I know a man who is very interesting. He is nice and kind. He's jolly and fun-loving. Whenever I talk to him, I am at ease and I find myself laughing inside. Haha. Weird. Though, we are really not that close. I admire him for being intelligent and I think, even though we seldom talk to each other, talking to him will be worthwhile. I mean, he knows a lot of things. He has many views of different happenings and aspects. I can't actually describe him well. Hmm. Let me think. Okay. I know the words. Witty and outgoing. Those are the two words that I personally think would suit him best and may be those are the reasons why many girls like him. One more thing, I felt that (whenever I talk to him) he cares for me. Not really care, care. I can't explain. It's just that, he's interested in my state of being. He checks on the small things that people don't bother to ask me. I think he's like that to everyone.
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