These are my dreams that occurred for two consecutive nights.

1st dream: I was on a hospital. There were many beds with patients so I guess I was on a public hospital. I was sitting on the side of a bed, but I don't know whose bed was it. Then there is this man staring at my direction but he was not directly looking at me. I don't know. He is tall with black hair. He is not ugly and scary, but he is creepy. =p

2nd dream: It is already dark when I got out from a building. It was raining heavily and people from the same building I came from were standing/waiting with me. Then a jeep came in and we they to rush onto it. I didn't know where it was heading but a barker was saying some place's name, then I rode the jeep. When I was about to sit, I realize that beside me was the same man from my last night's dream. But this he was with someone, a girl, his girlfriend may be. They were PDA-ing. He never looked at my direction anyway.

Okay. That's it. Weird right?
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