If your goal is purity of heart, be prepared to be thought very odd. - Elisabeth Elliot

On our way home one afternoon, Meg nonchalantly asked me, "Neory, wala ka bang crush ngayon?" I was a bit stunned by that question. Then out of nowhere I answered, "Wala eh. Busy ako." Then Jejomar's facial expression showed his extreme revolt to my answer. Even though he was not saying anything, his entire reaction speaks like, "What? Are you kidding me? Busy ako? Oh come on!" (uttered with the sarcasm tone that is very popular today). Then I asked Meg why she bothered to asked me that question. She told me that Xen asked her and then she can't give Xen any guy's name basically because I don't have a "crush" this term. Actually, I admire different guys at our school. I mean, I like ones hair, or ones eyes, or ones height, or ones complexion, or ones attitude, or ones achievement, but it wasn't like before. I don't know how to put it into writing but my real friends know how I behave and react when I have a "crush". Haha! It's just that over the summer, I have realized many things. How? Well, I have read these books: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. (Now, I am reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot.)

I actually find myself odd too, but I guess that's just a matter of perspective. Those three books really changed my view of relationships. If I would write everything that I have learned here (which I have decided to do/follow), I think I'll have a bunch of debates to engage in. I don't want that. As I have said, "I'm a busy person." Haha. So, if you have read this blog and you want to find out what I'm talking about, read those books. Trust me. It will all be worth your time.
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