There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will............ you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'

This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren. Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank God your alive.

Please share.

I just copied this from facebook. Credits go to the author. 
April 12, 2010. I called someone.

Me: Hello? Pasend naman sa email ko yung files.
Friend: Hello? Sino 'to?
Me: *puzzled coz I know my number is registered in his phone* Si neory?
Friend: Si neory 'to?
Me: Oo!
Friend: Bakit ganon?
Me: Ha? Alin?
Friend: Ang ganda ng boses mo sa telepono.
Me: ah ganon?
Friend: Sa personal hindi.
Me: Lapastangan!

What a friend.. haha! 
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Our ENG032 final exam reminded of this verse. Written on the last part of the questionnaire was "Be not weary in doing good." I smiled when I read this line. I know that temptations to walk astray are everywhere nowadays. So this is a nice thing to keep in mind.

I remember Sir Paz telling us, "Do what is right even if others did not, do not, and will not."

--> We should know what matters most to us. Your life's principles must be guided by the Lord's word.

I am a LEO. Born on August 8, 1992. I just got this from facebook. I'll just give my comments regarding these traits/characteristics.

>outgoing personality - Agree.
>takes risks - Occasionally.
>feeds on attention - Yes. Who doesn't love to be noticed? Haha. I'm not KSP though.
>self-controlled - Oftentimes.
>kind-hearted - Haha. If I'll say yes, my friends will revolt! =p
>self-confident - Definitely.
>loud and boisterous - Haha. A little off but YES.
>VERY revengeful - I don't think so. I don't hold grudges against anyone. Grudge is bad for my heart and soul. 
>easy to get along with and talk to - Yes! I may look snobbish but I am really friendly. Haha. ^,-
>has an “everything’s peachy” attitude - I don't actually know the meaning of this, so I googled it.It's synonymous to being optimistic so YES! I always have hope in my heart. If I'm losing hope and negativity fills my heart, I just pray and I feel alright.
>likes talking and singing - Yes. I am "madaldal" and I love singing.
>loves music - Totally.
>daydreamer - Sometimes, but never during class hours. Haha.
>easily distracted - Y-E-S! That's why I don't like seating beside my crush during class. That's why I had my television transferred to our attic. That's why I don't seat with someone talkative like me during class.
>Hates not being trusted - Well, not really hate. I just don't like that feeling.
>BIG imagination - Really big! I have great dreams. Really great... I hope God will help me to make those dreams come true.
>loves to be loved - 
>hates studying - No. If I say yes, my professors and my classmates would kill me. Ahahaha!
>in need of “that someone” - Not now, because as I have said, "I get easily distracted." My friends know who my crush is and one of them asked me, "What if he courts you? and what if he ask you to be his girlfriend?" That question made me think for awhile but, I answered, "No. Not this time." Crazy answer right? What if he's really tall and handsome and intelligent and everything? Haha. Well, that can wait. That's my answer firstly because my parents don't want me to have a boyfriend yet. Secondly, I am kind of afraid to be hurt. Thirdly, I believe that God is telling me that "now" is not the right season of my life for a romantic relationship. 
>longs for freedom - I am already free.
>rebellious when withheld or restricted - absolutely not. just a little. haha
>lives by “no pain no gain” - not physical pain. I personally believe in "if you want it, then work for it."
>caring - plainly
>always a suspect - of what? of being too smart? ahahahaha (no protests please!)
>playful - absolutely!
>mysterious - maybe when I'm not talking or even moving, someone will think that I am. =))
>“charming” or “beautiful” to everyone - without doubt. my friends will 
>stubborn - hmm.. I can't decide because I always want to get what I want, no matter what. ahaha.. but I know my limits.
>curious - undeniably curious. Recently, I have discovered my hidden skills of online stalking. Sshh. Quiet.
>independent - partly because I can't live on my own. I mean I can't maintain a house. I can't cook good food. I can't wash clothes properly.
>strong-willed - Surely!
>a fighter - beyond any doubt. Haha. someone said, "ang bumangga, giba!"
I know a man who is very interesting. He is nice and kind. He's jolly and fun-loving. Whenever I talk to him, I am at ease and I find myself laughing inside. Haha. Weird. Though, we are really not that close. I admire him for being intelligent and I think, even though we seldom talk to each other, talking to him will be worthwhile. I mean, he knows a lot of things. He has many views of different happenings and aspects. I can't actually describe him well. Hmm. Let me think. Okay. I know the words. Witty and outgoing. Those are the two words that I personally think would suit him best and may be those are the reasons why many girls like him. One more thing, I felt that (whenever I talk to him) he cares for me. Not really care, care. I can't explain. It's just that, he's interested in my state of being. He checks on the small things that people don't bother to ask me. I think he's like that to everyone.
I wrote this when I was 17. Standards too high? Haha. Well, until now my standards haven't changed, though (as many people have protested) I know I can't choose who to love and who will love me. These are just guidelines. (Ansaveeh?) =p

no. 1 requirement: height, 5'10" or taller
no. 2 requirement: great/classy surname
no. 3 requirement: older than me
no. 4 requirement: owns a car
no. 5 requirement: non-smoker
no. 6 requirement: 100% male
no. 7 requirement: friend of my friends
no. 8 requirement: can sing for me
On the night of September 29, 2009, I found out that classes were suspended from September 30 to October 3. I was shocked about the news. I was like “Oh my gosh! Why oh why?” It meant a week-long suspension of classes, except that we had classes last Tuesday, Sept. 29. Then I talked to a lot of my friends in Facebook asking about the suspension of classes. I wasn’t watching the news so I needed to know the whole thing from my friends. They told me that classes in NCR and Region 4A were suspended because of the upcoming supertyphoon that would soon fall into the Philippines’ area of responsibility. I was a little upset with the “Breaking News” because that week-long suspension of classes would also mean week-long make-up of classes! My my! But I realized that I can’t do anything about it. I made up my mind that instead of getting upset with all those stuff, I should just think of the things that I could do to make this informal-term-break fruitful. Then, one of the professors at MCL commented on my status in facebook saying that classes were suspended to make give more time for the giving of relief goods to the victims of typhoon. Then Steve sent me a personal message saying that we should volunteer and help in repacking relief goods. I thought that it was a really great idea because many are complaining that they had nothing to do in their houses while classes are suspended. So I posted messages urging my friends to volunteer. I also posted the link to the listings of the drop-off points for relief goods. Many responded and I was glad to know that many of them really wanted to help. My MCL friends decided that they would go to our school the next day to volunteer, but I told them that I would be going to ATC (Red Cross Alabang) instead to volunteer because my high-school friends also invited me to go. The next day (September 30, 2009) I went to ATC. I went with my mom and my sister, Gien, but they have other business to do. So when we arrived there at around 11a.m., they went to do their business and I went to Red Cross Alabang. It is located on the farthest right of the front of ATC, along Zapote Road, fronting National Bookstore. There were many volunteers and among them were my friends. I was late. Haha. Our meeting time was 10a.m., but I arrived an hour late! =p People were sorting and packing clothes and packing foods. I went to the main table and gave my donation, a paper bag of old clothes. Then I joined my friends in sorting clothes. The donated clothes were sorted into 5 piles (female tops, female, bottoms, male tops, male bottoms, and kids) The piles were labelled as Female Upper, Female Lower, Male Upper and Male Lower. When we were sorting, Marc told me that earlier, when I still wasn’t around, he mistaken the word Upper for higher. He said Female Higher instead of Female Upper! Haha! Quite stupid ha? Well, it’s just normal. Haha!
There is this weird application in fb.

‎"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice -- that is, until we stop saying "It got lost," and say "I lost it." - Sydney J. Harris

As I am typing this blog entry, I am 19 years old. Looking back, I can honestly say that I have changed a lot. I think it would be much better to say that I have learned so much lessons so I have improved a lot.

I remember an event in elementary school. Teacher Jeannette was reviewing our class in a subject (Sorry, poor memory. can't remember the subject. =p) She told us that her questions will be appearing in our exam. As she was asking us, and we answer all in chorus, she noticed my classmate taking down notes. Obviously, my classmate was writing down the answers to our teacher's questions. Then, calmly, she told us that it is not ethical to do that. My classmate was sorry because he/she didn't know that it is not right. I have had many teachers throughout my 19 years of existence and I am very thankful to have them in my life even just for a while. They have all helped me to cross that subtle line between childhood and adulthood, though I do not really consider an "adult" already. Haha. I wanna enjoy my youth!
I don't have a television in my room so I was staying at my parents' room watching Nasaan Ka Elisa. Then my dad came in and changed the channel! I protested but he won. Haha. I was on their territory anyway. He watched this program of Bro. Eli Soriano in UNTV entitled "Itanong Mo Kay Soriano"(I'm not really sure though). There was a man, probably an atheist, who insists that we all came from apes. He claims that we have all evolved from apes. He said that evolution is already a fact. I salute Bro. Eli for having answered all of the questions supported by "proofs" that the man was presenting. It's really hard to prove that we all came from apes. Evolution versus creation was a debate way back from the past, and yet it is not yet resolved. Yes, evolution is a real thing. Evolution is really happening here on earth. I am a woman of science. I deal with a lot of science stuffs every term but still I believe in the Creation. As my CVE teacher has said before, we cannot explain everything. "Everything" is beyond our brain's capacity.
I just saw this on facebook.. no sources cited.. I don't own any of these.. credit goes to the nurse who wrote this..

"A Hug can save a life!" - Dr Jeff Mullan ....

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubatorS.
... ... ...
Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw.

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive...

-->uhhh.. this just proves that small things/acts really matter.. even a tap on the shoulder can change a life.. ♥
Yesterday, I was reading Little Ida's Flowers, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It was all about flowers that come to life at night to dance at a ball. Hans mentioned a lot of kinds of flowers. He mentioned roses, tulips, blue violets, hyacinth, crocus, tiger lilies, bell flower, and purple hearts ease. I wrote the names down to google them and see what they look like. I am familiar with their names but I can't remember their beauty vividly. As I was browsing the image results for bell flowers, I remember the golden shower. Way back in elementary, there is a golden shower tree in front of our school. It is really beautiful, especially when it is in full bloom. I have always loved seeing it. It is pleasing to the eye, a natural eye-candy. I searched for an image of it and I found this.
It is gorgeous, right? I think I can stare at it for days and not be bored. Haha. Okay, that's exaggeration. I just simply love this!
From Tuesday to Friday, I have woken up at 5am in the morning and slept at 10 to 11:30pm. Tiring week, yes. Fun week, yes! ChE week was a success. Tuesday night we started the preparation of the ChEmnival at the ETY lobby. I got home around 8:30pm. Wednesday morning, we finished all of the ChEmnival booths set-up. We had Piso-Loco, Say ChEese Photobooth, Angry Birds, Coke Ring Toss, Dexter's Don't Turn Me On, Pastries, Darts, and Hunting Season. We also had a Freedom Wall wherein you can write anything you want to write. There is also the ChEnnect exhibit that displays wonderful posters made by the participants.

1st day: Seminar, 1pm-5pm
2nd day: Amazing Race, 8am-12nn
3rd day: Quiz Show and Awarding, 8am-6pm

ChEmnival was open for three days. It was so much fun watching people play our prepared games. I was designated at Piso-Loco. The jackpot (2L of Royal/Sprite) was on the edge of the table.
(to be continued)
We had an experiment about diode rectification. We used the oscilloscope in the second part of the experiment and it was really really confusing. First of all, we don't know how to operate it and second of all I really can't appreciate everything that we were doing. I was really looking back when I was still in my second year in college. I was still an ECE student back then. I even thought of shifting to EE so that I won't have much competition. Haha. I mean, there were thousands of ECE students in the Philippines right? So landing a great a job will not be easy if you have lots of competition, especially when they come from prominent schools. So back to my current agony, what would happen to me if I did shift to EE? Gosh! I really can't imagine myself doing all of those abstract stuffs dealing with anything related to electricity.

I really thank God for leading me towards the Chemical Engineering path. He really loves me. If He had not intervened, ugh! I don't want to talk about it. I just want this term to end. I never want to deal with multimeter, oscilloscope, circuit boards, and other electrical-related stuffs. I am really not for that field. Really.
These are my dreams that occurred for two consecutive nights.

1st dream: I was on a hospital. There were many beds with patients so I guess I was on a public hospital. I was sitting on the side of a bed, but I don't know whose bed was it. Then there is this man staring at my direction but he was not directly looking at me. I don't know. He is tall with black hair. He is not ugly and scary, but he is creepy. =p

2nd dream: It is already dark when I got out from a building. It was raining heavily and people from the same building I came from were standing/waiting with me. Then a jeep came in and we they to rush onto it. I didn't know where it was heading but a barker was saying some place's name, then I rode the jeep. When I was about to sit, I realize that beside me was the same man from my last night's dream. But this he was with someone, a girl, his girlfriend may be. They were PDA-ing. He never looked at my direction anyway.

Okay. That's it. Weird right?
Me? Yes. Definitely. And today is one of those many times when I felt so much tired. Since I got home yesterday I've been working on the questions for the upcoming ChE Quiz Show. I have no classes on Thursdays so I am stuck here doing this forever. Ugh. It's really tiring and I swear I will never do this again. Haha. But I congratulate myself for having done it well. =p I still need to review for our exam in Heat and Mass transfer tomorrow! I also have a 7am class tomorrow. Great right?

fb status: "ang hirap pala mag-ayos ng questions for a quiz bee.. kala ko simple lang, hindi pala.. >,< long exam pa bukas.. heat and mass transfer! woosh! "Taken at the right spirit." another lesson in life.. kaya mo, kaya ko.. kahit pagod na, aja!"
Never overreact if he called your name to get your attention. How many names could he have uttered/called during the entire day? It is just a simple greeting. Period.

Never over-process any simple act of him, like when he looked at you. You see him walking with his friends 50 ft away from where you are standing. You watch him from behind and then he looks back! Oh! He was checking on you! Engk! No! Maybe he just looked back to say something to his friend behind him. You can never be sure where were his eyes fixated during that time. Remember, you are 50 ft away.
If your goal is purity of heart, be prepared to be thought very odd. - Elisabeth Elliot

On our way home one afternoon, Meg nonchalantly asked me, "Neory, wala ka bang crush ngayon?" I was a bit stunned by that question. Then out of nowhere I answered, "Wala eh. Busy ako." Then Jejomar's facial expression showed his extreme revolt to my answer. Even though he was not saying anything, his entire reaction speaks like, "What? Are you kidding me? Busy ako? Oh come on!" (uttered with the sarcasm tone that is very popular today). Then I asked Meg why she bothered to asked me that question. She told me that Xen asked her and then she can't give Xen any guy's name basically because I don't have a "crush" this term. Actually, I admire different guys at our school. I mean, I like ones hair, or ones eyes, or ones height, or ones complexion, or ones attitude, or ones achievement, but it wasn't like before. I don't know how to put it into writing but my real friends know how I behave and react when I have a "crush". Haha! It's just that over the summer, I have realized many things. How? Well, I have read these books: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. (Now, I am reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot.)

I actually find myself odd too, but I guess that's just a matter of perspective. Those three books really changed my view of relationships. If I would write everything that I have learned here (which I have decided to do/follow), I think I'll have a bunch of debates to engage in. I don't want that. As I have said, "I'm a busy person." Haha. So, if you have read this blog and you want to find out what I'm talking about, read those books. Trust me. It will all be worth your time.
I watched The Blind Side just recently and regretted that I did watch it just now. I should have watched it way too long ago. It is full of lessons. Many parts of the movie made me cry. It struck a chord in me. The movie helped my brain and my heart remember that I have always been blessed. I always have what I needed. It came to me that even though I do not have everything that I wanted, what I need has been provided and that is enough. I have my parents and my siblings with me, my relatives, my friends, my teachers, and our good neighbors. I have much clothes, shoes, bags, school supplies, and books. I have a bed, a room, an electric fan. I always have food to eat. I never got my stomach growl because of hunger. I never had to endure the cold of the night because I don't have a place to stay in. I never had to suffer under great emotional stress because of life problems. There are many blessings that we tend to overlook because of envy. I am guilty of that. Sometimes I feel that I have so little. I forget to look around and thank God for what He has given me. Sometimes I complain about things that are so mundane, not even realizing that I really do have a lot.

I really salute Big Mike in the movie. He has gone through a lot but he didn't have any grudge at anyone. He forgives and then forget. He just closes his eyes, leave the past behind him, and when he opens them again, he sees the beauty of a new day without any stains from the past. I am praying that I could be like him. I easily forgive, yes. But when it comes to forgetting, I am really not good at it.

I strongly suggest that you watch the movie. It may seem boring during the first few minutes of the movie, but trust me, it's definitely worth of your time.
I have a 7am class every Friday. I woke up by 5am but I really woke up around 5:15am. Haha! I was dragging myself out of the bed. It was too early! Sheesh. Thank God I have my loving Daddy to the rescue. He took us (I was with Gien) to school. I came late, around 7:05am I think, but still there were only a few people in the lab. While waiting for our other classmates, our professor said, "Class, you may now start the experiment." I was dumbfounded. I was like, "really? as in now? no more introduction or anything?" Well, I didn't say that ofcourse. Haha! The experiment was quite easy though, but still, we're ignorants when it comes to the equipments in the EE Lab. We finished everything by 9am. Then we played and laugh until 10:30am.

1pm. English class. We were waiting outside M102. The sun was shining brightly and it was really hot. After minutes of waiting, the guard said that our class was transferred to R302! Goodness! That was a really long walk! Haha! During the class, I felt sleepy. Not because our professor was boring, (in fact, she has always been enthusiastic while in class) but because I lack sleep.

2:30pm. Heat and Mass Transfer. We had a quiz. 6 questions. I had no book. Our book was supposedly the source of everything to answer those problems, but then I managed to answer some of the questions. I really considered myself great because I was able to do so. Then, around 3:40pm, our professor said, "Class. Stop answering. Some of the questions lack something. Just continue answering somewhere." Well, those were not the exact words of my professor. Haha. My classmates were really stressed because they can't answer numbers 1 and 2. For my case, I really skipped it because I don't have the data. =p
Our EE105 class ended around 6:30pm. I waited for Jas. It was a very long wait for me. I was sitting on the stairs and many people were passing me by. I felt like a lot of things happened already then I would check the time to only see that it is not yet 7pm! Then finally, Jas arrived. She was with Mitch and Poca. The traffic was really heavy that time. Jas was forced to drive on the farthest side of the road because the vehicles heading towards Pulo occupied three lanes already. When we got on the toll gate, Jas noticed that there is something wrong with the Revo. We checked and there we had it, flat tire! A security guard from the toll gate approached us. We thought he was going to help us but we were wrong. He just got the license of Jas for recording purposes. Then Sir Mong happened to pass by and asked what happened. Mitch answered “flat tire sir!” and he responded “Kaya niyo na yan!” We thought that a hero had arrived because he slowed down his ca but, again, we were wrong. He just slowed down for a bit and then sped up again. Then Jas’s friend saw us and just honked without even bothering to ask what happened. Sheesh. We were losing hope. Then finally, an L300 van was approaching and it slowed down. Then I said, “Kuya, help!” and finally they did help us! The first problem was to remove the spare tire attached under the car. The second problem was to replace the flat tire. After the tire has been replaced, we thought everything was fine. Then when Jas tried to start the engine, it didn’t work. Then we screamed, “Kuya! Wait! Ayaw mag-start!” They checked the engine. Third problem: discharged battery. Wow. What a day. Haha! Kuya George and Kuya tall-dark-and-handsome got the battery of the L300 van to start the engine of the Revo. They were successful! Hooray! The repairing process took them approximately 45 minutes. Jas tried to give them some money for compensation but they didn’t accept it. They told her that it’s okay. Uhhh. It was so nice to know that still, there are people out there with good hearts that are willing to sacrifice their time to help people in need without expecting anything in return.
The date today is so cool! Well, I know this is kinda non-sense but I still find it amusing. =)
When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPod, Blackberry, PS3 or iPad. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up adventurous fantasies and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made and Jollibee was a treat. I would think twice before I said "no" to my parents. Life wasn't hard, it was great and I survived. Kids these days are spoiled. Kids these days lost something - Appreciation.

---to be continued---
Being a teacher is a great responsibility. When you are a teacher, you impart something to your students. In fact, you impart a little part of your ownself to your students. I am already eighteen years old and I have had countless teachers in my entire life. I actually look up to all of them. I also salute them for molding me and for contributing to my own development.

In my life, I know a lot of people who is like Sedgewick Bell. Students who are not so serious about what they’re doing because they do not actually know the reason and importance of studying. As a friend, I try to talk to them and lead them to the right way. I feel that I should do it and that it is my responsibility to do it because if I would be able to change him/her, I would be contributing to the betterment of the society. Mr. Hundert said, “Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.” This means that in whatever we do, we should aim towards progress and betterment.

I was glad when Mr. Hundert was able to influence Sedgewick to study and do well in his studies. Sedgewick felt that Mr. H wants him to progress and so he did. Mr. Hundert said, “However much we stumble, it is a teacher's burden always to hope, that with learning, a boy's character might be changed. And, so, the destiny of a man.” As a teacher, Mr. H aims to mold his students to be a better person. He also said that “The worth of a life is not determined by a single failure or a solitary success.” It doesn’t mean that when you fail once, you will never succeed. If you fail, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It just means that you have not yet succeeded. I salute Mr. H for trusting someone like Sedgewick. Mr. H gave Sedgewick a chance to change his ways. Mr. H believed in him. Too bad Sedgewick broke his trust. I don’t actually agree in Sedgewick’s ways. “I live in a real world where people do what they need to do to get what they want. If it is lying, if it is cheating, then so be it.” The end does not justify the means. I believe that in everything that we do, we should do what is right and honorable.

-->I wrote this for my Values class. (3rd Term SY 2010-2011)
Yesterday morning, it was raining heavily. Our organization (ACES) has a general assembly scheduled that morning at 8:30am. I didn't attend it mainly because my scheduled class during Tuesdays starts at 2:30pm. If I would have attended it, that would mean a 4.5 hours vacant. Secondly, I have problem sets to do. Thirdly, it was raining heavily. Ahaha. Okay. Those were just my excuses.

At 10am, it was announced that afternoon classes from high school down to pre-school are already cut. I heard no news from our school so I left our house around 1:00pm. Luckily, the rain was just sprinkles of water that time. I didn't get wet going to school. During my second class (Stat-4 to 5:30pm), it started raining heavily again. Then, the power went off. When the lights went out, we were like "Oy si Val! (Laughs)". Valerie was not in our room that time. He attended SWAP assembly. Then, Xen-xen, who was also on another class, texted Joanna "Si Val! Baka hindi makita!" Then we all laughed again. When the power was back, Ms. Isles continued her lecture. Then at 5:30pm, the classes were cut off! They cut off classes during heavy rains. So we went down the stairs and saw all the students eager to go home but the rain doesn't tell them they could. Good thing I saw Kuya Tristan. He gave me a ride to Walter Mart. During the evening, I was waiting for the good news of no classes for today.

Fast forward in the morning...
I opened my eyes. It was 7:15am and I heard the very unique sneeze of my sister, Gien. Then, it came to me, "NO CLASSES! Yes! Woohoo!" She has a 7am class, that's why I knew. I was really praying for it because I still haven't finished the problem set for momentum and I'm not yet ready for my Thermo2 exam. So, I thanked the Lord! He's so awesome!

During the day, little rains poured. But now, it's raining quite heavily.
I was lying down on my bed while reviewing my physics notes for the upcoming quiz bee and suddenly I heard the sound "There's a stranger in my bed. There's a pounding in my head."(Last Friday Night by Katy Perry) So, I was like "My sun phone is ringing. O-M-G! O-M-G. Ms. Niem is calling. Ms. Niem is calling. Where are my notes?" I did my best to find it before answering the call but unfortunately, they were nowhere to be found. So I did answer the call without any notes on hand. I was really nervous and I was moving around my room while taking the call. It was really a good thing that she can't see me. She only got to ask me two questions 1.)Tell me about yourself. and 2.)Tell me about a suggestion that you made. Then there was something wrong with the line. I can't hear Ms. Niem clearly so she told me that she would just call me back...

Then... I arrived at school around 1:30pm. I was heading towards the window 6 (registrar) when I heard the tone again. I panicked! I rushed to find a place where I can put my bag so that I could get my phone. As I was searching through my bag, I was like "Asan yung phone ko? Where's my phone? Where's my phone?" My gosh! My bag was so big. I can't even find my phone! And when I finally got a hold of my phone, the call ended. At our English class, Ms. Niem told me that she heard me saying "Where's my phone? Where's my phone?" Oh my! That is so embarrassing! Ahaha! I didn't know that my bag answered the call for me.
I've finished reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye last June 20. It's a great read! I recommend it to all singles out there, to those who are in a relationship and even to those who are seeking a relationship. God has a message for all of us and Joshua Harris was His instrument.. ♥

I can't wait for this! I hope it'll be available by tomorrow already!
This is an excerpt from Joshua Harris' book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. He's not talking about technical boyfriend or girlfriend here. He's talking about the love that we offer prematurely.

Ponder on it. ♥
The Recognition Day for S.Y. 2010-2011 is nearing. (But up to now, there is no fixed date for it.) As I was staring blankly at my bedroom wall, something popped up in my head. The word is proud.

I remember a party held when I was I child. It was held in my Dad's officemate's place. My memory is not that sharp though. I can't remember how the place looks like and where on earth it is located. Haha. All I remember was that my Dad was sitting in a table with his officemates. They were drinking and talking about random stuffs. Then I heard my Dad talking. He was talking about me! He was boasting about my drawing skills to his officemates! While talking, his words were like "Nakita ko hawak niya yung picture ng Bugs Bunny, tapos paglingon ko, "Oh! tapos na? galing ah!" Well, I really can't remember the exact words of my Dad, but it was some kind of like that. Whatever it is, I know that he was really proud of me. I remember that time when he saw me drawing Bugs Bunny in a sketch pad. I was copying Bugs Bunny then, trying my best to draw it in my little sketchpad. I know my drawing was quite good but not really beautiful. But still, he was proud of me. If you think about it, it was just a little random stuff that kids do, like nothing to boast about it, but then he did boast of my skills in front of his friends. At that time, I felt that he was really really proud of me. It was such a great feeling. From then on, I told myself that I would always make my parents proud of me. I would do my best in everything so that they would be proud of me. I love that great feeling of joy that I felt as a child, and I always want to feel it. <3
While I was walking, I saw a lady in her early fifties in her car. She was trying to make a u-turn. Her windows were rolled down and I saw her look at me, so I smiled. Then she asked, "Lalabas ka ba? Pupunta ako ng complex." I was stunned and I hesitated. I was thinking, "Should I go with her? But I don't know her. She looks nice though." After battling with myself, I decided to go. She's an elderly and how can I refuse her offer? That meant P24 savings and lesser travel time! While in the car, we talked. I found out that she was the owner of the recently opened store near LBA's Clubhouse. She was really and we have talked about lots of things before arriving at Complex. Before leaving the car, I told her, "Thank you po, Tita. Ano pong name niyo?" She replied with a smile, "Mila."

It was such an experience. I think, this is the first time I rode a stranger's car. (I don't know what will my parents think if they found out about this.) I was really grateful that this had happened. Thank You Lord for this! It felt great! =)

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Though we see other races get into a relationship abruptly, I'm glad that we still have our own Filipino Courtship. It still prevails and I have a strong feeling that it will until the end of time.

This is a Filipino Courting Tutorial by Mikey Bustos. If you're a foreigner loving a Filipina, then you should watch. Mikey's so brilliant!

This is Popcorn's Contract. I wonder who will give in first. ♥
I got this post from Tumblr.

Did you know that in Japan there are 3 ways to say “I love you”? You say “Daisuki” for friends and for guys you like, you say “Aishiteru” (for a more serious relationship), and you say “Koishiteru” to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. They follow this rule and this is one of the things I admire about them. They didn’t make “I love you” lose its meaning like us.

I reposted it in facebook and Sir Mangohig replied.

"Analyzing it literally: Dai = you use it to indicate extreme, suki =like, so when you say daisuki, its extreme like which is equivalent to love. another sample "daikirai", kirai = dis-like, so daikirai is hate. "Koi" is a love for the opposite sex, or a feeling of longing for a specific person. It can be described as "romantic love" or "passionate love." While "ai" has the same meaning as "koi," it also has a definition of a general feeling of love. "Koi" can be selfish, but "ai" is a real love. Here are some lines that explain them well: Koi is always wanting. Ai is always giving. You can directly say to a Japanese, i love you...but the pronounciation would not be as pleasant : "i rub you" hehehe....just my 2 cents ( i miss Japan)"

That's one heck of an explanation. Haha. Sir Mangohig worked in Japan so he knew Nihonggo. From his explanations, Daisuki means "Super like" (haha! extreme daw eh!). For "Ai" and "Koi", I can't seem to think of any synonymous english words to translate them. For me, I think "Ai" is used when expressing unconditional love and "Koi" is used when expressing romantic or maybe even erotic love.

Whatever is the real translations of those, never tell the words "I love you." to someone you don't really love. You'll just hurt them if they found out the truth.
She's my friend. Until when? That I don't know. Here are some of her crazy moments.

Neory: ano ang largest bird?
Clarissa Gomez: eagle?
all: (laughs) *ostrich
Neory: ano ang smallest bird?
Clang: sisiw?
all: (laughs) *hummingbird

Neory: Dom, anong pinang-kulay niyo sa puto?
Clang: (with enthusiasm) COLORING FOOD!
all: (laughs)

Clang: (talking about something)...nung octoVer pa yun eh..
Neory and Abi: (laughs)
Neory: anong octoVer??
Clang: (narealize yung letter v) ay, ang VoVo nmn!
Neory and Abi: (runs out of oxygen) LOL
I'm not actually a fan of NBA or any NBA players, as in never, until now. I've heard of Kobe Bryant before, as well as Dwayne Wade and other NBA stars, but I'm not really fond of watching their games. My father has always been a fan of NBA. He's a basketball player too. I remember cheering for him when they had games back then in Mandarin Homes (our previous subdivision). I really loved those times. Especially when his three-point shot counts!

This summer, the NBA playoffs started. My dad and my two sisters always watched NBA games in ABS-CBN. They loved Bulls, Heat, and Mavs. From them, I also knew that Lakers didn't win any of their games. I also saw statuses and photos in facebook mocking Kobe Bryant. =p

So, for NBA finals, Miami Heat and Dallas Mavericks are in. Game 1, Heat. Game 2, Dallas. Game 3, Heat. Game 4, Dallas. Game 5, Dallas. Miami Heat has its big three. If I'm not mistaken, that's James, Bosh, and Wade. At first, I figured that Dallas is the underdog. Heat is really a strong team because of the big three. Well, that was just at first. I saw Nowitski in action during those five games and now, I'm a fan! He plays really well. I even saw an analysis of Dirk's fadeaway shots. (Here it is )

Then, after game 5, I wrote in my wall, "Mav-elous! I'm such a Dirk! okay, fan na ako ng Dallas.. ♥" My friends that are fans of Dallas liked it and after a while, someone PMed me saying, "Neory, anong ibig sabihin ng dirk?" Haha! So I still had to explain! Whew! Ahaha! For those who didn't get it, it's like "I'm such a jerk." Dirk sounds like jerk. Gets? =p
I’m writing this because I’ve been asked for so many times, “Pa’no ka ba nag-aaral?” Sometimes, that question would be followed by, “lagi?” or “Araw-araw?” and many more. Yes, I do study everyday… in the classroom (except for Sundays). We all do, right? I usually review my notes if there’s a quiz or an exam, just like what many students do. The following would be a summary of my tips.

1. Secure a good seat on the first day of classes.
2. Make sure that your professor knows you.
3. Socialize. Have friends that you can call “allies” but not “hosts”.
4. Set a target grade: 1.00.
5. Keep a good notebook.
6. Listen well.
7. Ask your professor right away when you have a question in mind.
8. Read books and other materials that you think can help you.
9. Invest good grades from the start of classes.
10. Practice solving problems on your own.
11. Do not panic when taking exams or even quizzes.
12. Never take any course for granted.
13. Sleep for at least 7 hours a day.
14. Eat well.
15. Always pray and have faith.


Whatever happens, stay on track.
-Ms. Comia
The following will be a little more talk for each of the tips that I wrote. It’s up to you if you want to read on.

Secure a good seat on the first day of classes.
--- I personally prefer getting a chair that is near the board, and also near the projected screen. In this way, I’ll be able to hear my professor and read what’s written on the screen all at the same time. Another plus of getting this position is that you’ll find it harder to have a chitchat with your friend nearby. You’ll worry that you’re professor might notice you and stare at you with his/her big eyes. You don’t want that.

Make sure that your professor knows you.
--- Your professor should know that you exist and you are his/her student. Even if not all professors get to know their students by name, you should at least try to make your professors know you by face. You get what I mean? Haha! I hope so. Let your professors know a little bit of your personality. Remember, first impression lasts. It’s also important that you let your professor know that you are interested in his/her subject. That little thing may save you from a grade of 5.00.

Socialize. Have friends that you can call “allies” but not “hosts”.
--- I’m not saying that you should be a friendly-user here. My friend, Krissy, told me that having great friends/allies is one of the keys to success in college. Your circle of friends need not be the best or even the brightest. You should just go for a common goal that will benefit everyone in the group. You should always help each other out and be there for each other all the time. Also, true friendship is one of the best treasures here on earth that no one can buy.

Set a target grade: 1.00.
---This has always been my goal even if sometimes I fail to reach it. (Just like this term. I didn’t have a grade of 1.00 in any of my courses. Sad right? No.) My point here is that it is okay to aim high and dream big. (If you don’t dream big, what’s the use of dreaming?) NEVER make 3.00 your target grade because if you miss a bit, it’s gonna be 5.00 and nobody wants that. I encourage all others TO MAKE 1.00 YOUR TARGET GRADE. No matter how easy or hard your courses are, YOU SHOULD AIM FOR 1.00.

Keep a good notebook.
--- I keep a good notebook for every course. When I say good notebook, it’s not about the price of the notebook or its design. It is about the “notes” that are well-written and well-organized. I have this notebook from Loose Leaf where you can put in and take out pages depending on your preferences. (You can check out at NBS. It costs around P200 mainly because of the frame. You can buy notebook refills for P35 only.) Sometimes, if my professor discusses “fast” I’ll just write on my padded scratch papers then I’ll just rewrite it at home. If your notes are organized, your brain will be able to remember your notes much better than if your notes are always in disarray. I’ve read a book saying that as we are going through our lives, our brain is only using 10% of its full capacity. (So now you can imagine how much you can store on your brain.) From the same book, I knew that ORGANIZATION of thoughts would help a lot. That’s why mnemonic devices were invented. It’s like a computer. If you would just scatter files anywhere in your drive, it will be harder for you to recover it. Some studies show that notes written in blue ink are better remembered. Personally, black ink did the job.

Listen well.
--- Reserve the ‘daldalan” time during breaks. (Okay. I know it’s difficult. I also have to battle with myself sometimes.) Have you ever heard of the twenty-minute lapses? Sir Monterey told us about it. Every twenty minutes, our mind loses its focus. So we have to regain it back. The point is that we should focus on the lesson and not on anything else. It’s much better if you already understand the lesson when you are inside the classroom. Remember, you’re spending 1.5 hours per course. If you’re not learning anything, then you’re definitely wasting your time.

Ask your professor right away when you have a question in mind.
--- This is just a follow up on my “Listen well.” Tip. You should try your best to understand the material while you’re still in the classroom, so that if you have a question, you can ask it directly to your professor. Waiting for the end of the class, or even your professor’s consultation hours may lead you to forgetting your question or to having second thoughts of asking it.

Read books and other materials that you think can help you.
--- Reading is an opportunity for you to learn more. I am not a bookworm. I actually don’t love reading but I do it for my studies, for my parents, and for everyone I love. (Super drama? Haha.) My point is that you don’t have to really love reading for you to be able to read and understand a quite long scientific article. I advise that you choose the topic that you don’t understand much and read more about it. Reading ahead will do a lot of help, but personally, I rarely do that. Post-reading works much better for me because it’s like a review of the lesson covered but of course, you’ll find it more wordy.

Invest good grades from the start of classes.
--- Do your best every time… the first time. (By Madrid) I knew a lot of cases wherein a student gets a 5.00 for having an average of 59.00 or even closer to 60.00. The most common reason is a quiz, or a long exam pulled the grade down. I heard a lot of professors saying this tip over and over again. Sir Monterey told us that the first long exam is the easiest exam and that we should do well so that if in the next exam, we’ll not do well, at least, our score in the first exam may save us. (Note: The first long exam is the easiest exam. – this doesn’t apply to all courses. Swear.)

Practice solving problems on your own.
--- As students, we can’t help but solve problems. We all know that. As our professors are always saying, WE SHOULD PRACTICE. I don’t solve all the problems at the back of every chapter of the book. I just solve some, may be four to six problems depending on the difficulty of the subject. (Can you keep a secret? Sometimes, if there is no much time for review, I just reread my notes! The solved ones.) Oops. That is not a good practice because you don’t exercise your mind to think of a “way-out” of the puzzle. When I solve new problems (not the solved sample problems from my notes), I find other problems easier to solve.

Do not panic when taking exams or even quizzes.
--- I have classmates who panicked before and during exams. When I asked them why, tell told me, “Kasi baka malimutan ko yung inaral ko.. kasi baka hindi ko masagot.. kasi… blah blah blah..” I get nervous when the exam is near, but I try my best to stay calm when it is about to start. Breath in. Breath out. Think positively. Think that you’ll pass the exam, or much better, you’ll ace the exam! If you listened well and studied not only with your mind, you’ll be able to get through it.

Never take any course for granted.
---Yes, there are other courses that weigh more (3-unit courses vs. 1-unit courses). I have friends who skip a class for a 3-unit course long exam or even a quiz, and I discourage it. Let’s face it. Someday, there will come a time that we’ll all be having quizzes, long exams, reports, and assignments all done in one day. Sure it’s one hell of a day, but we should be able to manage it. You shouldn’t skip your SS or Humanities or even PE class for a “major” course because that course is still a part of load, and it will be a part of your Transcript of Records.

Sleep for at least 7 hours a day.
--- Because of the demands of our major courses, we couldn’t help but to stay up late and work on those requirements. The least hours of sleep that I had is 4 hours. Swear. My body can’t take a no-sleep-day. I can’t function well if I lack sleep. Third year-first term is the term where I had the least hours of sleep and I got sick four times during the twelve weeks of that term. I promised myself that I will not let a day pass without getting at least 5 hours of sleep (maximum). Everyday, I try my best to finish everything on time and sleep well. You should too. Here’s a link to a very nice article about sleep. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/10/02/secrets-to-a-good-night-sleep.aspx?aid=CD945

Eat well. Keep Hydrated.
--- Eat breakfast. It fuels your mind and body for the rest of the day. If you’re having an exam by 1:00pm, eat before 12:00noon. Your brain will not be equally performing well when you take an exam right after eating like when you take an exam an hour after eating. If you take an exam right after eating, your brain is busy doing two things: controlling your stomach for digestion and remembering everything that you reviewed.
--- Bring a bottle of water everywhere you go. From time to time, you need to rehydrate with water. I know a lot of people who will just rehydrate their bodies during lunchtime (or other breaks) with juices or other drinks with sugars. Sipping water from time to time helps your body to stay alert and awake. Water works wonders, remember? So I really encourage you to bring along with you a tumbler of water everytime.

Always pray and have faith.
--- All through our lives, God is with us. He’s always there for us, to listen to us. We can pray anytime, anywhere. We should continually thank Him for the never ending blessings that He had showered us, our family, and our loved ones. We should pray that He’ll guide us to the right path, let us make good decisions that is according to His will, embrace us with His loving arms, and keep us away from harm. Let our goal in life be: “Do everything that God has intended me to do.”

Whatever happens, stay on track.-Ms. Comia
Problems will come our way. Tragic events may happen. You may have to stop for a while, but after getting through it, continue where you have left. It will never be too late to pursue your dreams. =)

-So this is the end. Thank you for reading. I’m sorry if I’m a not-so-good writer. I hope these tips will somehow help you. God bless!