around 4:30pm, not bad, because the time indicated on the invitation card is 4pm. There were lots of games. My brother, Gino, had won a lot of prizes. Haha! But he only lasted for 8 seconds during the longest greeting game, so he lost. My mom, together with Tita Weng, was brought in front when the host called for a hot momma during the Bring Me game. Dad joined the limbo rock, and guess what, he won! Haha! The last level was below the waist, and still, my dad made it! I was proud and at the same time, I was laughing really hard when he was bending with all his effort! One thing is for sure, his bones are still strong. Then, we ate. I didn't ate much. I ate just a little more than my usual meal. The food tastes good, too bad I didn't what those foods are called. The buffet table doesn't have labels for food. (The catering services were taken care of by Queensland.) I've had lots of chocolates from the chocolate fountain. I really love chocolates. I really do, and it's really hard for me to stop myself from eating. There was also a popcorn station, where you can get, ofcourse, free popcorn! Yum! After the meal, they had games again, and finally, the magic show. The magician was really cute. His name is Jason. He looks like my former teacher/crush in high school. He does speak english, but not so much of the right accent. I suggest that he would do magic, and not speak anymore. Haha! He's a really good magician. He did some tricks that I've never seen before. When he was doing his tricks, a Lolo was really amazed. He was like, “Oha!” “Wow!” “Ang galing!” You can really see in his face that he’s so mesmerized by the magic trick. While looking at him, I remember Tatay. Soon, it will be my debut party, and I’m wishing that he was still here. I’m wishing that he would be present in my party, uttering a wish for, and greeting me a happy eighteenth birthday. I got teary-eyed while thinking those thoughts earlier. Good thing, no one noticed. After the magic show, I wanted to have a picture taken with the magician, but I had a second-thought, so I didn’t pursue it. Haha! I think, he will just forever a beautiful memory, unless I see him again in a birthday party. Haha!
I went to Festival mall together with my sister, Nea. First, we went shopping for Kaye's gift. It will be her first birthday tomorrow, and we'll be attending it so we need a gift to give. We went from one shop to another only to find out that a little short for a one-year old can be worth 300 pesos. My goodness. I can already buy 3 adult shirts with that sum of money. Well, that's life. Haha! Some things are worth more than what they seem. Good thing we found a cute dress for less.

We then went to National Bookstore to buy some supplies (golden papers, notebook refills, adhesive tapes). Then, I started to have some stomach cramps. It hurt really bad that I needed to take Buscopan to somehow relieve the pain. We ate at Chowking to fill our empty stomachs. Then after that, we went to the movie theater and watched Here Comes the Bride. It was really funny, especially Angelica and Tuesday. It was all about soul-switching... for two years. Haha! I wonder if that would happen to me. I don't know what will my reaction be, but I guess it depends on the body where my soul would be going into. Back to the movie, I love Tuesday's role. She used to a stupid nanny, and then the soul of Eugene, a lawyer, took over her body, so instantly she became an intelligent attorney/yaya. She was talking about laws all the time, "According to article number 13... blahblahblah" I find it really funny, as in really funny. Haha! During the movie, we ate popcorn and toffee cake. Yummy!

After the movie watching, we went to Ideal Vision to get my eyeglasses. Unfortunately, for the second time around, those glasses won't fit my eyes' grade. It was really blurry, so they had to check my eyes again only to find out that the grade of my eyes is still the same. I need to wait, again, until Sunday. I only decided to have a pair of eyeglasses done, instead of two, because they'll be charging an additional 500 for each, so, no thanks. Haha!

We went to National Bookstore again to meet Van, Marc, Penelope, and CJ. It was so nice to see them even in just a few minutes. I gave Penelope a silver headband, a gift for her birthday. I'm glad she liked it. I just got from our shop in Paseo de Carmona.

Then, we went to metropolis. The PUJ Terminal was located on their basement. It was a bit dark in there, and it smells really bad. The place was filled with smoke coming from the jeepneys. I wonder how could the people working in there survive their everyday lives with that kind of surrounding. We waited for 20 minutes for the jeepney to be full. It was a long wait. Rarr. We stopped at Waltermart to wait for our parents.

After waiting for almost an hour, they came, and we went to Donya Juana Garden Resort in Cabuyao. There will be a party in there this evening. So, we got to see how the lights work, and how the place looks like at night. I really like it there. My mom continually asked the staff numerous number of questions. The air-conditioned function room costs P13,000 for four hours of use, and that includes free time of set-up and a room for the debutante. There, we met Lola. She was a guest to the debut party, but she's too early. So she chatted with my dad, and asked who will be having a debut party. My dad said that I will be having a debut party. Lola asked me what my course is, and I answered Chemical Engineering. She was kind of stunned and said, "Ah. Ang bigat nun ah? Special 'tong bata ito." Then, Dad continued the talking. He was bragging about my achievements, and I'm touched. I know he's proud of me, and I want him to, 'coz one of my goals in life is to make my parents proud of me. I will try my best not to fail them in any way.

I suppose, Donya Juana Garden Resort will be the venue for my party. I'm glad that it will be. I just hope that no one would take August 7 before we can make a reservation.

We came home and ate fried chicken, spanish sardines, and suman from Trece Martirez that are worth 20 pesos for 6 pieces. Cheap huh? =)
The sun wasn't shining so brightly when I woke up. It was a bit cloudy. I thought that it would rain soon. And it did! Rain kept pouring on and off throughout the day. I heard in the news that PAGASA is not yet declaring that the rainy season is on because they have some standard measures (like it should rain for 5 consecutive days, and some volume of water must be poured) to meet. Good thing is that El Nino is now officially over. Thank God.

We ate sinigang na kambing for breakfast. It tastes good, but it tastes kinda weird. Haha! We also ate kinilaw na kambing from last night's dinner. I remember Tatay. He makes really good kilawin, may it be pork, beef, or kambing. He's quite a drunkard, so he's good in making "pulutan".

Then, we went to the clubhouse to ask for their rates. My mom was still considering it to be venue, but honestly, I don't like it. My guests won't fit in there and my MCL friends will have a hard time getting there. Until now, I'm still not sure where will my party would be held. I'm hoping that it would on Donya Juana Garden Resort.

I exercised and burned 300 calories. I don't know if I'm losing weight, but I'm feeling weaker. I used to bike at intensity number 2, and I usually reach 35 kph. But now, i bike at intensity number 1, and I can only reach 32 kph. I hope that before my birthday, my belly will shrink a bit and so as my arms.

I made a self-called pudding. Haha! I don't know what to call it, so I just called it pudding because it was sort of a maja blanca and I've seen that the english translation for maja blanca is Coconut White Pudding (sort of). For that pudding, I mixed 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1 cup of evaporated milk, 1 cup of Nido milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and 1 sachet of nescafe 3 in 1. It tasted good, but it lacked some sweetness.
Since I was a kid, I really looked up to my Dad. It’s not that I love him more than I love my mom, but I just see in him a very brave hero, a hero of our family. My dad is very responsible. He is also very loving and caring. He is somewhat strict but not that strict. Well, I understand why he is like that. If you’ll look at him, you’ll find him very serious and stern but he usually cracks corny jokes that would make our whole family laugh. My Dad doesn’t smoke, but he really loves drinking beer with his friends (occasionally) and I don’t why. Despite his vice, he had always wanted the best for me and for our family.

I admire my Dad very much; especially his quest to reach what he is right now. He was born in a poor family, but poverty did not stop him from reaching his goals. When he was young, he worked for his uncle as a helper and in return, his uncle sent him to school. When he reached college, he became a scholar but his allowance was not enough so he applied for a part time job and became a working student. Fortunately, he graduated as an engineer, had a very great job, earned enough money and then married my mom. When they got married, he already bought a house and lot for us. I just find this act really responsible, because he did not let us rent a house and suffer the usual problem of many families; housing.

My Dad taught us many values, especially thriftiness. He instilled into our minds to save money and to just buy the things we really need. He is also very proud of us. I remember when he was sitting with his friends at a party, they were drinking beer and they were talking about everything. Then I heard my dad, he was telling stories about me. He was bragging about my achievements and what I can do. I was really touched when I heard him saying those things. I felt an inexplicable happiness in my heart. From then on, I strived harder for I want my dad to be more proud of me. I have always given my best shot in everything I did and I will still give my all in everything I would do in the future.

I consider my Dad as our hero because he did everything for us. He works hard everyday, even if it’s tiring, just to meet our needs. I consider him as my inspiration. I once said to myself, “I should be as successful as my Dad.” Then I later realized that I want to be more successful than him. My Dad played a very big part in the process that made me what I am now. I am very thankful because I have him and I know to myself that he really made a very great impact in my life.

*I did this one in Eng013. =)
I watched this video.


It was about a father who chose to pull the lever to put the bridge down and save all the people in the train, but sacrificed his child’s own life. I cried. I felt sad because it is the truth. God sacrificed Jesus’ life but we just didn’t care. We didn’t appreciate and we continue to not appreciate all the things that He had done and He had been doing for us, how much He loves us, and how much He is willing to sacrifice just to save us. I’ve realized that dying for a purpose, say in place of someone you love, is a good way to go. Back then, whenever I am asked if I could give my life for someone, I am hesitant to say yes. Maybe I am afraid to die or something, but now, I realized that dying for a reason wouldn’t be that bad. Sacrificing your own life for the good of others is a very noble act. I won’t mind if I die in place of someone. I would be thinking that at least, because of me, I was able to save him/her. I remember the 18-year old guy who saved 30 or more lives of people. He saved them during the wrath of Ondoy, when the water flooded Manila. After he had saved the last person, he was carried away by the flood’s strong current, he drowned and died. He was a hero for the people whom he had saved. I was moved by his great courage and love for other people. Imagine plunging into the flood and saving other people’s lives risking your own. He did not think about himself that time, that’s why I salute him. He was already safe and out of danger, but still, he chose to dive into the flood again and help the people who were in need. His life was not wasted. He did not die in vain because in the hearts of the people whom he saved and the people who knew his great deed, he will continue to live. He will always be remembered because of his noble act. If a sacrifice is always needed for us to realize the truth, then let it be. May God fulfil His will.
Cars do have many parts, but the main center of action is their engines. These engines are the sources of power of our cars to make them move and perform their function.

So, how do cars work?

Cars, as well as other types of vehicles, work on the basis of the laws of thermodynamics. Engines operate on a thermodynamic cycle to extract mechanical energy from the heat of combustion. They convert heat to mechanical work. This obeys the first law, which states that one form of energy can be converted into another, as well as the second law, which states that the natural tendency of the heat is to flow from the high temperature reservoir to the low temperature reservoir.

How do engines work?

The automobile engines are internal combustion engines where the combustion takes place internally.

The ­principle behind any reciprocating internal combustion engine: If you put a tiny amount of high-energy fuel (like gasoline) in a small, enclosed space and ignite it, an incredible amount of energy is released in the form of expanding gas.

Most cars currently use a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert gasoline into motion. The four-stroke approach is also known as the Otto cycle, in honor of Nikolaus Otto, who invented it in 1867.

1stStroke - INTAKE: The piston starts at the top, the intake valve opens. When the piston reaches the bottom of the intake stroke, the intake valve closes, trapping the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder. Gasoline needs to be mixed into the air for this to work.

2nd Stroke - COMPRESSION: The piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture. The mixture is compressed tightly into a small space just beneath the spark plug. The amount that the mixture is compressed is determined by the compression ratio of the engine. Most car engines can squeeze this mixture to about one eight to one tenth of its original volume. (Greater compression means greater pressure and greater temperature.)

3rd Stroke – EXPLOSION: The piston then reaches the top of its stroke, the spark plug emits a small surge of voltage to ignite the mix, cause an explosive combustion (change of chemical energy to heat energy), and produce a powerful expansion of vapor. When the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder burns, the temperature rises. The fuel is then converted to exhaust gas which expands and exerts pressure in the cylinder forcing the piston down. (Here, the heat energy is converted into mechanical energy.)

4th Stroke - EXHAUST: Once the piston hits the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve opens. Here the pressure is released and the burnt fuel sent off the to the exhaust system ( to where a catalytic converter can remove a lot of the pollutants). Since the cylinder contains so much pressure, when the valve opens, the gas is expelled with a violent force (that is why a vehicle without a muffler sounds so loud). This exhaustion enables the piston to rise once more to lower again in the next intake stroke, so completing the four stroke cycle.

According to Sadi Cranot, the father of thermodynamics, the efficiency of the engine (Carnot’s heat engine) is dependent just on two temperatures: the temperature of the source (hot body) from where the engine absorbs heat and the temperature of the sink (atmosphere) where the engine gives up the exhaust heat. (The higher the temperature of the source and the lower the temperature of the sink, higher is the efficiency of the engine.)

Inside the engine, some part of the heat generated is used to perform the work moving piston inside the engine cylinder. The motion of the piston is converted into the rotary motion of the crankshaft, which is converted to the rotary motion of the wheels. The remaining part of the heat generated inside the engine is released to the atmosphere through the exhaust valves. The heat generated is called as source, whereas the atmosphere where heat is released is called as sink. Therefore, if the temperature of the source is greater than the temperature of the sink, an engine is more efficient.

Engine Cooling

The continuous combustion process generates massive amount of heat, but internal combustion engines must maintain a stable operating temperature. Therefore, engines must be cooled to avoid engine’s self-destruction. The vast majority of engines are liquid cooled. The water pump circulates coolant (usually a mixture of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) and water) throughout the engine, hitting the hot areas around the cylinders and heads and then sends the hot coolant to the radiator to be cooled off. Once the fluid is cooled, it returns to the engine to absorb more heat from the pistons.

A thermostat, used to control the temperature of the coolant, is placed between the engine and the radiator to make sure that the coolant stays above a certain preset temperature. If the coolant temperature falls below this temperature, the thermostat blocks the coolant flow to the radiator, forcing the fluid instead through a bypass directly back to the engine. The coolant will continue to circulate like this until it reaches the design temperature. In order to prevent the coolant from boiling, the cooling system is designed to be pressurized. Under pressure, the boiling point of the coolant is raised considerably.

The coolant in today's vehicles is a mixture of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) and water. The recommended ratio is fifty-fifty. In other words, one part antifreeze and one part water. This is the minimum recommended for use in automobile engines. Less antifreeze and the boiling point would be too low. In certain climates where the temperatures can go well below zero, it is permissible to have as much as 75% antifreeze and 25% water, but no more than that. Pure antifreeze will not work properly and can cause a boil over.

Antifreeze is poisonous and should be kept away from people and animals, especially dogs and cats, which are attracted by the sweet taste. Ethylene Glycol, if ingested, will form calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys which can cause acute renal failure and death.

Additional Info:

The automotive battery, also known as a lead-acid storage battery, is an electrochemical device that supplies electric energy to an automobile. It provides a nominal 12-volt potential difference by connecting six galvanic cells in series. Each cell provides 2.1 volts for a total of 12.6 volt at full charge. Lead-acid batteries are made up of plates of lead and separate plates of lead dioxide, which are submerged into an electrolyte solution of about 35% sulfuric acid and 65% water. This causes a chemical reaction that releases electrons, allowing them to flow through conductors to produce electricity. As the battery discharges, the acid of the electrolyte reacts with the materials of the plates, changing their surface to lead sulfate. When the battery is recharged, the chemical reaction is reversed: the lead sulfate reforms into lead oxide and lead. With the plates restored to their original condition, the process may now be repeated.


*I did this as a requirement of Chm022. =)
To start with, the movie was really great. I was very pleased with the way the writers wrote and organized the entire plot of the movie, and the way the director lead all the cast to portray the real characters of the people involved in Rizal’s life. I was also amazed with the way they talked in different foreign languages, especially Spanish. Every time they were speaking Spanish or other languages continuously and fluently, my jaw drops. I ran out of words to say how great they were in speaking those kinds of languages. That’s why throughout the movie, I just kept on uttering the line, “Wow. Ang galing.” The script was written very well. The writers carefully chose the right and appropriate words for such scenes. I know they did it with much care because they don’t want to alter or change a meaning of something that had happened in our history. The places where the scenes were shot were beautiful, but I just don’t like the place where Rizal was shot in the end. I just feel that it was not that suitable, but the rest of the places suited the movie well. The costumes worn by the actors and actresses were also spectacular. I can honestly say that the places and costumes really played an important role of making the movie seem real. That’s why for me, when I was watching the movie, it was like a time travel to the late nineteenth century. I feel that I was really there, watching the real happenings in that historical era.

The music and sound effects also suited each scenes of the film. The music that was used in every part of the movie also helped in making the audience feel what the characters were feeling. The special effects like the one used when Teodora Alonso was telling the story of the gamo-gamo to Pepe was great, it seems like it was real; and also the entire film was made to look somewhat like an old film. It actually contributed to the historical feeling I felt while watching the movie. I really saw that every part of the movie was made with delicate care and a lot of preparation and research. I know that the actors, especially Cesar Montano, have gone through a lot of trainings just to make themselves like the characters they are portraying in the film. Their acting was remarkable. I can say that the whole life story of our national hero, Jose Rizal, was justified. The whole cast and staff of the movie succeeded in making the life of Rizal come to life. They made the audience experience all the things that Rizal had gone through.

The film portrayed the significant events that occurred in Rizal’s life. I actually refreshed my memory about our Philippine history when I watched this movie. The movie really showed a lot of truths about the colonial rule of Spaniards. The part where they showed Pepe studying under Justiniano Cruz and then he was punished by the teacher because of a very foolish truth, that Pepe knows a little of other languages, was quite irritating. Imagine you will be hit just because you are knowledgeable of something. That scene really made me pissed off with the teacher, and with the fact that the teacher doesn’t want his students to learn and progress. The film also showed how powerful the friars were at that time, and it also showed their abuses of power. The friars, supposedly fathers of the people, raped women, and did everything just to stop Rizal from opening the eyes and awakening the Filipinos. They also replaced Blanco as the governor-general because he was already siding with Rizal. These evil acts made them inferior than all the indios that they call barbaric and non-civilized. I also actually hated them because of what they did. While watching, I feel like I want to enter into scene and speak up for the rights of the Filipinos they are insulting. That’s why I was really laughing when I watched the part where Rizal ridiculed one of his friar teachers because of talking about superiority of the Spaniards to the Filipinos. I also loved the part where Rizal, not knowing anything about what’s happening, shouted “Libertad!” repeatedly; also his moments with Leonor Rivera made me kilig. I love those scenes because I knew that our national hero also has a fun side or like a humorous side and that he was also a man who falls in love with a woman. It made me felt that he was really an ordinary man that had done extraordinary things for his family and of course, for our country.

The movie also showed the brutality of the Spaniards. They evicted all the people of Calamba from their homes with force. The Spaniards also tortured Paciano by applying pins under his fingernails just to extract information and evidence of Jose’s complicity in the revolution. The film also cleared what really happened between Del Pilar and Rizal. I thought that they fought because Rizal wanted to be the president of Sol but Del Pilar won. I was wrong. I knew that they fought because Del Pilar took the La Solidaridad as a private organization and not for the whole country. I admired Rizal more because of what he did; he stood up against them even if he knew that doing so will make him appear weak and a loser because no one is on his side. The movie also showed that during his trial, the audience was composed mainly of Spaniards, which we all know are against Rizal. Looking at this, you can already see the bias. Even if Taviel presented and did all what he can do, the Spaniards still condemned Rizal to death without much justification and evidences. It kept me thinking why are there such people in this world, people who would do everything for the worse of someone. The great impact and influence of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo was also portrayed in the movie. The novels of Rizal opened the eyes of the Filipinos to the reality and even inspired the Katipunan, especially Bonifacio, to revolt. Speaking of Bonifacio, he was really a man of courage. In fact, in the movie, his scenes made me smile, because he was like always angry while uttering his lines. But I also honestly admire him, because of his determination to fight for our independence. I am proud that he succeeded with his plans and we became independent.

Going back to the movie itself, I loved its ending. The part where Rizal was executed made my eyes teary, but I didn’t cry because my classmates were there. When he was shot, the Filipinos cried, but the Spaniards rejoiced and played a very lively music. For me, it was a very emotional scene, because I saw the grief and sadness of all the people who knew Rizal, may it be his family, or friends, or even other people he didn’t know but knew him as a hero.

After watching the movie, I realized how much Rizal loved his family, especially his mom. I also knew that aside from being a great writer and ophthalmologist, Rizal was a really great person. He thought of others first before himself. He chose to die for the sake of others. Even if he had many opportunities to escape he didn’t, because he wanted to show that Filipinos know how to die for their principles in life. He also chose death for the Spaniards to spare the innocent people around him. Rizal wanted to save all the Filipinos by sacrificing his own life. I really love his line, “What matters death if one dies for what one loves, for native land and cherished ones?” I can’t express in words how I admire and look up to Rizal. He really played a very important role in achieving our independence.

As I was searching the net for additional information about the movie, I found out that this movie was filmed in 1998 to mark the 1998 centennial of the country’s independence from Spanish colonial rule. I also found out that this film was actually one of the biggest and the most successful films ever made in the history of Philippine cinema with a record-breaking P80-million budget. They really invested a lot for this, and fortunately, their efforts paid off. I was 6 years old when this movie was released. I can’t even recall a memory of it. Back then, I didn’t know its true essence and significance to us Filipinos. But now, I know. I really know.