It took a long process for me to shift from Electronics Engineering to Chemical Engineering. When I first let my parents know, mom disagreed but Dad said, "Kahit anong gusto mo." My mom disagreed because she thought that I was just going with the flow (influences of friends that made me change my mind so easily).

I asked God for his opinion. I asked him if I should take ChE instead of ECE. I asked for a sign. If I see the moon, I'll shift. When I was praying that, I haven't seen the moon for four consecutive nights already. Maybe because of clouds. Then one night, I saw the moon! I got the approval of God! So I talked to my mom again. I told her that I am serious about it then she asked me why. I told her that I don't like Electromagnetics and other topics related to electronics. I had a taste of it in Physics023 and I didn't love it that much. I appreciate Chemistry more. I got the shifting form. I went to the CSD and the counselor interviewed me. I convinced her so she signed the form. I went to Sir Tablante and we had a long talk. Everything he said made me confused again! When he felt my confusion/hesitation, he handed the form back and told me, "Think about it. After a week, if your mind hasn't changed, I'll sign it." After that, I thought and thought and thought about it for a thousand times. I was thinking that in this decision lies my future. If I'll make the wrong decision then I'm in trouble.

Fortunately, I pursued my plan. After much debate with myself, I shifted to ChE. Now, I am enjoying my courses as a Chemical Engineering Student and I thank God for letting me do what I did. =)
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