I know a man who is very interesting. He is nice and kind. He's jolly and fun-loving. Whenever I talk to him, I am at ease and I find myself laughing inside. Haha. Weird. Though, we are really not that close. I admire him for being intelligent and I think, even though we seldom talk to each other, talking to him will be worthwhile. I mean, he knows a lot of things. He has many views of different happenings and aspects. I can't actually describe him well. Hmm. Let me think. Okay. I know the words. Witty and outgoing. Those are the two words that I personally think would suit him best and may be those are the reasons why many girls like him. One more thing, I felt that (whenever I talk to him) he cares for me. Not really care, care. I can't explain. It's just that, he's interested in my state of being. He checks on the small things that people don't bother to ask me. I think he's like that to everyone.
I wrote this when I was 17. Standards too high? Haha. Well, until now my standards haven't changed, though (as many people have protested) I know I can't choose who to love and who will love me. These are just guidelines. (Ansaveeh?) =p

no. 1 requirement: height, 5'10" or taller
no. 2 requirement: great/classy surname
no. 3 requirement: older than me
no. 4 requirement: owns a car
no. 5 requirement: non-smoker
no. 6 requirement: 100% male
no. 7 requirement: friend of my friends
no. 8 requirement: can sing for me
On the night of September 29, 2009, I found out that classes were suspended from September 30 to October 3. I was shocked about the news. I was like “Oh my gosh! Why oh why?” It meant a week-long suspension of classes, except that we had classes last Tuesday, Sept. 29. Then I talked to a lot of my friends in Facebook asking about the suspension of classes. I wasn’t watching the news so I needed to know the whole thing from my friends. They told me that classes in NCR and Region 4A were suspended because of the upcoming supertyphoon that would soon fall into the Philippines’ area of responsibility. I was a little upset with the “Breaking News” because that week-long suspension of classes would also mean week-long make-up of classes! My my! But I realized that I can’t do anything about it. I made up my mind that instead of getting upset with all those stuff, I should just think of the things that I could do to make this informal-term-break fruitful. Then, one of the professors at MCL commented on my status in facebook saying that classes were suspended to make give more time for the giving of relief goods to the victims of typhoon. Then Steve sent me a personal message saying that we should volunteer and help in repacking relief goods. I thought that it was a really great idea because many are complaining that they had nothing to do in their houses while classes are suspended. So I posted messages urging my friends to volunteer. I also posted the link to the listings of the drop-off points for relief goods. Many responded and I was glad to know that many of them really wanted to help. My MCL friends decided that they would go to our school the next day to volunteer, but I told them that I would be going to ATC (Red Cross Alabang) instead to volunteer because my high-school friends also invited me to go. The next day (September 30, 2009) I went to ATC. I went with my mom and my sister, Gien, but they have other business to do. So when we arrived there at around 11a.m., they went to do their business and I went to Red Cross Alabang. It is located on the farthest right of the front of ATC, along Zapote Road, fronting National Bookstore. There were many volunteers and among them were my friends. I was late. Haha. Our meeting time was 10a.m., but I arrived an hour late! =p People were sorting and packing clothes and packing foods. I went to the main table and gave my donation, a paper bag of old clothes. Then I joined my friends in sorting clothes. The donated clothes were sorted into 5 piles (female tops, female, bottoms, male tops, male bottoms, and kids) The piles were labelled as Female Upper, Female Lower, Male Upper and Male Lower. When we were sorting, Marc told me that earlier, when I still wasn’t around, he mistaken the word Upper for higher. He said Female Higher instead of Female Upper! Haha! Quite stupid ha? Well, it’s just normal. Haha!