It took a long process for me to shift from Electronics Engineering to Chemical Engineering. When I first let my parents know, mom disagreed but Dad said, "Kahit anong gusto mo." My mom disagreed because she thought that I was just going with the flow (influences of friends that made me change my mind so easily).

I asked God for his opinion. I asked him if I should take ChE instead of ECE. I asked for a sign. If I see the moon, I'll shift. When I was praying that, I haven't seen the moon for four consecutive nights already. Maybe because of clouds. Then one night, I saw the moon! I got the approval of God! So I talked to my mom again. I told her that I am serious about it then she asked me why. I told her that I don't like Electromagnetics and other topics related to electronics. I had a taste of it in Physics023 and I didn't love it that much. I appreciate Chemistry more. I got the shifting form. I went to the CSD and the counselor interviewed me. I convinced her so she signed the form. I went to Sir Tablante and we had a long talk. Everything he said made me confused again! When he felt my confusion/hesitation, he handed the form back and told me, "Think about it. After a week, if your mind hasn't changed, I'll sign it." After that, I thought and thought and thought about it for a thousand times. I was thinking that in this decision lies my future. If I'll make the wrong decision then I'm in trouble.

Fortunately, I pursued my plan. After much debate with myself, I shifted to ChE. Now, I am enjoying my courses as a Chemical Engineering Student and I thank God for letting me do what I did. =)
"True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love never ends."

I don't where Krissy got this quote but the important thing is, I do agree with this quote. I still haven't found my true love, but I see it a lot.

For me, true love is when couple stick out with each other no matter what happens. True love is loving someone just because you love him/her. True love is doing everything to make that special someone happy.

I hope and I pray, that someday, my prince and, at the same time, my true love will come.
Tuesday afternoon, January 12th, the worst earthquake in 200 years - 7.0 in magnitude - struck less than ten miles from the Caribbean city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Thousands of people died. I had goosebumps while watching the news. Most of the structures collapsed. Some were damaged. A lot of people were trapped inside the ruins of buildings. It was awful. I actually wanted to cry when I saw their situation. They have no place to sleep. Much of their clothes were buried underneath the ruins.

The nice part of the story is, different people and different races helped Haiti rise again. They sent food, clothings, financial-assistance, medical-assistance, everything. It was so nice to see the world being united for a common goal: to help the people of Haiti.
"Kawawa naman yung contestant sa Who wants to be a Millionaire.. Hindi niya alam yung plural ng cactus.. my goodness.."
- my post in Facebook

I remember that contestant. She's a she; a girl. Mid-twenties may be. I think it was only the fourth question (I'm not sure though.) When the question was asked, she took some time thinking about the answer. Then, to my surprise, she used her life line! I can't remember what life line she used but I think, it's ask the audience.

I knew the plural of cactus when I was in elementary, and I still know it today. I just don't know what happened to her during her elementary days. The correct answer is Cacti. Now you know.
January 23, 2010. 6pm-5am. Los Banos. (Obviously overnight)

January 24, 2010. 6am. Gawad Kalinga. Community Engagement care of NSTP.

How was that? When I came to school, (Jan.23) I have so much things to carry. Clothes for swimming, and for NSTP. It was so heavy! Good thing I have friends. Haha!

Karen's birthday was a blast! We barely slept because of Mother Nature's voice (Shiela) and also because of the dreadful voice of Jerlito. They kept on singing and singing until dawn! We managed to sleep for two hours.

When we arrived at GK, we were faced with construction worker's jobs. Painting, shoveling, and transfering buckets of soil. The girls were assigned in painting the houses but I didn't join them because of my asthma. My nose and lungs don't like the strong odor of paints. So, I decided to assist the boys in shoveling. First, I was just there, standing, and holding up an umbrella for them to be protected from the sun. When I got bored, I tried shoveling! It was a tough job! Really! Some of my classmates were commenting, "Uy grabe! Buti pa si Neory nagpapapala! Yung ibang LALAKI jan hindi man lang tumutulong!", "Brusko talaga 'to si Neory", "Macho eh!", "Grabe. Kaya mo yan Neory?", "Neory, bilisan mo naman, sinuswelduhan ka tapos pabagal-bagal ka pa!", and a lot more comments! It was a great experience. I will never forget it because it was my first to shovel much lands. Hahaha!
I have a crush. He's tall and he has this stern face. He barely laughs. I can say that he's the shy-type. I knew his story, his sad story. I knew it through a common friend of ours. I wanted to comfort him, but we're not friends. I don't even know if he knows my name, but I'm certain that he knows me by "face".

My stepsister (Abi) named him Xerkeley Vekenham. I don't know where on earth did she get that name. Haha! It sounds very gay but i think it's just fine. =p

He's my classmate (2nd Year 3rd Term) in one of my courses. Back then, I always wish, "Sana lagi na lang Friday" One time, we had an activity, I got to hold his hand for a while to align in with the others hands. I was sort of the "director" that time. In another activity, our group formed a circle by holding each others hands. (Unfortunately, he's not beside me). The task is to get the hula-hoop around the circle without breaking the bonds of our hands. (haha! that means you should somehow contort your body so that you'll get through the hula-hoop) When the hula-hoop got into him, the circle was broken! Our group lost! Everyone was teasing, booing, making noise, and everything. Him, he was like, "Binitawan niya kasi ako." He was referring to the guy next to him. He said the guy let go of his hand. Too bad right?

Lesson learned: It's much better to hold on to someone than let that someone hold you, because you're not sure how long he/she is willing to hold you. You may be surprised that he/she already let you go. (emo much?)
This is an application in Facebook that compiles all my statuses in fb throughout the year (well, i'm not sure if everything was documented) but it is cool.. haha! I decided to blog about my statuses that would be published.. ofcourse there is a story accompanying every status of mine.. i'm hoping that my mind would function well so that i could remember what happened during those times.. wish me luck! =)
Am I too weak? I have asthma. When I was a child, I always had asthma attacks. I used to be rushed frequently to the hospital because of asthma. So my parents bought me my own nebulizer. That's the only thing in this world that I would "smoke". (My elementary classmates saw me nebulizing and they said "parang yosi lang")

As I grew older, those asthma attacks lessened each year. When I reached high school, I only got sick once or twice a year. When I say sick, that's asthma plus other sickness. Haha. But when I reached college, I get sick every term! I remember taking my final exams (during my second year) even though I am sick. Ugh. That's so horrible! Fortunately, I passed all of them. My third year in college is really far worse than any year of my life. In a matter of seven months, I became sick five times already! Three of those sicknesses are accompanied with asthma. Oh so sad. I am always praying for my immune system to be improved. I don’t want to be sick because that means spending money for medicines and time lying in bed.
I've got this message from a friend..

"A fall from the fifth floor hurts as much as a fall from the tenth floor.

lesson? give it all.. it will hurt just the same.."

Well, I disagree.. According to the laws of physics, specifically about the free-fall motion, this is definitely not true.. y = y* + v*t - 1/2 gt^2 Consider y* as 15 meters from the ground to the fifth floor and 30 meters for the tenth floor. If this is a free fall motion, v* is equal to zero. We will consider the final velocity, which is v from v = v* - gt. Computing for the total time of travel, you'll set y to zero (to reach the ground). Obviously, the time of travel of the one from the tenth floor is longer than the total time of travel of the one from the fifth floor. Using v = - gt (v* = 0), the final velocity of the one from the tenth floor is greater than the one from the fifth floor. (Considering air drag, the values of velocities may decrease but still, the final velocity of the one from the tenth floor is greater than the one from the fifth floor.) Then considering Newton's third law of motion, the one with greater velocity will experience greater impact as it reach the ground. Greater distance from the ground = greater final velocity = greater reaction force the body will experience as it reach the ground. Therefore, a man that fell from the fifth floor has a greater chance of surviving than the man who fell from the tenth.

Lesson? Take time to know what will be the outcome of your actions. If you already know that you'll be hurt, stop and think for a while before going up another floor. Staying (going higher and higher) will just cause greater damage to yourself. Don't give your all, leave something for yourself. Be cautious as early as possible or you'll end up like the man that fell from the tenth floor. You may survive, but the fall will give you much impairment to the extent that you can't live normally anymore.

--Neory T. Mangaliman (2nd Year Engineering Student)

see? may connection ang physics sa love life! hahaha!

==I can't remember when I wrote this, but in Facebook, it was published on October 24, 2009.. I was taking Physics 2 that time under Sir Hermie Del Pilar.==
Girls, especially teens, are very much conscious on the way they walk, talk and on how do they look. Fashion for them is very essential. For most of the girls out there, fashion nowadays is already a need. Fashion is very important for a girl or a lady because the way one looks reflects her personality. Being not fashionable can affect one’s sociability and relatedness to others; also people can mark her as “out”.

Many boutiques selling fashionable clothes and accessories are scattered all over the country. You can easily find one near you. But most of the products they are selling are not that affordable. For example, a simple tee costs 250 to 1250 pesos depending on the brand name or where was it manufactured (here or abroad). Another example is a bracelet; it can range from 50 to 800 pesos depending on the materials used or the mark up price of the retailer.

We all know that money can’t be easily earned or found so we should budget it wisely. But limited money should not hinder a girl in being very pretty and very fashionable. This feasibility study will focus about how Arashii Neory will help girls to find fashion very beautiful and gorgeous without spending so much money. We will find out how to bring out the best on all girls out there without making their wallets suffer.

*I wrote this as my introduction of my feasibility study as a requirement for my TLE class. Since I was a child, I dreamt of having a fashion boutique of my own someday. I wrote this article on August 27, 2007. Now, it's Sept. 16, 2010, and I still don't have a boutique. Haha. Well, I know it's still early. I'm only 18 and I still don't have enough funds to create a fashion boutique. I'm still hoping that someday, it will come true, and... it will be a hit! =)
In the city of Quarks, there was this S4 or Sound Four who knew all the things about sound very well. S4 was consisted of Asi Domyouji, Lei Hanazawa, Mei Zuo Akira and Xi Men Soujiroh. They were popular not only in Quarks but also all over Asia. They were studying in Ying De Academy of Eitoku in Quarks. They were also the school’s heartthrob and the sons of the four main owners of the Academy.

One day, when the S4 was walking in the parking lot of Ying De, someone bumped Asi. The girl who bumped him was San Chai Makino. Asi shouted at San Chai with loudness in his voice. San Chai hates being treated that way so she shouted back at Asi “Who are you to shout at me? You’re such an arrogant dog!” Then she ran away from the S4. Asi, who’s very angry that time, shouted again “Hey you! How dare you call me a dog? Come back and I’ll show you what a dog really looks like!” Lei approached Asi, tapped his shoulders and said “I think she did not hear your last words. Remember the Doppler Effect.”

San Chai stopped running when she reached the rooftop. She shouted at the top of her lungs “You S4! You all look like a dog! I promise, I will never like you!” Then she heard her voice’s echo.

The next day, San Chai went to school early in the morning. She went to the locker area to get her things. And when she opened it, snakes started coming out! She screamed with a very high pitch of her voice. But her voice just exhibited reflection because the locker area was a closed place. When the snakes were gone, San Chai looked closely to the card attached inside her locker. It was a red card from the S4! She heard the sound of her heart beat faster. She knew what the card meant.

When she was heading home, she remembered that she has to buy a book for her project. So she went to the nearest mall and used the elevator to go up to the 5th floor of the mall. The elevator stopped when it reached the 3rd floor. The doors opened and there was Asi standing in front of San Chai. She felt nervous. Asi went into the elevator. The doors closed and suddenly the lights went off and the elevator stopped moving. They were both shocked. The two of them were not moving. The San Chai shouted for help. Asi told her “Stop shouting. There are only little slits in this elevator. Your voice can pass through the slits because of diffraction but I think the sound diffracted is very weak. It can be hardly heard by the people outside.” She answered back, “Alright, I’ll stop. But can you please help me think of a way to get us out of here? I thought you are intelligent. You know acoustics, frequency, interference and all that stuff.” “Acoustics is the study of the production and propagation of sound waves. Frequency is the number of cycles per second. Interference is the meeting of two waves. Ask me all about sounds and I can answer it. But I am not an expert in the art of escaping.”

They both sat down side by side. San Chai felt that Asi is hot. She thought he has a fever so he asked him “Are you alright? Aren’t you feeling well? You’re hot.” Asi replied “I am alright, I’m just…” and he fell down to San Chai’s lap. San Chai got her hanky and wet it with water. She then put it into Asi’s forehead. Hours passed and San Chai was still awake. Suddenly, Asi woke up and San Chai asked him “Are you feeling better now?” “Yeah, I’m feeling okay now. Thank you.” He replied and he tried to sat up. San Chai pushed him back to her lap and said “Just rest. It’s alright.” Then she got her harmonica and played it. Asi told himself that the music was so beautiful. “You’re music is very great. Do you know that resonance is the common cause of sound production in musical instruments?” Asi asked. San Chai just shook her head because she already forgot about it.

The next morning, they woke up when the elevator started moving downwards. When it reached the ground floor, they immediately run to get outside the mall. They walked side by side, and when they reached the main road, San Chai said with a blush on her face “I’m going home now.” Asi replied “Take care.” Then they walked on the opposite directions.

Asi stopped and shouted “San Chai! Thank you for taking care of me last night!” San Chai shouted back “I can’t clearly hear you! Remember the refraction of sound?” Asi ran towards her and said “I said thank you for taking care of me last night.” He kissed San Chai on her cheek and headed home. From then on, they became close friends and later on fell in love with each other.

*This story may sound ridiculous. Haha! As I was reading it, I was like, "Did I really write this?" Then I remembered Sir Bondoy asking us to write a story involving sounds and other scientific terms related about sounds, so all throughout the story, they were talking about sounds. I also did this in Physics class under the same topic, sound waves.
1 Corinthians 14:7-11
7And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? 8For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare to the battle? 9So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue, words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? For ye shall speak into the air. 10There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.11Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaks a barbarian, and he that speaks shall be a barbarian unto me.

I agree with these verses. All that we can hear are sounds but do we ever wonder why a sound differs from another sound? The sounds may vary because of their different properties. These properties are pitch, loudness and timbre. Two sounds may have the same loudness but if they have different pitch or timbre, they are not the same. That is why the distinction of sound is very important. Without these distinctions, we can’t know what or who produced the sound we have heard. Just like the example from the verses, if sounds don’t have distinctions, how can we know if it is the trumpet that denotes war? How can we know if it is a fire alarm, or an ambulance coming or just the ticking of the clock?

On verse nine, you can see that air was the only one mentioned where we can communicate. Scientifically, it’s not only in air where sound can be transmitted or passed. Solids and liquids may also be the medium where sounds can pass. Actually, the denser the material is, the better the transmission of sound. But it made me think, why do people always communicate through air? It is rare to see two girls chatting using a wood as their medium to communicate, Isn’t it funny if you will see man talking with his mouth very close to the wall because the one he is talking to is on the other side of the wall? Honestly, if I’ll see one, I will laugh.

I strongly agree that all sounds are significant because God created all things with significance. When we talk, every word we utter has a meaning. The dog’s bark, the chirping of birds, the thunder, the sound of the waves on the sea, all these have their own meaning and significance.

Sounds are very essential for us, humans, to communicate with other people. We talk and we understand each other. Sounds are very important not only to us, but also on the communication of animals. Not all animals do talk, but they do communicate with the sounds that they produce. Observe your surroundings. You can hear a dog barking, and after a few barks, other dogs near it will also bark. This just proves that there is something in the sounds that they produce where they can communicate or “talk” to other animals. May be we can’t understand those sounds, but we still know that it do have a meaning. But if we don’t know that sounds exist, can we still use it as a medium of communication? Good thing we learned about sound and more about it because of the scientists that discovered it. We should value sounds like how we value other things. Sounds are also God’s gift to us, without it, I think our life will be incomplete.

*This one's a reaction paper about the verse. We had this in physics class. I was under Sir Bondoy, he was also our class adviser. Our topic then was sound waves.
Ito ang aking isinalaysay na talumpati noong Filipino 1. Nagandahan ako sa talumpating ito na isinulat ni Mia Lavetoria.

Naliligiran ng kaguluhan; mga taong walang pakialam at makasarili; nakalahad na mga palad sa lansangan at mga tirahang pinagtagpi-tagpi lamang. Ito ang kasalukuyang larawan ng bayang dating tinaguriang Perlas ng Silangan.

Nakalipas na ang ilang dekada ngunit hanggang sa ngayon ay hindi pa rin nalalagot ang tanikala ng kahirapang kinalulugmukan ni Juan dela Cruz. Ito ang puno’t dulo ng lahat ng pangyayaring nararanasan sa kasalukuyan ng ating bansa. Kung bakit sa bawat sulok ng dilim nagaganap ang mga krimen. Kung bakit nawawala ang pagmamahal sa isa’t isa. Ang siyang dahilan kung bakit patuloy tayong sinasalubong ng mga maliliit at maruruming paang nakalahad ang mga palad na sana’y ang hawak ay mga panulat at papel. Kung bakit mahigit dalawang milyong pamilya ang nakararanas ng kagutuman at malaking bahagi ng sangkatauhan ay natutulog nang gutom sa gabi. Kahirapang hindi nagpatuntong sa paaralan sa halos sampung milyong kabataan.

Subalit hindi lamang ito ang sanhi. Hindi lamang ang tanikalang ito ng kahirapan ang nagpapahirap kay Juan dela Cruz. Kasama sa sapot na bumabalot sa ating bayan sa pag-unlad nito, ang pamahalaang bingi sa mga hinaing ng mga tao, bulag sa mga batang naglipana sa lansangan at manhid sa init at lamig na nadarama ng mga Pilipinong walang tirahan. Hindi ba’t silang mga nasa likod ng lingkurang bayan ang nangako ng kariwasaan sa ating bayan? Sa matatamis nilang dila narinig natin ang milyun-milyong hanapbuhay, pabahay at iba pang gabundok na mga proyekto. Isa ang pamahalaan kung bakit kinakailangang may mga taong natutulog sa lansangan kung mayroon namang mga lupain na maaaring pagtayuan ng kanilang mga tahanan at nang hindi nila pilit na isinisiksik ang kanilang mga sarili sa riles ng tren at tabi ng ilog.

Dapat na tayong mabahala. Sapagkat sa bawat isang kabataang tumitigil sa pag-aaral, humihinto rin sa pag-inog ang mundo. Ang mga pangarap at kagalingan ng mga kabataang ito na maaaring mga susunod na pinuno ng ating bayan ay nasasayang.

May pag-asa pa. Sapagkat ako’y naniniwala na sa likod ng mga kalawang ay minsa’y isang kumikinang na ginto. Ang ating bayan ay dati ng tinaguriang Perlas ng Silangan at maaari pa nating maibalik ito na tulad ng isang kumikinang na ginto kung aalisin natin ang mga kalawang na nakapalibot dito.

Ako, kami, tayo, bilang mga kabataang Pilipino ang lalagot sa tanikalang nagpapahirap sa ating Inang Bayan at siya ring tutulong upang alisin ang mga sapot at kalawang na pumipigil sa ating bayan sa pag-unlad. Sapagkat ako’y naniniwala, ang kulimlim na ulap ay lagi nang nahahawi upang bigyang laya ang haring araw sa muling pagsikat nito.
*I wrote this for NSTP033.

Personally, I define the word “community” as a place where someone belongs. It may be a group where someone interacts with other people that have similarities or commonality with him/her. A community can also be a place where one could share his/her interest, thoughts, knowledge and everything that he/she have. I’m defining community as a place or a group. The words place and group may different in meanings, but no it’s not; it was actually interrelated. When I said that a community is a place where someone belongs, I am also referring to the group of people whom one has similarities with. It’s like saying, you belong to your family, and at the same time, you belong at home.

A community does not need to have a physical location to be formed. A community can exist everywhere. It’s not like building a tower in an island. A community, unlike the tower, can be built or formed without any land. The members of a community do not need to be living in the same country or any area. They can be miles away from each other and they may not even get to meet the other members of their community in person, like the online communities in the internet. They are not physically interacting with each other, but still they are sharing something that they have in common. So for me, the only keys to form a community are people and commonality. With these two, you can have a community where people could share anything that they have.

Lastly, for me, a community is like a human being. Its physical body could die, like a community that can be destroyed by a strong storm or by volcanic eruption. The physical location of the community may have been destroyed by the storm or the eruption, but the unseen bonds that connect the people of that community weren’t even damaged by those external factors. I remember a tagalong saying that goes like this, “Namamatay lang ang isang tao ‘pag wala na siya sa puso ng mga nagmamahal sa kanya.” This saying also applies in communities. As long as there are people that commit themselves as part of that formed community, that community will still exist even without the other physical factors.
*I saw this when I was trying to delete some of my nonsense files. I think this is a good memory for me. Way back in high school I always make reviewers for our exams. Some may think it's pathetic or just a waste of time but it really helped me a lot. Studying directly on the book is not of good use for me because I can't remember all the texts that I'm reading. I must admit that I'm not really good in History, as in really not good. Haha. That's why I exert the most of my effort doing reviewers and having memory aids to remember all the things that should be remembered in this subject. But now, I don't remember all of them. (Well, at least I'm honest. =p)


Nagsimula ang pananakop ng mga bansang Kanluranin nang..
• Naglayag nag mga ito
• Biglaang pagbabagong pampulitika, panlipunan at pang-ekonomiya (dulot ng industriyalisasyon at urbanisasyon)
• Pangangailangan sa pagkain at hilaw na sangkap
• Biglaang pagdami ng populasyon
• Bagong teknolohiya (nagbigay lakas sa mga bansang industriyalisado)
• Kapitalismo (naghangad ng malaking tubo ang mga kapitalista na paiikutin sa market economy)
• Sanayin ang sarili sa pamamahala
• Manifest destiny o white man’s burden

Panahon mula 1914 – Westernization o paglawak ng pagka-Kanluranin

Komperensya sa Berlin 1885 – pinaghati-hatian ng mga bansang Europeo ang Africa

Uri ng mga Kolonya

KOLONYA – mahinang bansa sa ilalim ng malakas na bansa; bansang sinakop sa pamamagitan ng pagtatatag ng mga institusyon rito

PROTECTORATE – bansang binibigyan ng proteksyon ng mas malakas na bansa kapalit ng pagbibigay ng titulo at kapangyarihan

CONCESSION – mahihinang bansa na nagbigay konsesyon sa mga makapangyarihang bansa tulad ng espesyal na karapatang pang-negosyo
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE – maliit na bahagi ng bansa na kontrolado ng mas makapangyarihang bansa ang pamahalaan at pulitika

David Livingstone – unang misyonerong Ingles na gumalugad sa Africa
- 1854, Ilog Zambezi
- Unang dayuhan na nakakita sa Victoria Falls na ipinangalan niya sa reyna ng England
- Narating rin ang Nyasa Lake at Tanganyika Lake
- Namatay siya dahil sa sakit

Congo – maraming likas-yaman
- maaring kunan ng garing ng elepante (ivory) at goma
- maaring tamnan ng kape at beans
- minahan

*Madaling napasunod ang mga katutubo at makuha ang malaking lupain dahil sa isang kasunduan na hindi alam basahin.

Africa – 3 rehiyon
1. Hilaga – nakaharap sa Mediterranean Sea
2. Gitna – mainit
3. Timog - malamig

*Nang bumagsak ang Rome, nahiwalay sa Europe ang Africa.

Hilagang Africa – naging Islam
- yumaman dahil sa pangungulimbat ng mga sasakyang-dagat ng mga Europeo

Belgium – nakuha ang pinakamalaking bahagi ng Congo Basin 1885 under Haring Leopold II

France, Britain, Germany, Portugal at Italy – naghati sa natirang bahagi ng Congo

GREAT BRITAIN – may pinakamalawak na kolonya
 Sierra Leone
 Liberia
 Nigeria
 Tanganyika
 Congo-Bechuanaland
 South Africa
 Egypt
 Sudan
 Besutoland
 Transvaal
 Union of South Africa
 Gold Coast

Egypt – taniman ng bulak na mahaba at malasutla
Kanal Suez – magpapaikli ng paglalakbay tungong India

*Nagsimulang masakop ng Britain ang Egypt nang mangailangan ito ng pera upang ipagawa ang Kanal Suez. Umutang sila sa Britain ngunit hindi nabayaran. Ang naging kabayaran ay ang karapatan ng Britain sa Kanal Suez.

Egypt – naging protectorate ng Britain dahil noong 1882 nang magkagulo sa Egypt, nagpadala ng hukbong militar ang Britain sa Egypt

Cecil Rhodes – nagpuntang Hilagang Africa at nakuha ang Bechuanaland at Rhodesia

 Algeria – may bukal ng phosphate na nakapagpapataba ng lupa
 Tunisia – hinangad rin ng Italy
 Morocco – hinangad rin ng Germany
 Madagascar
 Sahara Desert
 Somaliland
 Congo


British East India Company – binigyan ni Queen Elizabeth I ng karapatan sa kalakalan sa pagitan ng England at India
- nagdala ng kaisipan, kaugalian, edukasyon, teknolohiyang Kanluranin sa India
- namahala sa India
- ngunit di nagtagal ang Britain na ang namahala rito


China at Japan – nanatiling isolated

China – naniniwalang nakahihigit siya sa iba dahil sa pilosopiya ni Confucius

Japan – isinara sa mga banyaga noong 1630 (Tokugawa Dynasty) maliban sa mga Olandes

Hong – mga mangangalakal ng Tsino

Lord George Macartney - ipinadala sa Peking ng mga Ingles upang makiusap kay Emperor Chien Lung na buksan ang ilang daungan ng bansa para sa kalakalan ngunit sila ay bigo

Kasunduan ng Nanking 1842 – binigyan ng China ang England ng karapatang mangalakal sa 5 daungan nito at binigay ang Hong Kong sa mga Ingles


Matthew C. Perry – ipinadala ni Pres. Millard Fillmore ng US noong July 8, 1853 upang humingi ng Cooling Station (pagkakargahan ng Karbon) at pagakakaibigan sa pamahalaan ng Japan

Kasunduan ng Kanagawa March 1854 – nagbibigay ng limitadong karapatan sa mga mangangalakal na ibang bansa

Japan – nagkaroon ng sariling modernisasyon habang ang ibang bansa ay nakikipagkalakalan sa kanila ngunit nagkaroon ng suliranin sa pagkain dahil paglaki ng populasyon

Digmaang Tsino-Hapones 1894-1895 – natalo ang Tsina at nakontrol ng Japan ang Taiwan, Pescadores Islands at tangway ng Liaotsung

Labanang Ruso-Hapones 1905 – natalo ang Russia at naging pangunahing bansa sa Asya ang Japan


*Nagsimula silang manakop nang kanilang natalo ang Spain noong 1898.
Nakuha ng US ang Pilipinas, Guam (naging himpilang dagat patungong Silangan), at Puerto Rico.

Dahilan ng pananakop
 ekonomiya
 likas-yaman
 kalakalan

*Nang natapos ang 1st World War, nakuha nila muli ang Samoa (mahalagang himpilang-dagat) at Hawaii kung saan makikita ang Pearl Harbor na pangunahing basing pandagat ng US sa Pacific.

Central America – pinangalagaan ng US dahil mahalaga ito bilang pamilihan at pagkukunan ng hilaw na sangkap

Australia at New Zealand – nakaligtas sa pagkakaroon ng hidwaan ng mga bansang mananakop


Sa mga bansang nanakop…

 nagkaroon ng kapangyarihang pangkabuhayan , pampulitika at pangkultura
 paglala ng paniniwala sa kalamangan ng mga Kanluranin sa mga etniko, lalo na sa mga itim
 sigalutan dahil sa pag-aagawan ng kayamanan at kapangyarihan (tulad ng digmaang Ingles-Boers)
 Apartheid o segregasyon ng lahi upang pangalagaan ang 17% na Puti sa South Africa (nanaig at pinaboran ang mga puti)
 Pagsigla ng kilusan ng mga organisasyong panrelihiyon
 Nagtayo ng mga panirahan ang mga Europeo
 Pang-aabuso

Sa mga bansang sinakop…

 Pagbabago sa tradisyunal na Istilo ng Pamumuhay
-lahat ay nagtatrabaho
-Polo mula sa Spain
-Kultur mula sa mga Olandes
 Edukasyon
-paaralang parokyal at normal
-wakas ng slave trading (1807)
-William F.B Harrison – nagpatupad ng Pilipinisasyon
 Pagsibol ng nasyonalismo
-bunga ng edukasyon
 Pagbabago sa Kultura
-ginamit ang relihiyon at edukasyon upang maisagawa ang mga layunin
-Rebelyong Sepoy – bunga ng maraming paglabag sa mga kaugaliang Indian
 Pagpapakilala sa bagong teknolohiya
-sumigla ang kalakalan
 Pagpapatayo ng mga institusyong Kanluranin sa mga Kolonya
-Lord Cornwallet – nagtatag ng serbisyo sibil sa India

*suttee – pagpapakamatay ng isang biyuda
*creole – mestiso
- anak ng katutubo at mananakop

*Nawalan ng teritoryo ang France pagkatapos ng 700 years war.


Hari ng France – walang kapangyarihan
- nahirapang pag-isahin ang France

Duke ng France – isa sa mga makapangyarihan

Panginoong pyudal – tulad lamang daw ng hari

Charles the Bald – nagsimula ang kasaysayan ng France
- sinundan ng mahihinang pinuno

Hugh Capet – duke na naging hari ng France noong 987
- una sa mga haring Capetian na namuno sa France ng 800 taon

Louis the Fat – unang nagsikap na lumakas at maging makapangyarihan ang pamahalaan ng France

Capetian Dynasty
• Hugh Capet – France ay nanatiling pyudal na pinamamahalaan ng mga duke at konde. (William the Conqueror – tanyag na duke)

• Philip Augustus – nagpahina sa mga pinunong pyudal at nagpatibay sa kapangyarihan ng monarkiya.

• Louis IX the Saint (St. Loius)– pinakahinangaang hari ng France, nanalo laban kay Pope Boniface VIII

Valois Dynasty
• Charles VII – hindi agad nakoronahan (Henry V ng England ay halos sakop ang France) Binawi ang Orleans sa tulong ni Joan of Arc. Nang si Joan of Arc ay nagtagumpay, saka siya kinoronahan.
-Kinontrol ang lahat ng simbahan sa pamamagitan ng Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges 1438
-natalo ang mga Ingles at nagtapos ng Hundred Years War

Bourbon Dynasty
• Henry IV (Henry of Navarre) – inapo ng nakababatang anak ni Louis the Saint
- nagbigay ng kalayaan sa pananampalataya (Edict of Nantes 1598)
• Louis XIV – 72 years namuno (pinakamahaba sa Europe)
- nakilala bilang Dakilang Hari
- “Ako ang Estado”
- Pinawalang-bisa ang Edict of Nantes
- Pinagtaksilan ng mga Huguenots

• Loius XVI – mahinang pinuno
-pagsalakay sa Bastille – dahilan ng pagiging Republika ng France
- naganap ang Rebolusyong Pranses sa kanyang Panahon

• Louis XVIII – malupit at ipinatapon ng France
- bumalik pagkatapos bumagsak ni Napoleon

• Charles X – huling haring ipinatapon ng France
- naniniwala sa banal na karunungan ng hari ngunit walang pakialam sa karapatan ng mga tao

France – nagtatag ng Republikang pinamumunuan ng Diractory (5 direktor)

Directory – mahina
- dahilan ng kudeta ng ilang pulitiko

Napoleon Bonaparte – heneral ng Corsican na iniluklok ng mga nagkudeta sa posisyon
- pinalaganap ang impluwensyang France sa Egypt at natagpuan ang Rosetta Stone

Konsulado – pumalit sa Directory
- binubuo ng 3 konsul

Abbie Sieyes – ninais pamahalaan ng konsulado

*Ngunit naging konsul si Napoleon at kinamkam niyang lahat ang kapangyarihan.

Napoleon – sinira ang alyansa ng Britain, Russia at Austria
- ginawang imperyo ang France at tinawag ang sariling Emperador Napoleon I
- nasakop ang halos buong Europe at naging panginoon ng buong Kontinente

Hangarin na talunin ang Britain – nahadlangan sa Laban sa Trafalgar sa pamumuno ni Lord Nelson

Labanan sa Leipzig 1813– natalo si Napoleon

*Ipinatapon si Napoleon sa Elba. Bumalik sa France ngunit natalong muli at ipinatapon sa St. Helena.


Magna Carta.

Richard the Lionhearted – lagging wala sa England; napataw ng mabigat na buwis upang masuportahan ang pakikidigma

Haring John – nagpataw ng mabigat na buwis at nangikil sa mga baron na naging dahilan ng pag-aalsa ng mga ito

Magna Carta – batayan ng kalayaan ng mga Ingles at Amerikano; nilagdaan ni Haring John

*Witan – binubuo ng mga maharlika, mahahalagang tao ng simbahan at mga may-ari ng lupa
*Simon de Monfort – namuno sa mga baron upang humingi ng additional rights sa mga hari

Parlamento ng England – nahati sa dalawa

1. House of Lords – obispo at dakilang maharlika
2. House of Commons – taong nagmamay-ari ng lupa at ordinaryong mamayan


- Digmaang England-France
- nais ng England na…
- mabawi ang kanyang lupain na nakuha ng France
- parusahan ang mga ito sa pagtulong sa mga Scot
- ipahayag ang karapatan ni Edward III bilang tagapagmana ng trono ng France

*Nanalo ang mga Ingles sa labanan sa Crecy, Poiters at Agincourt.
*Ngunit nagtagumpay ang France sa tulong ni Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc – inakusahang mangkukulam at sinunog ng mga Ingles


Charles I – malupit
- nilagdaan ang petition of rights
- inalis ang Parlamento sa loob ng 11 taon

Oliver Cromwell – nanguna sa Rebolusyong Puritan (labanan ng mga kabalyero at roundheads)

*Nanalo ang mga Roundheads (sumusuporta sa Parlamento) laban sa mga kablayero (sumusuporta sa hari).


James II – malupit na Katoliko
- hindi bantog
- pinalitan ni William of Orange at Mary II
*Nilagdaan muna nila William at Mary II ang English Bill of Rights (nagagarantiya ng karapatan at kalayaan ng mga Ingles) bago sila kinoronahan.


*Mula sa himagsikang Pranses umusbong ang nasyonalismong Italyano.

Giuseppe Mazzini – pinakamasigasig na bayaning Italyano
- nagtatag ng Young Italy na ang pangunahing layunin ay pag-isahin ang Italy
- nakapagtatag ng republika sa Rome ngunit hindi nagtagal

Charles Albert – hari ng Sardinia; nagkaloob ng saligang batas sa Sardinia

Victor Emmanuel II – anak ni Charles Albert; tinanghal na hari ng pinag-isang Italy

Konde Camillo di Cavour – ministro ng Sardinia
- arkitekto ng pagkakaisa ng Italy
- nagpatupad ng mga reporma

France at Sardinia – nagkasundo na magtutulungan; nakipagdigma sa Austria; tagumpay

Lombardy – idinagdag sa Sardinia
Nice at Savoy – binigay sa France

Guiseppe Garibaldi – kasapi ng Young Italy
- nanguna sa mga Redshirts (mga Italyanong loyalista) sa paglusob sa Sicily at Naples (pinalaya)

Italy – napag-isa noong 1870
-nagkaroon ng pamahalaan, konstitusyon at Gabinete


Germany – ibinigay kay Lothair sa Kasunduan sa Verdun
- hinati sa DUCHY (pinamumunuan ng duke)

Otto the Great – hari ng Germany na nais maging emperador ng Rome
- naging Emperador Augustus ng mga Romano

Germany – napagbuklod lamang noong 1871

Kongreso ng Vienna – nilikha ang German Confederation

Haring Frederick William IV ng Prussia – nagkaloob ng Konstitusyon sa mga demonstrador sa Berlin
- tinaggihan na maging emperador ng pinag-isang Germany

Asemblea ng Frankfurt – pambansang pagtitipon kung saan naghalal ng mga delegado ang pang-gitnang uri ng mga liberal; humina at nabuwag

Junkers – grupo ng mayayamang may-ari ng lupa sa Prussia
- humikayat sa mga pinunong Prussian na alisin ang mga taripa

Zollverein – itinatag na samahan sa adwana na nagbababa ng taripa sa mga kasapi

Otto Von Bismarck – punong ministro ng Prussia
- naniniwala na makakamit ang pagsasanib ng Germany sa pamamagitan ng dugo at bakal

Unang hakbang – pakikidigma sa Denmark

*Seven Weeks War – laban ng Prussia at Austria; nanalo ang Prussia

North German Confederation – itinatag ng Prussia na hindi kasama ang Austria

Versailles, France – isinilang ang bansang Germany

Kasunduan sa Versailles – nilagdaan ng Germany at France noong 1871

Pagkatapos ng digmaan…
William I – kinoronahan bilang Kaiser (hari o czar) ng Germany
Bismarck – chancellor o puno ng pamahalaan
The Freshman night of this year’s batch was scheduled from 4pm to 8pm. Haha. Classes were cut by 4pm. I was actually thinking if I’ll come or not because the ticket is worth 30 pesos but I’ll be staying until 6pm only. I really thought of it for quite a while and I finally decided that I would come because my friends were also coming. This was my first time, now that I am a Junior, to attend a freshman night. I didn’t attend our freshman night because my friends didn’t come also. We actually envy the freshies because their night was really great. They only had to pay 20 pesos for the entrance fee, baller, mammon, and drinks.

Our organization has our own booth, Cuff and Stuff. They made fun with Clang, Jedy, and Rainiel. Meg Ann paid our booth to get them cuffed all at the same time! Clang was really in shock while they were being cuffed. Haha! They stayed like that for, I think, 15 minutes (even if it should only be 10 minutes). That’s how Meg loves Clang.

After that we went around to see the other booths. We tried the Shoot-and-Win booth of CLC wherein you have to shoot a five-peso coin onto the boxes. If you successfully did it, you’ll win a tumbler! I tried twice but bad luck was with me! Haha! I didn’t take home a tumbler! When Sir Mesina saw me trying to shoot my second five-peso coin, he told me, “Di ba binigyan na kita ng tumbler last term?” (He gave me a tumbler as a reward because I scored the highest on his Economics exam.)

Jedy and Ian won on the Dart game of CLC. The prizes are three keychains with their pictures. They needed another person because the CLC three persons for the picture-taking, and I did come with them! So I have a keychain! Haha!

I got free isaw from Jerlito and Jett, and then pork barbecue from Rainiel. Haha! Dominic was so envious of me because many people treated me! My line was, “Uy! Libre mo naman ako ng barbecue!” Lucky me the persons that I asked have money! =p
When the clouds sprinkled some rain, I decided to go home.
I delivered this speech on July 23, 2010 during our Recognition Day on Francisco Balagtas Auditorium at Malayan Colleges, Laguna.

David Cook of American Idol once said, “If you don’t dream big, then what’s the use of dreaming?”

Good afternoon everyone. It’s a great honour and privilege to be speaking in front of you once again. About a year ago, at this very spot, I shared with you my hopes and dreams of becoming Engr. Neory T. Mangaliman someday. Today, I am another year closer to that goal.

I’ve been here at Malayan Colleges Laguna for two years already, and I must tell that it hasn’t been that easy. Compared to my freshman life, my second year here in MCL is much harder, tiring, and straining. I had lots of math, physics, and chemistry courses. The trials of being a student sank in almost immediately. I started to really realize what it takes to pursue a dream like this. I have experienced working ‘til midnight for a course requirement, accidentally sleeping in some of my classes because of lack of sleep, rushing to do a supposedly homework before the class starts, and of course, the legendary cramming before an exam starts. Thanks to these experiences, I can now say that I have at least grasped the art of pretending to be awake when you are actually asleep. I definitely mean no disrespect to my professors, but if there is one thing that I learned in my two years here it’s that it takes more than booksmarts to survive college; most of the time, you have to learn how to adapt and use the most of what you have.

In our classes, we are always told to do our best, but we are also reminded that our grades do not measure our intelligence. For me, grades measure how much time and effort you give and how much you value the people around you who have sacrificed so much for your chance at a good education, and later a good life. I don’t have skyrocketing IQ. I am not a bookworm either. I was just doing my best. Being a full scholar, without having to pay my tuition fee, is a great blessing already. I am doing this to make my parents proud of me. They were laid off last January 2009 because of the global economic crisis. Our family had to tighten our budget. Together with my four siblings, you can just imagine how much it takes for my parents to send us all in good schools.

When I was young, they told me how much of a blessing I am to them. In reality, it is I who is blessed with having so wonderful parents, who have given so much and asked for so little. To everyone here, we should never forget the people around us. To my parents, mommy, daddy, again I thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I also want to thank my Ninang Elvie and Nanay Azon for always being there, supporting me and cheering for me. To my awesome friends, thank you very much. You have been my partners since day one. I am blessed with people who are not only my biggest supporters, but also my very present help in times of need. To some of them here, I share my victory with you.

To my professors, thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me and to the rest of the students here at MCL. When I was tormented between pursuing ECE or shifting to ChE, you were there to give me advice and help me weigh my options. I would like to give special thanks to Sir Monterey, for showing how much fun Chemistry is, also to Sir Tablante, for letting me have a gauge of what ECE is all about, and to Sir Del Pilar, for letting me into the world of electricity and magnetism for a term. Soon, I realized that the electronic world is not for me. Now, I am a part of the ChE family.

To some people, dreams are what they tell themselves every night to convince them that tomorrow will be better. For me, my dream is an inevitability. With hardwork, perseverance, love, and support from my family, teachers, and friends, and ultimately, guidance from God, I have no doubt that better things are yet to come. If I can do this, you can also do this. For now, we are all holding on to our dreams, but someday, in God’s own time, they will come true. Today, being an engineer is my dream. Someday, this dream will be my reality. Once again, a pleasant afternoon to everyone. Thank you and may God bless us all.

Credits to Meg Anne Santos and Ms. Joahna Eduarte for this wonderful speech.
I wrote this on July 13, 2010.

After class, I went to Mandarin to visit Nanay and to, again, check on her. While on my way, the two ladies seating in front of me on the jeepney were talking about death and the financial benefits that comes with it. They were holding some papers. I suppose that those were death certificates because the lady said to the other, “Titignan ko kung kelan siya namatay.” Then she went through the papers that she was holding. At first, I wasn’t really minding them, but after some time, I remembered my dream last night. There was this boy who had a terminal disease. He was dying and I hugged him. Then we both looked at the happy people around us. I thought myself, “Why is death always the topic?” I remembered Nanay, but I just shook the idea off my head. When I reached Checkpoint, I waited for my Dad to arrive. Then he came. When I was comfortably seated on the car, Daddy said, “Neory, bad news.” I paused for a while. I knew what was coming but I still asked him, “Bakit?” Then he replied, “Iiyak ka na. (Pause) Patay na si Nanay.” The news didn’t sink in immediately. There were no tears on my eyes then I asked, “Kelan?” with a straight face. I was looking very far ahead feeling numb. He told me that Nanay passed away at 10 in the morning. He said that the exact time was not clear. When they got to our house by 10:20am, Nanay was already dead. I also asked him where the body of Nanay is, then he told me that it was in the Key of Heaven Funeral Homes in G.M.A. When I already digested the heartbreaking news, my eyes clouded with tears. Soon, my tears were falling heavily. I cried until we reached our house in Sunshine Homes by 2pm, but I tried not to make a sound. I was just crying silently. They told me that they didn’t text me about it because they knew that I have an exam. They also don’t want to cry while I am on the jeepney. I understood them, because I know, I will cry upon hearing that.

I posted the news in Facebook. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. We already lost Nanay. I was four hours late.” My friends who have read the news immediately texted me. I was thankful for their condolences and concern. I waited until 4pm before leaving our house in Sunshine, then I went to our townhouse where Nanay’s funeral will be held. While I was walking, rain started pouring. I said to myself, “Ang malas ko naman. Umulan pa.” Then I later realized, that maybe, just maybe, the heavens are also in grief because of our loss. All the while, I was thinking about Nanay, so I started crying with rain falling from the sky. Upon reaching the main road, I saw the “Ambulance” of Key of Heaven Funeral Homes. Some bystanders who also saw the ambulance commented, “Ang dami namang namamatay ngayon.” I was still crying until I reached our townhouse. The silvery things that are used in a funeral were being brought down. Then, Nanay’s coffin came down next. Upon seeing it, I cried again. I can’t believe that Nanay was lying there already, and she’s dead, and I can’t be with her anymore. When her coffin was properly placed on the living room already, I stood beside it. I just looked at Nanay with tears flowing from my eyes for about thirty minutes. I actually didn’t notice the time because of the thoughts running in my head. Just two days ago, I sent out messages to my friends. Here’s the message.

“Please pray for Nanay (my Lola). She's suffering from kidney complications but she can't undergo dialysis because of her body's weakness. She's also having a hard time talking right now. Please pray for her strength. Please pray that she'll be strong again. Please pray that we'll have Nanay back to her old self again. I know your prayers will be of great help. I'll appreciate it so much if you would. Thank you.”

And now, she’s gone. Then I remembered the mother of Noel when she asked me, “Kamusta na Lola mo?” I wasn’t able to contain my feelings then I burst out with tears, “Wala na po siya.” Losing someone that you love hurts like hell. Nanay is gone and she won’t be able to attend my party anymore. She told that she will be going to my party. She told me that she’ll speak in front of everyone, give her gift to me, and tell me her wish for me. My dreams of spending some of my first salary for her and going to other places with her will remain dreams forever. I actually can’t explain how painful this is for me. Everytime I tell myself that Nanay’s gone, I lose much of my energy. But deep inside me, I know that death is inevitable. Each one of us, in God’s own time, will die someday. I know that I should be strong and that I should accept the fact that I will not see her for now, but I know that someday, we’ll meet again in heaven and when that time comes, I will be so happy.
My parents told me that Nanay was getting thinner and weaker everyday. I wanted to check on her so I came to visit her. When I entered our house, I saw Nanay. She was lying on her bed. I called out “Nay! Hello!” but she was unresponsive, it’s as if she heard nothing. I sat beside her on her bed. I tried to call her attention again by saying Nay and Nanay repeatedly. Still, no response. I panicked because her eyes were open but she’s not moving a bit! So I shook her while exclaiming “Nay. Nanay, andito ko.” Finally, she heard me and said “Oh.” That was a very short response with not much emotion. Before, whenever I visit her, she would be very happy. She would get teary-eyed because of joy upon seeing me. She would also hug and kiss me. But this time, she didn’t. It’s as if she doesn’t know me. I was saddened. My eyes clouded. I knew that my tears were about to fall, so I ran to the bathroom for her not to see my crying. After calming myself, I returned to her. I asked her, “Nay, kilala mo ba ako?” Luckily, she replied, “Oo naman.” Then I asked, “Sino ako?”, she then replied, “Si Neory.” I was relieved to know that she still know me.

Ninang came up. She told me that Nanay became like that maybe about a week and a half ago. She told me that I should make my voice louder whenever I’ll be talking to her. I showed her the invitation for my party. She wasn’t joyous to see it. I was expecting that she would smile and say “Ang ganda mo naman dito!” I guess Ninang saw my disappointment when Nanay didn’t respond, so she got the invitation, showed it to Nanay and told her in a louder voice, “Nay oh, invitation ni Neory. Sino ‘to?” She was pointing on my picture on the invitation. Nanay replied, “Si Neory.” Then Ninang asked, “Napintas?” (In tagalog, “Maganda?”) Nanay answered “Oo.” but without much awe in her tone. I was happy to hear that she agreed that I was beautiful in the picture, and at the same time, I was sad because she is already like that. Then, I showed the gold blouse that she’ll be wearing on my debut party. I said, “Nay, ito na yung isusuot mo sa party ko oh.” She didn’t respond but I kept babbling even if she’s was just staring at me. “Ang ganda no? Kasya ba ‘to sa’yo Nay? Baka malaki, ang payat mo na kasi.” While talking, tears clouded my eyes, but I did my best to keep them from falling. Then I made her wear the blouse. She was lying in bed so I wasn’t able to button the blouse (The buttons are placed on the back of blouse). So it appeared that the blouse was just placed on top of her. Then unexpectedly, Nanay said “Ano ba yan? Para namang patay.” Ninang was by my side that time, and we both laughed. I answered, “Hindi naman. Ang ganda nga eh.”

Seeing her like that hurt me so bad. I tried my best not to cry in front of her, but I just can’t help it. So, I cried. Ninang was there. She told me with tears in her eyes, “Eh ganyan talaga. Si Nanay, matanda na. Mahina na.” Nanay was staring at me while I was crying but there were no emotions in her eyes. I didn’t know what’s happening to her but I knew that she was aware of my crying. I tried to regain my composure, and I talked to her about different stuffs. I asked her about anything that I can think of. She would answer me but only with a short response. Sometimes, she would just nod in agreement or shake her head when she disagrees. Sometimes, I would repeat the question twice or thrice before I get an answer. I think that she hears my question, and that she answers that question in her head, but she was not able to deliver it by speaking because of her weakness. I also asked her, “Nanay, pupunta ka sa debut ko ah?” She answered “Oo.” Then I asked, “Kelan ba? Alam mo ba kung kalian birthday ko?” She answered, “August 8.” I was glad to know that she still remembered the date of my birthday. I told her that it will be on a Saturday, August 7, at Cabuyao, Laguna. I also reiterated to her for many times that she’ll be one of my 18 Treasures and that she’ll be giving a message, including her wishes, for me. She had always answered "yes" everytime I asked her if she will come to my party. I was happy but at the same time worried. Worried that she may not come.

After some time, I bid my goodbye. I kissed her on her cheeks and told her, “Magpalakas ka ah? Ba-bye!” Then she looked at me and raised her hand for a bit and said, “Ba-bye.”

Last June 20, I came to visit her. This was an excerpt from my blog entry on that day.

“Nanay looked fine when we got there, but she was in diapers already. She can’t walk that much anymore. She always stays in her bed. She seldom gets up and out of it. Again, it saddened me. I was wishing that she shouldn’t have slipped, fell down, and bruised her lower limbs. The accident disabled her for a quit a time now. She should have been stronger if that didn’t happen. I tried to hide my sadness and talked to her. We talked about anything, like my upcoming debut, my asthma, my studies, and Glen’s studies. I also played cards with her. Those were great moments with her. I am thankful that I had the time to spend with her.”

She was still responsive and energetic that day. I didn’t know that in just a matter of few days, she would turn into something like this. For me, she was like a robot with broken parts. I want to do everything that I can do to ‘repair’ her, and bring her life back, but I just can do nothing but cry and pray. If only I knew that that was the last time I was going to hear her laughter, I should have not went home. I should have stayed with her and spent more time with her. If only I could bring back time. I can’t prevent my tears from falling. I don’t want to think about death but it is surfacing. I know that her time is near, and that soon, she will be in heaven with Tatay. I know that soon, I’ll have to face the truth that she’ll no longer be here by my side. She will no longer be here to take care of me when I am sick, to play cards with me, to talk to me about crazy stuffs, and to love me as if I am the most special grandchild in the world. Nanay is not rich. She rarely gave me expensive gifts, but she always try her best to give me “something” every occasion. I really appreciate those little gifts from her because I know that even if she doesn’t have a lot of money, she still manages to think about giving me a token to make me happy.
I already gave out the invitations for my party. Most invitations were sent thru facebook. I had thirty pieces of invitations printed out for those people who don't have their facebook accounts, and for our neighbors, as well as other relatives. I am supposed to have one hundred guests only, but when I tried to count all the people that I want to invite, it exceeded the limit. So, I had to make a cut. I wasn't able to invite all my MCL friends. My step-sister Abie asked me once, "Stepsis, ilang guest meron ka?" Then, I answered, "100 lang." Then she replied, "Ay, bakit parang ang konti lang? eh ang dami mong friends." Then we both laughed. Haha. She's right. In MCL alone, maybe I have a hundred of friends. Well, not close friends, but just friends. That is why I'm having a hard time crossing out names on my guest list because deep inside, I want to invite them, but financial constraints make me not to do so. As of now, I'm still in the verge of endless thinking. (Sigh)

Oh, I just want to share. I invited Otto-san. While I was on my way to our shuttle service, I saw him. I stopped, smiled, and told him, "May ibibigay ako sa'yo." While reaching for the invitation on my bag, I started shaking and then my heart started pounding. I tried my best to hide my shaking when I was handing the invitation to him. Upon seeing the invitation, he exclaimed, “Wow!” and I can’t recall the words he uttered after that. I don’t know why I was like that. I was nervous. (Maybe because of the iced coffee during lunch. Haha.) I was mesmerized. He’s still charming. No one can change that. After handing it to him, I was still shaking and my heart was still pounding. When I reached our service, I was in a better state. I wasn’t shaking anymore, but I can still hear my heart beat. Then, I found myself smiling for the next twenty minutes. I just hope that he'll come.
I ride a shuttle service on my way home. I was very lucky because the driver live here in Belair 3, so he drops me off by our house already. The good thing is, I only have to pay 30 pesos. I save fifteen pesos and at the same time, I save my lungs from dust and pollution.

But just this afternoon, there were new students who rode our shuttle. They were very very much noisy. I hated them! Really! If only I'm that mean, I would tell them to shut their freaking mouths up. They were talking about a fat guy who like their girl friend. I didn't want to listen to their nonsense talking, but I had no choice. They were also laughing out loud. I thought my eardrum had been hammered into pieces. It was really deafening in our shuttle. I was really irritated because I can do nothing but listen to their thoughtless talk. Listening to them felt like my brain was slowly deteriorating. Their talking was really of no sense. They should have kept it to themselves. I don't care if the fat guy loves the girl, or what the girl the would do with that guy, or whatever in the world they want to do in their lives. I just hope that I will never ever have to see their faces and hear their voices again.
We should always keep right. Right? We enter on the doors that are on our right and we also exit on the doors on our right. One weird day, I don’t what happened to the neurons of the people who switched the labels “entrance”” and “exit” on the doors of our cafeteria. Maybe they were shaken, bumped, or struck by something hard. It just pissed me because the guard scolded us because we were entering on the right door, which is supposedly the entrance, labelled “exit”. We entered on the “exit” door because there were many people exiting on the “entrance” door! Ugh! How could we enter there when people are going the other way?

It’s been like that for two or more days. Fortunately, some intelligent people corrected the door labels. I don’t know if the ones who switched the two labels first are the same persons who switched the labels back to normal.
I'm really into movies. Well, I'm into romantic comedies. I'm not always updated with new movies. In fact, I rarely go to the moviehouse to watch one. Just last wednesday, Eclipse was shown and there were a lot of people who wathced it, excluding me. I haven't seen New Moon yet so I better not watch Eclipse yet. Yeah, I'm super late. That was almost a year ago. Also, (You'll be surprised to know) I wasn't able to watch any Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Toy Story, Transformers, Iron Man, and Star Wars movies. I just don't like the themes, or maybe the story. I don't know. Haha! I was able to see some parts of them, but I didn't watch the whole movies. =p
It’s been almost three weeks since the classes have started, but until now, I’m still not used to my schedule. MWF 2:30 to 5:30. Tth 8:30 to 5:30. S 10:00 to 5:30. I always fail to manage my time efficiently. I know that there are many things to do. It is already given in a student’s life, but I’m not like this last term, and even during the last two terms. Yesterday, I wasn’t able to answer the quiz, because I wasn’t really listening when my professor was discussing. I just feel weak when classes are going on. I lack sleep. Yes, but I guess the problem is really with my schedule. I sleep around 10 to 11, but I always wake up early, around 6 or 7 in the morning. My main problem is the lack of energy throughout the day. In the afternoon, ofcourse, my energy is already low but my classes are just starting! Sheesh! But Thank God I was still able to catch up. I hope that this wouldn’t be for long. I pray that soon, I’ll be able to adapt to new schedule and my new life(‘coz for sure our schedule we’ll be much like this for the rest of my three-year stay in MCL).
I got to school by 8:40 in the morning. I didn't want to commute so I went early with my parents. I was the one who drove the car to school, and as always, I committed mistakes especially in rounding a curve. Upon arriving, I went directly to the library to finish our post-lab and pre-lab for Analytical Chemistry Lab and our third problem set in Math115. I stayed in the library for four hours. I did nothing but write for that entire time! Whew! That was really tiring! We took a break and ate our lunch. Then we went back to the library again to finish our problem set.

In my Analytical Chem. class, I felt really sleepy. Then, I fell asleep! (Sorry Ms. Ivy!) I really didn’t mean to sleep in class. I was just really tired. (I slept around 10:30pm, woke up around 6:45am, and did a lot work since then.) When I got my nerves back, I checked the notes of Clang and found out that many slides have been discussed already and I haven't seen those slides! So that means that I must have slept for a little longer time. (Maybe around 5 minutes or more.) My goodness! Good thing the lesson was a bit easy. Oh my my! I don’t want that to happen again. In Math115, I felt that I am running out of energy so I didn’t move a lot. We did a seatwork. While working, the class was very noisy. Talking here, chit-chat there. I stayed quiet because my energy then was very low. Then, out of nowhere, Edu said, “Neowy ang ingay mo!” Knowing that I wasn’t uttering a single word, my seatmates were stunned. They were quiet for a few seconds and then they altogether teased, “Yieeeee!” I heard Clang said “Si Edu oh nagpapapansin na naman kay Neory! Neory, pansinin mo naman kasi!” Then someone said “Kalbo” and then “Kokey” Then, they teased Edu “Kokey in Love” Hahahaha! I didn’t have much energy but I was still able to laugh out loud when I heard that “Kokey in Love” Haha! I really found it funny. When almost everyone was finished doing our seatwork, Edu came to me and took a look on my work. Then I told him, “Ikaw naman Edu nagpapapansin ka pa. Sabihin mo lang naman sa’kin, papansinin naman kita eh.” Hahaha! I used to tease Edu since first year first term. I just really love teasing him. I love seeing his weird reactions. =p
Last June 20 was Father's day. As I mentioned, our family celebrated it on June 19, including my biological father. Haha. I called my Dad my biological father because in school, I have four other fathers. Hahaha! I call those four people Itay (Marvin and Tristan) or Father (Dew and Acobs). I call Marvin and Tristan "Itay" because they are too high! (Okay. That's so over the top.) I mean, they are so tall that they resemble a father-like figure already. While for Acobs, I call him father because he was my father in a weird family tree that we constructed in school. (Together with my mother nature, inay, step-brother, and step-sister.) For Dewey, I called him father because he greeted me a happy mother's day! Haha! Yeah, that was a joke so I kindly repaid that joke of his. I had told him that on Father's Day, I will greet him. And I did! I texted my greeting for him. Hahaha! So, that's the story of my fathers.
I currently have so many things to do, including our pre-lab on Analytical Chemistry Lab. I remember my post on facebook which says, "Too much LAB will kill you." It was the title of the song that Jovit sang on Pilipinas Got Talent Grand Finals. The real lyrics was "Too much LOVE will kill you" Since, we are having Analytical Chemistry Lab class for twice a week, we also need to submit our pre-labs together with the post-lab for two times a week also. Whew! That's ChE. I have to live with it.
We did our second experiment in analytical chem. It was all about calibration of volumetric glassware. The experiment was tiring because you constantly need to put this amount of water, weigh it, and record the measurement, and then put that amount of water, weigh it, and record the measurement. Again, we needed to weigh the glassware on the analytical balance. Much time is required in falling in line because we only have two analytical balances. I understand why we only have two. It’s because an analytical balance is really expensive. One of our balances costs P60,000 while the other one costs a whopping P100,000. Whew!

While falling in line, I knew some of my classmates. I talked to them, and got to know them for a little bit. Bella was always behind me in line. She was the one taking down the measurements for their pair. While I was weighing my sample, she wrote down the measurement on their notebook, and she was like, “Ano ba yan? Bakit pati yung iyo sinusulat ko? Haha! Naisip ko lang siguro na baka malimutan mo.” Then we both laughed!

Going to the chem. lab and to the chem. room with notebook and flask is a hassle. That’s why when we weigh our samples, we would just memorize the measurement, go back to the lab, and write it down. But Nico is different. He wrote the measurements on his arms! My goodness! Hahaha! I was really laughing at him when I saw him doing that. I, together with my partner, did the calibration of the burette, because individual results are needed. I was the one who did the calibration of the 25-ml pipette and 10-ml pipette, because my partner needed to finish our pre-lab. She wasn’t able to finish it because it was really long. She hadn’t had much time of sleep. Luckily, before the period ended, we both finished what we needed to finish. We ate our lunch on time! Yahoo!

Then, our organic chem. class was fun. I am learning a lot in that class. It also makes me more excited to know more about other organic chemicals, their formula, and their uses. Our Environmental Class was quite boring. We just talked about ecosystems and other elementary environmental science.
I had 8 hours of sleep, but when I woke up this morning, I felt that I lack sleep. I got up and ate breakfast, copied notes from Chm130 lecture, biked for 15 minutes, and took a bathe. I left the house by 10:25am. I took a ride with Jas to school. I arrived there by 11:15am.

When I met Meg and Jonan at the library, Meg told me that she had to walk from Balibago to Golden because of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic was due to the truck incident. A truck went out of control and wrecked some establishments along the national road. Luckily, I didn’t have to commute that time.

We finished our problem sets and ate our lunch. I was very sleepy during my anal. Chem. class. Then, we had a quiz, open-notes, on Math115. I was able to answer the questions and I’m praying that they are all correct. Number 3 question was a big buzz. It's limit was infinity over infinity. Some of my doubtful classmates answered infinity, but it should have been one, because any number divided by itself is one. Haha.

We were dismissed and I was bidding goodbye to my awesome friends. Abie said, "Sasabay ka na naman kay Jas?", then I answered yes. Then she told me that they talked about my befriending strategies. They told me that I befriend all the Malayanistas in Belair so that I could take a ride with them. Haha! I just laughed about it! My main purpose of befriending is them is really friendship. Taking a ride with them is just a bonus. That is not too bad, that’s what friends are for. Haha! Take note, I pay them in turn. Well, except for Maika, Merry, and King. Hehe. They are generous. =)
Nico kept teasing me about Eugene. He always says that I like Eugene, or Eugene likes me. I didn't make a lot out of it because I know that Nico is just like that. He is really makulet, so I just let him tease me.

Then, yesterday on our chem lab class, I found out that he kept teasing Eugene to me during their Physics Lab class last term! I was dumbfounded. One of my new classmates attested to that. She said, “Oo, kilalang-kilala ka nga sa klase naming eh!” I was like, “Oh.. My.. Gosh..” I really didn’t know about it! I was shocked to know about it! I knew that Nico was the number one person who spread about it! I told Nico that he is so chismoso! Haha! I can’t believe he was able to do that. My chem. Lab classmates, who were Nico’s classmate on physics lab, told me that everyone in their class knew about it, including their professor! Oh no! I’m not into Eugene. He was never my crush even if he’s handsome, in some ways. I don’t know when, where, and why had it started. I just remember Noel teasing Eugene with, “Eugene si Neory oh.” It was a long time ago. I mean, months have passed already. I thought it was over but I was wrong. They really like teasing me a lot. Well, maybe they find pleasure from it. Hmm. For me it’s okay. I know that everyone was just laughing about it and they are not taking it seriously. I like someone else, or I’ll like someone else. Haha! Showbiz?
June 22, 2010

Our first experiment was quite easy. The only problem is that there were only two analytical balances, and our class has thirteen pairs. We were the first one to use the balance. We planned to finish all the weighing process for once, but our instructor told us that we should alternate with the other groups. While waiting for our turn, I went back to the lab and did the pre-lab data blanks and tables for experiment two. I noticed that it was taking too long, so I checked on Meg. She was the one who stayed on R413. When I got there, I've learned that the pairs that went after us finished all the weighing parts in one time! I was riled! We didn't finish all the weighing process to give way to them and then what? I was pissed off so I expressed my disgust and disappointment to the people near me. Haha! My tone was a bit sarcastic because I’m not angry, I was just displeased because of what they did. They were able to finish the experiment first even if they were not the first in line. We should have been the first pair to finish but we gave way for them. I was able to express all my ill feelings so before we were dismissed, I felt fine. Oh, I was also able to finish the pre-lab. I passed it on time.
I commuted to school. I left the house by 12:45. Too bad, the driver of the jeepney that I rode was too "sugapa". I waited for around 20 minutes before we went! Tss! I was really pissed off! I came to school late. My plan was to be in school by 2pm or earlier so that I could finish my assignment in Math115 and Chm130, but because of that freaking driver, I arrived late! I commuted for an hour and a half! Imagine how long was that! Grr! I wasn't able to finish my problem set in Math115 before Chm130 class started. So, I felt irritable. Bad Trip.

On our Math115 class, one of my classmates irritated me more. Ugh. He's so arrogant. It's like he feels that he knows a lot. Err. He was really bragging that he know this and that even if I'm not asking if he is!

When I got home, I started doing our pre-lab in Chm130. It was too long. I don't like the schematic diagram part. It was basically a replicate of the manual. When I was about to print the experiment 2 manual, my laptop hung. The manual can't be printed and I was really pissed off! Too much bad luck was with me today. To think that it is the start of the week.
Father’s Day. We celebrated it yesterday because today, Dad needs to help in painting our grocery house in Cavite. I went with him, together with my mom. I want to visit Nanay, and at the same time, check on her state.

When we reached our grocery house, Dad brought out the paint in the car and placed it inside the house. Then, I drove the car until we reached our house in Mandarin. (Dad was the one driving for Belair.) It was my first time to drive in Mandarin. I felt that the road was so narrow. I was used to the wide roads in Belair. It was also my first time to drive while people are walking beside our car. I feel that I may bump them. Fortunately, I didn’t.

Nanay looked fine when we got there, but she was in diapers already. She can’t walk that much anymore. She always stays in her bed. She seldom gets up and out of it. Again, it saddened me. I was wishing that she shouldn’t have slipped, fell down, and bruised her lower limbs. The accident disabled her for a quit a time now. She should have been stronger if that didn’t happen. I tried to hide my sadness and talked to her. We talked about anything, like my upcoming debut, my asthma, my studies, and Glen’s studies. I also played cards with her. Those were great moments with her. I am thankful that I had the time to spend with her.

Tito Norman gave me a ride to Binan. From there, I went to SM and sold my 20 Australian dollars that Ninang Bernette, my long lost Ninang, gave me. I got for P765. Then, I went to Max’s Complex for Lara’s debut party. I guess I was the third one to arrive. The traffic was quite heavy so, most of the visitors came late. Meg came fourth and then we waited. Lara arrived in a pink dress. She was really beautiful. She resembles the young Imelda Marcos. Mabel and Dom came around 6:30. Meg needed to go by 6:45pm because of a family dinner for the father’s day.

There, I met Mariel Ortiz. She was a former MCL student, but she transferred to Letran. She was “makulet” and “madaldal”. She was really fun to be with. During the party, I, together with Mabel and Jam, was asked to participate in a getting-to-know-Lara game. We lost but Lara gave us the prize. Choco-chip brownies! Yum! The party was fun. When it was over, we ate cupcakes. Then, we left the restaurant, there’s a lady by the door saying, “Thank you!” Unexpectedly, Dom replied with all pride, “Welcome!” We all laughed because, as Clarissa said, “feel na feel ni Dom mag-thank you, kala mo siya yung nag-debut!” Haha! I went and arrived home safely. Thank God.
(Yeah. Late blogging.)

For the whole day, I was looking for my phone. I tried searching for it in the bedrooms, the living room, kitchen, everywhere! But still, I didn't find it. Later in the afternoon, I searched again in the master's bedroom. Then, surprisingly, I found it clasped on one side of the bed with the headboard.

I checked the messages. My mom texted me to greet my dad a happy father's day. I thought to myself that June 20 is father's day.

I went to eat milk and cereals. Then, after some time, Glen told me that he'll be eating so I accompanied. He wasn't able to finish his food, so I was the one who did.

Then, around 8pm, my parents came and they told us to dress up and that we will go to Mcdo for an earlier celebration of father's day. I ate spaghetti and apple pie. The apple pie of Mcdo wasn't a great buy. It wasn't that delicious and apple-filled. Its filling is mostly saucy apple. While eating, we're talking. Then, my mom told me that Nanay's doctor advised her to have a dialysis, but they are afraid that Nanay’s body won’t be able to keep up for it. As I shared last time, Nanay is getting weaker. Upon hearing the news, I was saddened.

When we reached home, I cried and prayed. I know I was a bit overacting but I really don’t want her to go yet. It feels like the dialysis signals the end for her but I prayed that it is not. I didn’t know what to do that time so I just prayed and prayed. I prayed that she’ll be stronger, and I prayed that she’ll be staying here for four more years (until I graduate and land a job). I told God that I may be a bit selfish for praying for that, but that’s I want. Then, I thought again, and prayed that her last moments here on earth will be happy. I prayed for more times to be spent with her. I lifted up to Him Nanay’s time. I don’t want to be selfish. If her body can’t go on anymore, I’ll accept it no matter how much it would hurt.

The thought of it makes me cry. But I still don’t want her to go. I don’t know. I really don’t know what to pray for. God please help Nanay recover. Please.
*I wrote this note for my friends who attended my 17th birthday party.

Salamat. Arigato. Kumawo. Gracias. Xie Xie. Merci.

Haha.. Hindi ako maka-get over eh.. Haha.. sobrang saya kasi talaga kahapon.. hindi ko naman maitext lahat ng gusto kong sabihin.. kasi baka magalit sa’kin yung globe sa sobrang haba ng mga sasabihin ko.. ahaha! Hmm.. ang saya talaga kahapon.. kahapon na lang kasi uli ako nakaramdam ng ganong saya.. hmm.. cguro kasi matagal na rin akong hindi naghahanda at nag-iinvite.. ahahaha..

hmm.. salamat uli kasi pumunta kayo.. you spent time with me.. you celebrated with me.. you sang a Happy birthday song for me, you chose to spend a part of your life with me, and you made me feel special.. kasi kahit may mga kailangan kayong gawin (nstp, calculus, etc.), kahit may klase yung iba (nag-absent pa yung iba para lang makapunta, sorry talaga sir A! Haha!), kahit nahihiya yung iba kasi daw baka wala silang kakilala sa mga inimbitahan kong iba, at kahit medyo malayo at mahirap matunton yung bahay naming, pumunta pa rin kayo.. haha.. ang saya talaga.. swear.. i feel so blessed.. i feel so happy na may mga kaibigan akong tulad niyo.. Masaya ako na nakilala ko kayo at naging parte kayo ng buhay ko.. (emo? Hindi.. seryoso yan no..) tapos may gifts pa! Ahahah! May unan, may bear, may sandamukal na chocolates (pang-anim na tao eh! Haha!), may rosary, may starbucks tumbler, may card, at higit sa lahat laptop sleeve! Ahahha! Hindi ko talaga inexpect na may magreregalo ng mga ganon.. sobrang nasurprise ako.. haha! Hmm.. nakakatuwa nung nag-iingay tayo, nung parang may riot, nung nagkkwehtuhan, nung may nagsasayaw, nung may kumakanta at nagpapataasan ng score, nung naglaro tayo kahit walang kwenta yung laro, basta lahat masaya.. ahahaha! basta maraming maraming salamat! Hindi ko malilimutan yung birthday ko na yun!!
*The day after the tragic incidents because of typhoon Ondoy.

The sun shone on me when I woke up. I looked outside my window. The rain had already stopped. Everything was already calm. I thought everything was already fine. I jumped up off my bed and headed to the bathroom to do my usual morning ritual. Then, I greeted my sister a happy birthday. Today is her 16th birthday. Downstairs, our helpers were busy preparing food for my sister’s little birthday celebration. Around 930am, Together with my mom and my two sisters, we went to Paseo de Sta. Rosa to buy some school supplies at NBS and a cake for Gien at Red Ribbon. On our way, I observed the surroundings. It seemed that everything was back to normal. Unlike last night, there were no pond-like formations on the roads anymore. When we got home, we ate and celebrated altogether. It was lunch time then. After that, my whole family left, except for me and my brother. They went to the airport to fetch someone, a Chinese client of my Dad’s corporation if I’m not mistaken. I did academic stuffs when they were gone. It was much more quiet and peaceful when only a few people were here in our house. That gave me more focus to do what should be done. It was 7pm already when I realized that I haven’t watched TV since I woke up. (The cable wasn’t to my TV. That’s why I can’t watch anything.) So, I decided to go to my sister’s room and watch some news for me to be somewhat informed of what had happened to the victims of Bagyong Onyo. I watched TV Patrol Linggo, and there I saw the flooded places including Manila, Rizal, and Quezon. It was a total disaster. People were in total distress. They lost their homes, some were destroyed. They do not have food. There were still people that were left unrescued. Many people died, mostly drowned, some were buried under the landslides. Many people were missing. While watching everything, I cried. I pitied the people on the news and at the same time, I was very grateful that we did not have to go through the same circumstances. We were so lucky to be living peacefully here in Laguna Belair. There were no floods in here, and we have food and water. Our houses were not destroyed and everyone was safe. TV Patrol also reported that there were many donations that are coming to help our fellow kababayans. It was around 25 million when I watched the news, but it was still increasing. Then I remembered the issue about Pres. GMA spending 800 million pesos in her foreign trips that were supposedly to be used as emergency funds. Imagine how much money she stole and enjoyed all by herself. I actually can’t believe it. I mean, the funds should have been used now. Now that many Filipinos need help, and financial assistance. They need food, clothes, medicines, and shelter. That 800 million pesos could have been very helpful, if only it was not wasted by a very selfish dwarf. Sorry for the word, but I am angry. I am angry because of the selfish politicians that continue to “lead” the Philippines. I would pray. I would continue to pray for the betterment of Philippines. Oh, we did not have our NSTP today. Classes were suspended until Tuesday. I hope by that time, everything will be fine.
I wrote when typhoon Ondoy came.

When I woke up this morning, it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing really hard, so hard, I can say that it was howling. I peeped at my window and saw plants and trees drenched in water. It was very gloomy outside. The rain did not stop. It poured harder around 9am. The rain continued for so long. I got up my bed and did my morning ritual (brushing my teeth, washing my face, eating breakfast). Then I did my assignments, updated my facebook, and read some of my books. I’ve already done a lot of things but it was still raining. Around 4pm, I started preparing for my friend’s debut party. I wore this blackish maroon, sort of violet, dress. As I was dressing up, I heard Jennica Garcia’s trembling voice on TV. She was crying. Their house was flooded and they needed some help. They were already on the second floor of their house, but the water was still rising. She also said that she can’t see their car already. Hearing Jennica’s story made me nervous. It was still raining that time. I thought to myself, “Should we still go to the party? It might be dangerous.” But still, we went. The rain was still pouring. Everything’s wet. Some parts of the road have these pond-like water formations. (Whatever you call it) I am referring to the ones that splash whenever a car passes on it. When we got to the toll gate, my mom asked the clerk what part of slex is flooded. The clerk said that Southwoods exit was flooded so we cannot pass. She told us to take carmona exit instead and just traverse the service road to get to Muntinlupa. Then we reached SLEX, there were only a few cars travelling. My sister said, “Hala! Wala ng tao.” It made me laugh. Haha. Then, when we got to Carmona, we saw many stranded cars. The clerk said that the roads going to Manila were closed. They weren’t letting anyone pass because of the chest-deep flood somewhere at SLEX. I even saw a truck, the one used by construction suppliers, with people on it. Some were wearing kapote and some were protecting themselves from the rain by their umbrellas. But I think, they were all wet already. We passed by Paseo de Carmona, and then as we go along, we noticed that the road ahead us is flooded. My mom continued driving, telling us not to worry because the water is just shallow. We were riding a Ford Lynx. (imagine how low is that) As we went along, we heard gushes of water on the sides of the car. We even felt the waves. It felt like the waves were lifting our car a bit. Then, the water begun rising. The waves became more intense. We panicked! So our mom also panicked. Haha. We were afraid because our car is an automatic one. If we get stuck, it can’t be pushed. We parked our car in front of an establishment. I haven’t read the name, ‘coz it wasn’t my concern, haha. All I really cared about that time is to go home safely. We waited for the water to subside. For an hour, we just stayed there. Waiting. Good thing I brought with me Dom’s book, The Pretenders. I read it, and I’ve read a lot without noticing! I finished until page 18. That may not seem to be unusual for some, but for me, it was a record! Haha! It usually takes me a lot of time when reading books. Well, the story was quite interesting. It made me ask many questions to myself, maybe that’s the reason why I keep on reading, to find the answers.

I’ve seen people walking through the flood, people who were stranded, people who were waiting for the rain to stop. The traffic of messages is quite heavy. Messages sent were delayed on their ways. Networks were busy. While on our way home, I was trying to contact my dad, so that he would not worry about us. When I was talking to him, there were interrupting sounds, sounds that seems to come from aliens, I don’t know. There is this one thing that made me laugh. I asked Daddy, “Asan ka na po ba ngayon?” Then he answered, “Nasan ako? Eh di ba, kanina nasa bahay ako?” (Hahahahaah! Well, I hope you got it.) Then finally, we got home. It was still raining, but not as hard as earlier. Then, while doing my stuffs, I could hear the news from my sister’s tv. It was all about, of course, the storm and the damage it had caused. There were still many people left unrescued on the tops of their houses, including Christine Reyes. In other areas, there were people who died. I am not so updated about the happenings because I do not have my television. I mean, technically. I actually have my T.V. inside my room, but the cable wasn’t attached to it so I can’t watch anything. Haha. It’s useless. Anyway, going back to the fact that this storm have caused a lot of distress, and have taken lives of our fellow Filipinos, it makes me feel sad. I feel like Mother Nature is really angry. Just look back at what had happened this year. It was hot during January and February, and rain poured during the summer season. June, July, and August came. There were storms, but not so intense. And only in this year, that I did not have rain on my birthday. Now, at the month of September, came storms. Storms like this (Bagyong Ondoy) that is really distressful. I’m wondering what happened to my friend’s debut party. These incidents made me realize more the things that I have. How blessed I am. Our house wasn’t flooded. We still have this beautiful shelter, good as new. It wasn’t damaged by the storm. I didn’t have to go through the same unfortunate things that happened to some of our kababayans. Two of my classmates needed to go through a series of floods in order for them to reach home. JC spent 2 hours to go home while it took Arnon almost 8hours to reach home. Gosh! I was very thankful the same thing did not happen to me. Then, I found out that Lou and Hap were still at MCL! And they are going to sleep there! They were stranded and they had no choice but to stay. They’ll be going home tomorrow. Lou said that there were relief goods from Sir mesina. They had rice and soaps, also pillows. I told them that it was a one of a kind experience. Haha! When I was talking to him, it seems like they were enjoying their stay there. Haha! I just hope that they would be fine, and everyone would be fine.
Masayang pamumuhay kanyang nagisnan,
Kasama ang kanyang ina sa kabukiran.
Mukha nila’y laging may ngiting laman,
Sila’y maligaya kapos man sa yaman.

Araw at gabi ina’y nagtatrabaho,
Upang inipong salapi ay maging husto.
Pangarap ng ina’y siya;y makapagtapos,
At sa kahirapan ay hindi magapos.

Ngunit sa di inaasahang pagkakataon,
Kamataya’y dumating na parang alon.
Kanyang ina ang siyang natunton,
O sadyang kay bilis ng panahon.

Hindi malaman ang kanyang gagawin.
Ang mawalay sa inay di kayang tanggapin.
Sakit ang dulot ng tinik sa damdamin,
Sa araw-araw ito’y mabigat na dalahin.

Mga panahong silang mag-inay magkasama,
Parang kidlat na bumabalik sa kanyang alaala.
Ninais niyang umaga’y di na magisnan,
At ubusin na ang buhanging laman ng orasan.

Isang umaga, sa kanyang paggising,
Sumikat muli ang araw at nagningning.
Ang mundong dati’y puno ng kalungkutan,
Naging maaliwala, naglaho ang kadiliman.

Natanto niyang siya’y nagkamali pala,
Upang iluklok ang sarili sa pighati at dusa.
Isa lamang ito sa mga unos ng buhay,
Ang Ama’t ina sa langit ang magiging gabay.

*I can't recall when, where, and why did I wrote this one. Obviously it is for a filipino course. =p
So here’s everything I knew from a friend of mine. I quoted some of his words.

“Revelation is the creepiest part of the bible.” Obama is here to “make a one world government.” He is “the antichrist, the beast” that is written in revelations. “The devil himself will try to be a peacemaker in order for him to accomplish his goal, to establish a one world government. He will force everyone, rich or poor” to put his mark on our body. His mark is his number, 666. Whoever rejects it will be killed. The other beast mentioned is the pope. He is “kaagapay” (companion) of Obama. “Kaagapay meaning kasama nya un para sambahin si Obama.” The pope is a very influential person. The pope also has the number 666 mark. In his headgear, there is something written in there. “vicarius filli dei” meaning "vicar of the son of God” Vicarius filli dei = 666. v=5, i=1, c=100, summing up to 666. In 2012, there will be a horrible incident. It’s not the end of the world though but there will be a chain of terrifying incidents in which many people would die. There is something that is coming near the earth, but NASA wasn’t telling us about this, because they don’t want us to panic. The elites already know about this and they already have their own underground project. There is a possibility that only the elites would survive. They would hide in their “underground” place. “Einstein already warned us about this. Pole shifting that will cause heavy disasters, disasters that had never happened before.” Then what should we do? “We should repent, ask God's forgiveness, keep the Faith, and ask Jesus to be our saviour.” So if we’ll die, our souls will be saved. But we should always be ready. Keep in mind that when the time comes that there is already the New World Order and we’re forced to have ourselves marked, we should not give up our faith. Remember that it’s just our flesh. “May kamatayan ang laman pero ang kaluluwa wala.” This means that if you’re in hell, you’ll experience the eternal burning of your soul. You will suffer eternally.

When he told me about this, I don’t know what to feel. I don’t know if I should believe the accusations or not. Maybe it’s true and maybe not. But if this is true, I will never ever give my faith up. There is no way that I’ll let them mark my body with the number 666. I’d rather die.
*I wrote this when I was in third year high, so pardon me for some grammatical errors.

I. A. Title: The Tragedy of Macbeth

B. Director: Roman Polanski

C. Screenplay Writers: Roman Polanski and Kenneth Tynan

D. Principal Characters
King Duncan (Nicholas Selby) – The King of Scotland who was murdered by Macbeth.
Macbeth (Jon Finch) – A courageous general of King Duncan and the one who killed King Duncan.
Lady Macbeth (Francesca Annis) – The wife of Macbeth and the one who persuaded Macbeth to kill the King.
Banquo (Martin Shaw) – A general of King Duncan’s army and Macbeth’s closest friend.
Macduff (Terence Bayler) – He suspected Macbeth for the killing of the King. He is the one who killed Macbeth.
Malcolm (Stephen Chase) – Duncan’s eldest son. He fled to England after the death of the King.
Donalbain (Paul Shelley) – Duncan’s youngest son. He fled to Ireland after his Father’s death.
Ross (John Stride) – A messenger of King Duncan.
The Three Witches (Maisie MacFarquhar, Elsie Taylor, Noelle Rimmington) – The ones who prophesized the success and fall of Macbeth.

E. Settings:
Time: 16th Century
Place: Scotland


Three Witches are digging a hole and soon buried a severed hand. They are discussing about their meeting with Macbeth. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis and Banquo, Macbeth’s closest friend are both generals of King Duncan. After defeating the army of Norway and Ireland led by Macdonwald, the Three Witches appeared to them. They prophesized that Macbeth would be the “Thane of Glamis”, the “Thane of Cawdor” and he shall “be king hereafter”. While they were wondering about the prophecies, Ross arrived with a message from the king. Ross informed Macbeth that is now the Thane of Cawdor. The prophecy came true and Macbeth’s desire for power began.

Macbeth told his wife about the prophecies. King Duncan was staying at Macbeth’s Castle at Inverness and Lady Macbeth planned about the murdering of the King. She persuaded Macbeth to do the murdering. Then Macbeth killed King Duncan. Lady Macbeth put bloody daggers beside King Duncan’s servants to frame them up. In the next morning Macduff arrived and Macbeth leads them to King Duncan’s chamber. Macbeth ordered the servants to be killed. Macduff already suspected Macbeth for the killing. Malcolm fled to England and Donalbain to Ireland. And because the sons of the King were gone, Macbeth claimed the throne because of his relation to the King.

Even he is now the king, Macbeth still worried about the prophecy of the Witches about Banquo. He then ordered Banquo and Fleance, his son, to be killed. Banquo was killed but Fleance escaped. At the banquet, Banquo’s and King Duncan’s ghosts appeared to Macbeth. In terror, Macbeth said things that lessen up his guiltlessness.

Because of the happenings, Macbeth went to the witches. The spirits told him to beware Macduff, but also none of woman born shall harm Macbeth and he will not be vanquished until Great Birnam wood to high shall come against him. In fear of Macduff, he ordered the killing of everyone in Macduff’s castle. Lady Macbeth sleepwalks washing imaginary bloodstains in her hands because of her guilt. Meanwhile in England, Macduff and Malcolm planned an invasion of Scotland. Macduff
lead their army in the woods to Macbeth’s castle. The battle started and Macduff confronted Macbeth. Macbeth told Macduff that he is not fearing him because he cannot be killed by any man born of a woman. But Macduff told him that he was born by Caesarean section. Then a fight started and Macbeth was beheaded by Malcolm. Malcolm became the king and he restored the peace in his kingdom.


Performance of the Characters

Portraying a play written by William Shakespeare is not that easy. You have to consider all the aspects of the play to be able for you to bring up the real essence and beauty of it. For me, all the characters acted well. Jon Finch and Francesca Annis did their role very well, especially Jon. Jon’s role in acting as Macbeth is uneasy but he did it. He acted like a real general envying and aspiring for power. Francesca also did very well. Her acting as Macbeth’s wife was very effective. She effectively played as a loving wife but also a woman that is thirsty for power and luxury. Nicholas Selby as King Duncan was also great. His posture and his way of speaking made me feel and see that he is the king. I also liked Stephen Chase playing the role of Malcolm. Especially when he fought with Macbeth and beheaded him. All the soldiers and servants that fought were also great. Their fight scenes look real. Not like those scenes I have watched that looked like a scripted and a practiced fight.

Relevance of the Settings


Language and Tone

The language of the film is English. Honestly, I cannot understand what they are saying. I just keep an eye on the scenes for me to follow the flow of the story. Their accent in speaking is very different from the ones who live in America. Well, even I already know that the way of speaking in England and Scotland is different from the Americans, I was still puzzled and a little bit shocked. I just can’t believe that I cannot understand them. They speak very fast and they are
slang. Sometimes they speak too soft, that I can barely hear them.


Their costumes were great. Their clothing was very appropriate to be used in the play “Macbeth”. The different style and designs of their costumes signify the different roles of the actors. King Duncan’s costume was so beautiful and because of it, viewers easily knew that he was the King of Scotland. The clothes of Generals and officials were different from the soldiers and servants. As I was saying, their costumes helped the viewers in distinguishing the characters and their roles. Their costumes also helped in bringing the viewers into a different world in a different period of time, in the 16th century.