"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice -- that is, until we stop saying "It got lost," and say "I lost it." - Sydney J. Harris
As I am typing this blog entry, I am 19 years old. Looking back, I can honestly say that I have changed a lot. I think it would be much better to say that I have learned so much lessons so I have improved a lot.
I remember an event in elementary school. Teacher Jeannette was reviewing our class in a subject (Sorry, poor memory. can't remember the subject. =p) She told us that her questions will be appearing in our exam. As she was asking us, and we answer all in chorus, she noticed my classmate taking down notes. Obviously, my classmate was writing down the answers to our teacher's questions. Then, calmly, she told us that it is not ethical to do that. My classmate was sorry because he/she didn't know that it is not right. I have had many teachers throughout my 19 years of existence and I am very thankful to have them in my life even just for a while. They have all helped me to cross that subtle line between childhood and adulthood, though I do not really consider an "adult" already. Haha. I wanna enjoy my youth!
As I am typing this blog entry, I am 19 years old. Looking back, I can honestly say that I have changed a lot. I think it would be much better to say that I have learned so much lessons so I have improved a lot.
I remember an event in elementary school. Teacher Jeannette was reviewing our class in a subject (Sorry, poor memory. can't remember the subject. =p) She told us that her questions will be appearing in our exam. As she was asking us, and we answer all in chorus, she noticed my classmate taking down notes. Obviously, my classmate was writing down the answers to our teacher's questions. Then, calmly, she told us that it is not ethical to do that. My classmate was sorry because he/she didn't know that it is not right. I have had many teachers throughout my 19 years of existence and I am very thankful to have them in my life even just for a while. They have all helped me to cross that subtle line between childhood and adulthood, though I do not really consider an "adult" already. Haha. I wanna enjoy my youth!
I don't have a television in my room so I was staying at my parents' room watching Nasaan Ka Elisa. Then my dad came in and changed the channel! I protested but he won. Haha. I was on their territory anyway. He watched this program of Bro. Eli Soriano in UNTV entitled "Itanong Mo Kay Soriano"(I'm not really sure though). There was a man, probably an atheist, who insists that we all came from apes. He claims that we have all evolved from apes. He said that evolution is already a fact. I salute Bro. Eli for having answered all of the questions supported by "proofs" that the man was presenting. It's really hard to prove that we all came from apes. Evolution versus creation was a debate way back from the past, and yet it is not yet resolved. Yes, evolution is a real thing. Evolution is really happening here on earth. I am a woman of science. I deal with a lot of science stuffs every term but still I believe in the Creation. As my CVE teacher has said before, we cannot explain everything. "Everything" is beyond our brain's capacity.
I just saw this on facebook.. no sources cited.. I don't own any of these.. credit goes to the nurse who wrote this..
"A Hug can save a life!" - Dr Jeff Mullan ....
Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubatorS.
... ... ...
Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.
Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.
She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw.
As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.
From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive...
-->uhhh.. this just proves that small things/acts really matter.. even a tap on the shoulder can change a life.. ♥
"A Hug can save a life!" - Dr Jeff Mullan ....
Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubatorS.
... ... ...
Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.
Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.
She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw.
As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.
From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive...
-->uhhh.. this just proves that small things/acts really matter.. even a tap on the shoulder can change a life.. ♥
Yesterday, I was reading Little Ida's Flowers, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It was all about flowers that come to life at night to dance at a ball. Hans mentioned a lot of kinds of flowers. He mentioned roses, tulips, blue violets, hyacinth, crocus, tiger lilies, bell flower, and purple hearts ease. I wrote the names down to google them and see what they look like. I am familiar with their names but I can't remember their beauty vividly. As I was browsing the image results for bell flowers, I remember the golden shower. Way back in elementary, there is a golden shower tree in front of our school. It is really beautiful, especially when it is in full bloom. I have always loved seeing it. It is pleasing to the eye, a natural eye-candy. I searched for an image of it and I found this.It is gorgeous, right? I think I can stare at it for days and not be bored. Haha. Okay, that's exaggeration. I just simply love this!
From Tuesday to Friday, I have woken up at 5am in the morning and slept at 10 to 11:30pm. Tiring week, yes. Fun week, yes! ChE week was a success. Tuesday night we started the preparation of the ChEmnival at the ETY lobby. I got home around 8:30pm. Wednesday morning, we finished all of the ChEmnival booths set-up. We had Piso-Loco, Say ChEese Photobooth, Angry Birds, Coke Ring Toss, Dexter's Don't Turn Me On, Pastries, Darts, and Hunting Season. We also had a Freedom Wall wherein you can write anything you want to write. There is also the ChEnnect exhibit that displays wonderful posters made by the participants.
1st day: Seminar, 1pm-5pm
2nd day: Amazing Race, 8am-12nn
3rd day: Quiz Show and Awarding, 8am-6pm
ChEmnival was open for three days. It was so much fun watching people play our prepared games. I was designated at Piso-Loco. The jackpot (2L of Royal/Sprite) was on the edge of the table.
(to be continued)
1st day: Seminar, 1pm-5pm
2nd day: Amazing Race, 8am-12nn
3rd day: Quiz Show and Awarding, 8am-6pm
ChEmnival was open for three days. It was so much fun watching people play our prepared games. I was designated at Piso-Loco. The jackpot (2L of Royal/Sprite) was on the edge of the table.
(to be continued)
We had an experiment about diode rectification. We used the oscilloscope in the second part of the experiment and it was really really confusing. First of all, we don't know how to operate it and second of all I really can't appreciate everything that we were doing. I was really looking back when I was still in my second year in college. I was still an ECE student back then. I even thought of shifting to EE so that I won't have much competition. Haha. I mean, there were thousands of ECE students in the Philippines right? So landing a great a job will not be easy if you have lots of competition, especially when they come from prominent schools. So back to my current agony, what would happen to me if I did shift to EE? Gosh! I really can't imagine myself doing all of those abstract stuffs dealing with anything related to electricity.
I really thank God for leading me towards the Chemical Engineering path. He really loves me. If He had not intervened, ugh! I don't want to talk about it. I just want this term to end. I never want to deal with multimeter, oscilloscope, circuit boards, and other electrical-related stuffs. I am really not for that field. Really.
I really thank God for leading me towards the Chemical Engineering path. He really loves me. If He had not intervened, ugh! I don't want to talk about it. I just want this term to end. I never want to deal with multimeter, oscilloscope, circuit boards, and other electrical-related stuffs. I am really not for that field. Really.
These are my dreams that occurred for two consecutive nights.
1st dream: I was on a hospital. There were many beds with patients so I guess I was on a public hospital. I was sitting on the side of a bed, but I don't know whose bed was it. Then there is this man staring at my direction but he was not directly looking at me. I don't know. He is tall with black hair. He is not ugly and scary, but he is creepy. =p
2nd dream: It is already dark when I got out from a building. It was raining heavily and people from the same building I came from were standing/waiting with me. Then a jeep came in and we they to rush onto it. I didn't know where it was heading but a barker was saying some place's name, then I rode the jeep. When I was about to sit, I realize that beside me was the same man from my last night's dream. But this he was with someone, a girl, his girlfriend may be. They were PDA-ing. He never looked at my direction anyway.
Okay. That's it. Weird right?
1st dream: I was on a hospital. There were many beds with patients so I guess I was on a public hospital. I was sitting on the side of a bed, but I don't know whose bed was it. Then there is this man staring at my direction but he was not directly looking at me. I don't know. He is tall with black hair. He is not ugly and scary, but he is creepy. =p
2nd dream: It is already dark when I got out from a building. It was raining heavily and people from the same building I came from were standing/waiting with me. Then a jeep came in and we they to rush onto it. I didn't know where it was heading but a barker was saying some place's name, then I rode the jeep. When I was about to sit, I realize that beside me was the same man from my last night's dream. But this he was with someone, a girl, his girlfriend may be. They were PDA-ing. He never looked at my direction anyway.
Okay. That's it. Weird right?
Me? Yes. Definitely. And today is one of those many times when I felt so much tired. Since I got home yesterday I've been working on the questions for the upcoming ChE Quiz Show. I have no classes on Thursdays so I am stuck here doing this forever. Ugh. It's really tiring and I swear I will never do this again. Haha. But I congratulate myself for having done it well. =p I still need to review for our exam in Heat and Mass transfer tomorrow! I also have a 7am class tomorrow. Great right?
fb status: "ang hirap pala mag-ayos ng questions for a quiz bee.. kala ko simple lang, hindi pala.. >,< long exam pa bukas.. heat and mass transfer! woosh! "Taken at the right spirit." another lesson in life.. kaya mo, kaya ko.. kahit pagod na, aja!"
fb status: "ang hirap pala mag-ayos ng questions for a quiz bee.. kala ko simple lang, hindi pala.. >,< long exam pa bukas.. heat and mass transfer! woosh! "Taken at the right spirit." another lesson in life.. kaya mo, kaya ko.. kahit pagod na, aja!"
Never overreact if he called your name to get your attention. How many names could he have uttered/called during the entire day? It is just a simple greeting. Period.
Never over-process any simple act of him, like when he looked at you. You see him walking with his friends 50 ft away from where you are standing. You watch him from behind and then he looks back! Oh! He was checking on you! Engk! No! Maybe he just looked back to say something to his friend behind him. You can never be sure where were his eyes fixated during that time. Remember, you are 50 ft away.
Never over-process any simple act of him, like when he looked at you. You see him walking with his friends 50 ft away from where you are standing. You watch him from behind and then he looks back! Oh! He was checking on you! Engk! No! Maybe he just looked back to say something to his friend behind him. You can never be sure where were his eyes fixated during that time. Remember, you are 50 ft away.
If your goal is purity of heart, be prepared to be thought very odd. - Elisabeth Elliot
On our way home one afternoon, Meg nonchalantly asked me, "Neory, wala ka bang crush ngayon?" I was a bit stunned by that question. Then out of nowhere I answered, "Wala eh. Busy ako." Then Jejomar's facial expression showed his extreme revolt to my answer. Even though he was not saying anything, his entire reaction speaks like, "What? Are you kidding me? Busy ako? Oh come on!" (uttered with the sarcasm tone that is very popular today). Then I asked Meg why she bothered to asked me that question. She told me that Xen asked her and then she can't give Xen any guy's name basically because I don't have a "crush" this term. Actually, I admire different guys at our school. I mean, I like ones hair, or ones eyes, or ones height, or ones complexion, or ones attitude, or ones achievement, but it wasn't like before. I don't know how to put it into writing but my real friends know how I behave and react when I have a "crush". Haha! It's just that over the summer, I have realized many things. How? Well, I have read these books: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. (Now, I am reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot.)
I actually find myself odd too, but I guess that's just a matter of perspective. Those three books really changed my view of relationships. If I would write everything that I have learned here (which I have decided to do/follow), I think I'll have a bunch of debates to engage in. I don't want that. As I have said, "I'm a busy person." Haha. So, if you have read this blog and you want to find out what I'm talking about, read those books. Trust me. It will all be worth your time.
On our way home one afternoon, Meg nonchalantly asked me, "Neory, wala ka bang crush ngayon?" I was a bit stunned by that question. Then out of nowhere I answered, "Wala eh. Busy ako." Then Jejomar's facial expression showed his extreme revolt to my answer. Even though he was not saying anything, his entire reaction speaks like, "What? Are you kidding me? Busy ako? Oh come on!" (uttered with the sarcasm tone that is very popular today). Then I asked Meg why she bothered to asked me that question. She told me that Xen asked her and then she can't give Xen any guy's name basically because I don't have a "crush" this term. Actually, I admire different guys at our school. I mean, I like ones hair, or ones eyes, or ones height, or ones complexion, or ones attitude, or ones achievement, but it wasn't like before. I don't know how to put it into writing but my real friends know how I behave and react when I have a "crush". Haha! It's just that over the summer, I have realized many things. How? Well, I have read these books: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. (Now, I am reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot.)
I actually find myself odd too, but I guess that's just a matter of perspective. Those three books really changed my view of relationships. If I would write everything that I have learned here (which I have decided to do/follow), I think I'll have a bunch of debates to engage in. I don't want that. As I have said, "I'm a busy person." Haha. So, if you have read this blog and you want to find out what I'm talking about, read those books. Trust me. It will all be worth your time.
I watched The Blind Side just recently and regretted that I did watch it just now. I should have watched it way too long ago. It is full of lessons. Many parts of the movie made me cry. It struck a chord in me. The movie helped my brain and my heart remember that I have always been blessed. I always have what I needed. It came to me that even though I do not have everything that I wanted, what I need has been provided and that is enough. I have my parents and my siblings with me, my relatives, my friends, my teachers, and our good neighbors. I have much clothes, shoes, bags, school supplies, and books. I have a bed, a room, an electric fan. I always have food to eat. I never got my stomach growl because of hunger. I never had to endure the cold of the night because I don't have a place to stay in. I never had to suffer under great emotional stress because of life problems. There are many blessings that we tend to overlook because of envy. I am guilty of that. Sometimes I feel that I have so little. I forget to look around and thank God for what He has given me. Sometimes I complain about things that are so mundane, not even realizing that I really do have a lot.
I really salute Big Mike in the movie. He has gone through a lot but he didn't have any grudge at anyone. He forgives and then forget. He just closes his eyes, leave the past behind him, and when he opens them again, he sees the beauty of a new day without any stains from the past. I am praying that I could be like him. I easily forgive, yes. But when it comes to forgetting, I am really not good at it.
I strongly suggest that you watch the movie. It may seem boring during the first few minutes of the movie, but trust me, it's definitely worth of your time.
I really salute Big Mike in the movie. He has gone through a lot but he didn't have any grudge at anyone. He forgives and then forget. He just closes his eyes, leave the past behind him, and when he opens them again, he sees the beauty of a new day without any stains from the past. I am praying that I could be like him. I easily forgive, yes. But when it comes to forgetting, I am really not good at it.
I strongly suggest that you watch the movie. It may seem boring during the first few minutes of the movie, but trust me, it's definitely worth of your time.