
I am a LEO. Born on August 8, 1992. I just got this from facebook. I'll just give my comments regarding these traits/characteristics.

>outgoing personality - Agree.
>takes risks - Occasionally.
>feeds on attention - Yes. Who doesn't love to be noticed? Haha. I'm not KSP though.
>self-controlled - Oftentimes.
>kind-hearted - Haha. If I'll say yes, my friends will revolt! =p
>self-confident - Definitely.
>loud and boisterous - Haha. A little off but YES.
>VERY revengeful - I don't think so. I don't hold grudges against anyone. Grudge is bad for my heart and soul. 
>easy to get along with and talk to - Yes! I may look snobbish but I am really friendly. Haha. ^,-
>has an “everything’s peachy” attitude - I don't actually know the meaning of this, so I googled it.It's synonymous to being optimistic so YES! I always have hope in my heart. If I'm losing hope and negativity fills my heart, I just pray and I feel alright.
>likes talking and singing - Yes. I am "madaldal" and I love singing.
>loves music - Totally.
>daydreamer - Sometimes, but never during class hours. Haha.
>easily distracted - Y-E-S! That's why I don't like seating beside my crush during class. That's why I had my television transferred to our attic. That's why I don't seat with someone talkative like me during class.
>Hates not being trusted - Well, not really hate. I just don't like that feeling.
>BIG imagination - Really big! I have great dreams. Really great... I hope God will help me to make those dreams come true.
>loves to be loved - 
>hates studying - No. If I say yes, my professors and my classmates would kill me. Ahahaha!
>in need of “that someone” - Not now, because as I have said, "I get easily distracted." My friends know who my crush is and one of them asked me, "What if he courts you? and what if he ask you to be his girlfriend?" That question made me think for awhile but, I answered, "No. Not this time." Crazy answer right? What if he's really tall and handsome and intelligent and everything? Haha. Well, that can wait. That's my answer firstly because my parents don't want me to have a boyfriend yet. Secondly, I am kind of afraid to be hurt. Thirdly, I believe that God is telling me that "now" is not the right season of my life for a romantic relationship. 
>longs for freedom - I am already free.
>rebellious when withheld or restricted - absolutely not. just a little. haha
>lives by “no pain no gain” - not physical pain. I personally believe in "if you want it, then work for it."
>caring - plainly
>always a suspect - of what? of being too smart? ahahahaha (no protests please!)
>playful - absolutely!
>mysterious - maybe when I'm not talking or even moving, someone will think that I am. =))
>“charming” or “beautiful” to everyone - without doubt. my friends will 
>stubborn - hmm.. I can't decide because I always want to get what I want, no matter what. ahaha.. but I know my limits.
>curious - undeniably curious. Recently, I have discovered my hidden skills of online stalking. Sshh. Quiet.
>independent - partly because I can't live on my own. I mean I can't maintain a house. I can't cook good food. I can't wash clothes properly.
>strong-willed - Surely!
>a fighter - beyond any doubt. Haha. someone said, "ang bumangga, giba!"
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