I'm feeling tired right now. Really. But I'll still write. I need to keep this updated everyday.

I woke up early. 6am. Then I prepared our breakfast, tacos! haha! Weird huh? I made with chiz whiz, san marino corned tuna, cabbage, tomato, and tostitos chunky salsa. Yummy! They all liked it! I've drank my daily dose of psyllium fiber after breakfast even if it is supposedly taken BEFORE breakfast. Then I exercised using our stationary bike and burned 350 calories. I bathe then I cooked our lunch! Haha! Chicken sauteed with garlic, onion, tomatoes, and honey, with carrots, cabbages, and tomato sauce. They it was quite bland but it was okay. Not bad!

I spent the afternoon fighting the scorching heat. Haha! No, I kept on preparing the things to be needed in my debut. There are still many things to be done. Sigh. And I still don't have a venue yet. My mom already contacted Paseo Premiere Hotel. Their lowest rate will be P120,000 for 100 guests. Gosh! Automatically, it was crossed out on my list of possible venues. The only ones left are El Cielito Inn and Laguna Belair Clubhouse. I'm hoping that there will be a venue on El Cielito Inn, because I don't want to do my party here in our clubhouse! It was poorly constructed. Where on earth can you see a function hall field with posts? Here on Laguna Belair 3! Gosh! I totally dislike the place.

Later in the afternoon, I taught Glen how to serve a shuttlecock. He got a little, but not so much. Haha! Then I exercised again. I rode the stationary bike and burned 200 calories. After that, I did 120 skips on jump rope. I skipped dinner because I ate pancake and rice with laing around 4pm.

I'm still fat. I want to be optimistic, but... I don't know. God please help me. I'm sorry for eating that choco-hazelnut pillows, cloud9, quake, and stik-o. I really love sweets. I'm hoping that soon I could control my cravings. I'm thinking of buying Ab Rocket to help in minimizing my belly, but I only have 84 pesos on hand! Haha! I really spent a lot this summer. =p
I woke up with the "shorty is a eenie meenie mo lova!" playing in my head. Gosh! That was a real LSS! I'm still hearing it even in my dreams! Haha! I tried to remember my dream but I can't recall it so much. All I remember is that we're in a camp, sort of a PBB house but it is an open one. I mean it's not just a house. It was like a convention of youth. I remember having Brett and Ate Anjela in my dream. I can't recall what else had happened.

After trying to recall what my dream was all about, I thought to myself, "I wish I had otto-san in my dream. I miss him. I haven't seen him in ten days or so." I can't tell who is otto-san here because this is a public blog. Haha! I don't want it to spread like wildfire. As if?? Haha! Okay. I'm just a freak.

After having my breakfast, I bathe right away because I will go with my parents to mandarin and to alabang to have my new glasses and to do some shopping. We were also planning to go to Paseo Premier Hotel to inquire for their rates for the diamond hall. Sadly, we forgot to go there and ask! haha! Now, I still don't have a venue for my debut!

When we were in Mandarin, in our store, I noticed that there are many people buying cigarettes. Then I remembered the scoop on Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho last night. The DOH said that they will be putting graphic images of the side effects of smoking. The images that they showed are really yucky. Eew! Well, I hope those images will lessen the 17.3 million Filipino smokers, including Senator Noy and Eduwawdo. I’m very thankful that there are no smokers in my family of orientation. Nanay and Tatay (my lolo and lola) used to smoke. Tatay died because of complication that resulted from his smoking. Nanay stopped smoking for health reasons. I was wondering, “Would other Filipino smokers do the same? They will just stop smoking when they are already aged and sick?” Oh come on! That’s nonsense! I’ve never really like smoking and I’ll never will. I have asthma and a very sensitive nose. Even if the smoker is far, I would still smell the smoke. I’m thinking, “Am I a dog?” Haha! Personally, I want the government to ban the manufacturing, selling, importing, exporting, and use of cigarette here in the Philippines. That may sound selfish, but I know the cost is lesser than the benefits.

After spending four hours of doing nothing, I’ve heard a lot of stories in our store. I’m not chismosa, it’s just that I happened to be staying in our store and there were many people coming and making “kwento” to my mom or my dad or my ninang. So there is this guy who is a graduate of Marine Engineering and is now 26 years old but doesn’t have a job yet. This is not to ridicule him or something. He’s just someone I don’t want to be. I want to graduate on time, and pass the CHE Licensure Exam, and land a good job, and help my family ASAP.

Then, we finally went to Festival mall. We went to Ideal Vision to buy my new glasses. They were having a promo, buy 1 take 1 (with free lenses) for only P1,200. Lucky girl! I picked two frames and I waited for my turn for my eyes to be checked. Bad luck came and I waited for thirty minutes. Sheesh! I hate it actually! While waiting, I tried my best not to walk out that Optical Shop so I tried to find some things to entertain me. I looked around, and I saw a jejemon! Haha! He’s wearing a jeje cap (the cap with rainbow lines that is always “nakapatong” on one’s head)! I wanted to sing “Jejemon! Jejemon!” out loud! Good thing I was able to contain myself. Finally, my turn came and the doctor got my grade. They told me to go back by 5pm to claim my glasses.

We ate at Greenwich. I ordered a Double Thin Crust Greenwich Special Overload. When the pizza arrived, my mom was like, “Ay! Ang liit naman!” Haha! When we have eaten 1 slice each, my dad noticed that there were only 3 slices left. (Because there were only six slices! Haha!) He then exclaimed, “Ay, tig-dadalawang slice lang tayo?” He sounds disappointed ‘coz he wants more, and I found it funny! Haha!

Then, I went to shop around. I bought a cool black jacket with neon print on People are People and a pair of jeans on Pazzo. After fitting a number of jeans, I realized that I should really lose weight! I’m so big. I mean, I’m fat. I know. Lord, please help me lose weight! Tomorrow will be the start of a new life! Promise! I’ll tell everything here. Everything.
I woke up around 7:30 in the morning. Nothing unusual. I ate my breakfast and surfed the net. Then, I exercised using our stationary bike and I burned 250 calories! whew! That was a lot! I'm trying to lose weight. (Well, technically, I have always tried to lose weight. Too bad, no results. I may lose some pounds but I'll gain it again.) I'm trying my best this time to lose weight because my debut is fast approaching! I need to lose some pounds. Even "some" pounds lost will be worth it.

After lunch, I scanned some of my baby photos for my AVP. Then, I searched for music to use during the event. Until now, I'm still preparing all the stuffs I will be needing. I'm also still in search of a venue! My goodness! I hope I'll find one soon.

While having my internet break time, Ate Gina came to me and told me that Glen put water into the can of his milk! As in into his whole can of milk! Good thing only the upper portion of the milk powder got wet. I was able to save the bottom part. Glen is really makulit, but I so love him!
Yesterday, I happened to search my name in Google and I found my first blog here in blogspot. I read it, and I kept smiling 'til I finished all the entries. I loved the feeling of reminiscing the past. When I was reading my blog entries, I think to myself, "I can't recall this but this sure is funny! Haha!". I can't remember the e-mail address that I used to create it so I can't update it anymore, that's why I decided to use this blog instead. This is my blog in Hum014. I don't know if it's okay to use this as my personal blog (aside from using it for my course), but I guess it's okay. Haha!

I want to blog again so that someday, I'll have something to read and to look back to.