I have a 7am class every Friday. I woke up by 5am but I really woke up around 5:15am. Haha! I was dragging myself out of the bed. It was too early! Sheesh. Thank God I have my loving Daddy to the rescue. He took us (I was with Gien) to school. I came late, around 7:05am I think, but still there were only a few people in the lab. While waiting for our other classmates, our professor said, "Class, you may now start the experiment." I was dumbfounded. I was like, "really? as in now? no more introduction or anything?" Well, I didn't say that ofcourse. Haha! The experiment was quite easy though, but still, we're ignorants when it comes to the equipments in the EE Lab. We finished everything by 9am. Then we played and laugh until 10:30am.

1pm. English class. We were waiting outside M102. The sun was shining brightly and it was really hot. After minutes of waiting, the guard said that our class was transferred to R302! Goodness! That was a really long walk! Haha! During the class, I felt sleepy. Not because our professor was boring, (in fact, she has always been enthusiastic while in class) but because I lack sleep.

2:30pm. Heat and Mass Transfer. We had a quiz. 6 questions. I had no book. Our book was supposedly the source of everything to answer those problems, but then I managed to answer some of the questions. I really considered myself great because I was able to do so. Then, around 3:40pm, our professor said, "Class. Stop answering. Some of the questions lack something. Just continue answering somewhere." Well, those were not the exact words of my professor. Haha. My classmates were really stressed because they can't answer numbers 1 and 2. For my case, I really skipped it because I don't have the data. =p
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